Chapter 72

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Jaces POV

After the digs at the Bugatti by Det Williams I am in half a mind to sell it and buy Grace a shitty ford focus so she can't be located easier. Who am I kidding she'd kill me. We jump into the Bentley and head out for breakfast. I decide we need somewhere we wouldn't usually go so I opt for IHOP. When I pull into the car park Grace looks at me confused.
"I just don't want any extra press or anything on us right now, rich people don't eat here so now we do." She laughs and smiles.
"Well I always loved IHOP in Chicago so I'm pleased with the choice." We jump out the car and I take her hand. We get seated in a booth by the entrance.
"What are you going to have?" I ask
"What did I always have in Chicago?"
"Mmm French toast with extra blue berries." She smiles at me, like she's the happiest person in the world being sat here with me. I stand up and go order at the counter. I return to the table and look at Grace.
"I ordered you a coffee..but now I'm questioning if you can even drink it?" I ask and she smiles.
"I can have a bit of it." I nod. This is going to take some adjustment.
"So I've been thinking about my assets." She looks up.
"Mmm?" I had intended to sign them to Grace, but this case could be rested years so it's better if I'm there.
"I was thinking of splitting them up."
"How so?"
"I'd restructure Atlas. I'd keep all the COOs employed but rename their jobs traditionally there is one CEO and one COO anyway. I'd retain my CEO position and disband the board. There's 5 of them, they have a 1% stake in atlas so I'll buy them out they were there more for political purposes."
"Who is going to be COO? You thinking Enzo?" I smile and shake my head.
"You." She lifts her head up and looks at me.
"You can't be serious."
"I'm deadly serious. It means that if I ever did go to jail and my assets frozen, you'd control the company. You could buy me out to release the assets if you needed too. I'd give you a 49% ownership of the company. If I get arrested and then transfer full ownership to you it doesn't look good. This is a good plan Grace."
"I'm not sure I'd be any good."
"Id obviously help you. I know you won't have as much money on your own but the wealth wouldn't change. Obviously everything would remain in the joint account. I trust you Grace. Let me do this." She nods, it's reluctant but she's agrees. Our food comes and we both tuck in. I finish before her and watch her pick at her blueberries. She's more perfect than she will ever know. I glance at my watch, it's half 9. Atlas isn't far from here but I'm very apprehensive about this appointment. We didn't do it last time, I wish we had. Maybe we'd have found out if it was a doomed pregnancy if we just went to the doctors.
"Grace we should get going."
"I don't want to." What? Is she serious.
"I'm scared nothing will be there." Me too baby me too. I choose to think it rather than say it though. I walk around to her side of the booth and wrap my arm around her.
"If there's nothing there then we will try again, and we will try until we have a baby." I kiss her forehead. Part of me thinks I'm lying, if we do that and I went to jail I'm a massive prick. I take her hand.
"Let's go. We need to do this." She nods and takes my hand. I open her door for her and wait while she buckles herself in.
"I mean it. It'll be okay. We can just get back on the horse." I wink and kiss her cheek. Shutting the door. I walk around to the drivers side. I probably shouldn't be driving I had next to no sleep last night, Grace probably faired no better. I drive the car to the clinic Grace mentioned. I hope it's private, I'm not about waiting rooms. I pull into the clinic parking lot and pay the machine. I go back to the car and find Grace stood waiting doing something on her phone. She's really nervous.
"Ready?" She nods and I wrap my arm around her. We walk to the entrance of the clinic and use the automatic screens to check in to our appointment. It flashes a room number up and we go and find it.
"You'll be fine." I whisper to her. She gives me a weak smile. God I wish you'd let me in sometimes Grace. We walk into the room. It's sterile, there's a bed and a lot of machines around. Trolleys stocked full of things.
"Do people have their babies here?" This gets a laugh from Grace, I wasn't trying to be funny.
"You can do, I'd be surprised if anyone gave birth in this room though." I nod. Interesting. She leans into me and I put my arm around her. My nerves are beginning to sink in. If she's I'm not going to think like that.

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