Chapter 3

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I pull into the underground car park at my penthouse. When I took this job I was promised relocation help. I didn't expect to be put in an old colonial building that had been renovated to the highest standard. Let alone be granted a penthouse. This was also part of my motivation to switch my car. You see the parking of the building was full of extravagant cars. Even my BMW is out of place here. Not nearly as much as my Fiat was the first week.
In exchange for my relocation help I sacrifice a small amount of my salary; in exchange I get this incredible building. I'd assumed every Grad on the scheme must get this level of accommodation. Atlas is known for high pay and fancy life styles for employees. It makes a huge profit every year so I wasn't entirely surprised.

The elevator drops me off on the 22nd floor, my penthouse and one other is on this floor, although I've never met my neighbour yet. I open the door and walk over to the balcony. It's still raining but I love the sound of it on the matte tiles out there. I slide the doors open and just let it dampen the entrance to the balcony slightly. The floor is all marble apart from the bedrooms so my only concern is slipping. I walk over to the fridge and browse the content. I find nothing I fancy. I figure I'd go to the gym and grab something on the way home, maybe an Itsu?

I rush to the bedroom to switch into some gym clothes and grab my keys and purse. Shutting the balcony door on my way past and down to the car parking I go. I slide into my car and drive to the gym. After a short workout I'm beat. Normally I love the gym, it is my outlet especially on days like today. My mind twitches though, what if he'd come here? It's the nearest gym to the atlas accommodations and whilst I'm sure he probably has his own very grand place around here somewhere it worries me I might run into him here.  I grab my stuff and hurry back to my car. Grabbing an Itsu as I promised myself on my way home.
Once I'm home I dig out one of the manuscripts and start to read it. It's called the Boy who lived in the sea. I can't decide if I like it but it's mildly entertaining. I highlight and comment on areas needing amendment or deleting. I keep the pen lodged in my teeth while I read. Before I know it it's past midnight and im struggling to keep my eyes open.

That's until I hear a banging at my door. I panic and my heart begins to race. Who would dare to bang on someone's door at half 12? Moreover I know no one around here. I walk over to the door and peer through the peep hole.
I'm frozen. In both fear and nerves. The manuscript falls from my hands and clatters against the door. Shit.
"Grace I just heard you moving, or dropping something. Fuck I don't know. Can I come in please before your neighbours wake up"

It's him. Why would he come here? He's as good as my boss and that's completely inappropriate. I have a brief argument in my mind where I debate letting him in. Out of fear of my neighbours hating me i unlock the door and grant him access.

He's wet. Soaking wet. He has a huge suitcase trailing behind him and his eyes look bloodshot. He takes his coat off, a light rain coat, black as all his coats were. Underneath is the most dashing suit, again black, with a black shit and dress shoes on. Why's he here?
"Thanks for letting me in. Sorry about this. My flight just got in and the hotel booked me a room for the wrong day."
I'm angry. Why would he come here? How does he know where I live? I shake my head that was a stupid thought, he's my boss of course he knows where I live, he literally pays for my penthouse. I'm angry, I can feel the anger rising in me. I say nothing and walk to my bedroom. I assume he gets the message as he doesn't follow me. We know each other well enough to know if he did it doesn't end well.

I climb into bed. Not caring what he does out there. I stare at the roof for what feels too long, watching out the giant windows as Edinburghs night life calms into the early hours. At some point I fall asleep.

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