Chapter 4

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I awake with a jump as my annoying alarm goes off. I swipe at my iPhone begging for it to quite. I walk to the en-suite and glance at myself. I apparently slept in my gym outfit. I strip off and jump into the shower. The hot water is good. It soothes my nerves. A combination of second day at work nerves and also shit he's in my apartment, I think, nerves?
The water cuts and the power drops. There's no doubt about it. He's in the other shower. I stand here debating if this was a deliberate move by him. I chose to dismiss it as soon as I thought it though. Surely he wouldn't be that..aware?
I shut the shower off and climb out wrapping my self in my towel robe. I walk to the wardrobe and pick out my outfit for the day. A tight navy blue pencil dress. It comes just above my knee and has a nice V neck. It suits my curvy body. I curl my long blonde hair and put half of it up. I finish off getting ready, applying minimal makeup and brushing my teeth. I hold the door handle and take a deep breath. Having no knowledge of where today is going to take me.

Walking out to the main living space. I see two mugs, both steaming away. I walk over assuming coffee. I take a sip. I was right. He knows me well, a Oat milk latte just the way I liked it all those months ago. My heart aches, he was it for me, but I wasn't it for him I came to realise. Which makes me ponder even more why he's here. Is he using me again like last time?

I look around, he must be in the other bedroom, no sign of his suitcase or his clothes. The only indicator he's here is the coffee mug on the island and his coat and shoes in the entrance. I quietly pack the manuscripts and my lunch into my bag. Holding hope I can leave without seeing him. I walk to the hallway and put on my shoes on. I take a step. Damn those stupid heals they make a clack that echoes through the entire place.
"Are you really trying to avoid me that much"
I cringe at the fact he knows I was trying to escape like some walk of shame. I turn around to face him. He's there in his suit trousers, buttoning up his white shirt with black buttons. I can see his black tattoos pressed up against the white shirt. I wonder if he got anymore?
I shake my head, I shouldn't be thinking about this.
"Yes, I am. You already have the satisfaction of being my boss so you'll see me at work." I keep a steady even voice as best as I can. He's walking towards me. He's changed since the last time we were together. His dark hair is perfectly tidied with just a small strand falling to his forehead. He has a slight stubble. The most noticeable difference is him. He's toned, he's bulked out. He's beautiful with those piercing grey eyes and those perfectly straight teeth. My heart swells. I loved this man for far to long. Apparently even escaping to the other side of the globe can't stop my traitorous feelings.
"Grace, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened in Chicago. You were right to leave I know that now. I didn't plan on following you here. You asked for space and  i tried to give it. Dad asked me to transfer here. He promised me COO if I did."
He's lying. Why come to Scotland of all places.
"You could have said no. You were always going to be COO in Chicago, everyone knew that."
"How could I say no? I fell apart Grace. I needed to be at-least on the same continent as you. I know I messed up. I just needed a change too and to see you again."
"You didn't need change to the same country as me. Why did you come here last night?"
He looks at me and smiles he puts his hand around his neck and rubs it. He's nervous. I bet he lied.
" well it's true my hotel did book in for the wrong day. The realtor also doesn't have the key to my house yet. So I'm kind of a bit in between places."
He looks genuinely embarrassed about his situation. I roll my eyes. He has more money than god he could have gone anywhere but he shows up here.
"How do you like this penthouse?" His face is neutral but he's genuinely interested. I pause. Is this a calculated response? Does he want me to say no to offer something better, try and convince me to come back to him?
"I love it. It's a perfect location and it's designed so nicely to my style."
Shit. That's it isn't it. It is literally everything I ever spoke about. This penthouse wasn't part of the graduate accommodation. This penthouse was designed for me. My stomach churns. How was I so naive? I need to leave. I grab my keys and walk out the door, slamming it in my wake.
It doesn't take long to figure out which car in this car park is his. The brand new shiny Aston Martin. It's the only car I've not seen here before. My suspicion is confirmed when the lights blip and I see him walking towards it.
"Do you want to drive it?" He smirks at me. Jace is taunting me. He knows my love of fast cars. Surely I'd be mad to turn this down? Even if it's just once right? I'll get an Uber home tonight.
"I'll drive it for you; it's safer with me I'm use to driving on this side of the road now."
"There's my girl." He smirks and throws the keys at me. No this was mistake. I turn the key over in my palm questioning my choice "Sorry, I won't say that again." He gives me a nervous smile. "you're right you won't. But I am driving your car to work. You can take mine." I toss him my keys and he stares at me. "Absolutely not." He climbs in the passenger seat and rolls his eyes. I grumble but get in the car anyway. I start it up and it purrs. It's a dream. One I thought I'd never experience again. Me and him in yet again another beautiful car.

Who am I kidding this is a shambles. Why's he clouding my head already?

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