Chapter 27

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He pulls into a car park. I recognise it instantly, it's the aquarium from last week I look over at him and he grins. "I thought we could dine here for our first meal?"
"I'd love that." I smile and he gets out the car. His silk suit has a light embossed floral pattern, his black shirt tight to him with just a small white bow tie, the only indication of a wedding on him. Other than the new ring on his hand. He opens my door for me and holds out his hand. I take it and we walk to the entrance. A man dressed in a suit opens the door and I thank him, Jace leads me to the room with the tunnel, there's a table and chairs, with flowers and candles lining the table and the walk way. Jace pulls out a chair for me.
"Thank you...for everything."
He says nothing and sits opposite me. He raising his hand to his mouth and plays with his lip in his hand.
"You look...incredible, beautiful, sexy and hot so fucking hot."
"You like me in a lot of clothes huh?" I tease..
"I like you in clothes that signify you're mine." He smirks. A waiter brings over a plate of food. It looks amazing and I'd forgotten how hungry I was. A fabulous plate of pate and toasted bread with varying chutneys and pickles rest for garnishing. I tuck in, it's so good.
"This is amazing."
"I knew you'd like it."
"How did you do all this? You didn't know I'd say yes."
"I wasn't going to take no as an acceptable response Grace." I chuckle but I know he's being serious. He pours me a glass of champagne and himself one. He raises a glass.
"Then so be it, I'll go whenever you may go, no matter how dark a path." I laugh.
"Who do you think you are, the Mafia?" I joke he winks at me.
"We'll get to that part later. Do you have anything to add"
"The best thing to hold onto in life; is each other." I say in my best Audrey Hepburn. He smiles and nods.
With that our mains come, an excellent rack of lamb with beautiful greens as sides. Something doesn't seem right. I've felt like this since walking down the isle.
"What is it Jace?" I ask looking at him. He seems off guard with my question.
"I..I.." he rubs his lips and looks at me. I can see hes pained.
"It's our wedding day Jace, what is it!?"
"I'm sorry i forced you into this." My eyes widen at him, he thinks I felt like I had to do this?
"You didn't. I wanted to." He smiles and looks relieved but his frown comes back.
"What is it? Just tell me god damn it Jace."
"I wanted to wait till tomorrow, or till we were on honeymoon. Grace I had to marry you, I'm only here on a work Visa. They could have deported me any time. I couldn't have that over me. It was driving me insane. They could just take me away from you like that." I look at him furious. I stand up.
"You fucking rushed me into Marriage incase you got deported, from a work visa? In a company you're the fucking CEO of! Are you insane? Of course they won't deport you. You just married me to stay? You rushed a marriage for that? Not because you needed me or wanted me, or loved me!!" My eyes fill with tears and they ball out of me in a instance. I walk out of the tunnel sobbing my eyes out I can hear him running after me.
"Grace of course I love you, needed you, I needed to marry you because the thought of having to spend another second away from you killed me.You're blowing this out of proportion. Or more, the wrong way."
"You used me. You told me you couldn't not have me you said you couldn't wait to make me yours. But it was a fucking Lie Jace." I shout and my voice splits. This is to much, I'm going to be sick. I run outside into the car park and look around for something to lean on. I start walking towards the car. I trip on this stupidly beautiful long dress. I feel my head hit the ground. The world goes dark for a while and I am at peace.

The light keeps flashing around me, but I can't see, I can't see anything. Am I even here right now. Then I hear it. "She had an accident last week; she's on bed rest for concussion, is this why?"
"I suspect so sir, sometimes when a head has a trauma it's only response is to shut down when it happens again. We won't know the level of which until she gets scanned."
I try to call out to reach to say something. I'm here what's happening? I suddenly see nothing, and the peace that's sleep comes again.

This time I wake up. I open my eyes. The room is bright, light trails in through blinds. It's a beautiful room. I look around I've got huge IVs and wires on my chest. What the fuck? All I did was fall over. I sit up and loose my balance, falling back on the bed I reach up to my head and all I can feel is a bandages. I gasp. Not only from pain but from shock.
"Baby? Grace, HELP I NEED HELP" Jace slams his hand on the call button and his eyes lock onto mine and mine his. His eyes are black, lost and desperate. They're so pained, more pained than I've ever seen. He's in his nike joggers and a white v neck and black hoodie. The one he gave me. The room quickly fills with doctors and I feel like my heads going to explode.
"What day is it? What time is it? What happened?" A nice nurse comes to me and smiles.
"Hi Grace, I'm daisy. I've been looking after you the past few weeks." I stop and look at Jace, weeks? What how many weeks. What the fuck happened. Jace senses my confusion and takes my hand.
"I'm so sorry Grace, it's my fault." His voice is horse, like he's smoked 20 cigarettes each day. And then I realise, he has been. I squeeze his hand, he seems to need it more than me.
Daisy continues "well it's actually been six weeks now Grace. You fell, you hit your head on some tarmac. The injury itself wasn't so bad but pained with the trauma of the accident the week prior your body shut down. It happens, it was trying to give you time to heal. And I think it did just that."
"They said they didn't know if you'd wake up again grace." I look at him with wide eyes. Daisy nods in agreement.
"Sometimes that happens, you kind of get locked in syndrome. That's not happened though. You're all perfectly healthy." She sucks a breath in she's clearly said to much, I look over at Jace and he gives me a weary smile and nods. "Thanks Daisy."
"I'll give you two some time. You're fit and healthy generally grace, your head is a minor wound which we can probably remove the bandage for now so I'll expect discharge to be pretty quickly, if that's what you guys want." I nod and look at Jace. "Yeah maybe" he says in his horse voice. He sits on the edge of the bed and takes my hand in his. Daisy leaves the room and his eyes find mine. Before he can say anything I say "you stink. You think I'm sleeping beauty for 5 minutes and you decide to become a chimney?" He shrugs not seeing the humour in my voice. "I'm sorry, it's the only thing getting me though these weeks. I'm so sorry Grace for everything." I squeeze his hand. "I love you, despite everything." I smile and his eyes light up for the first time since I've woken. He climbs into the bed and brings me to his chest. I have lost a lot of weight being in here. He leans in to me.
"I love you, Grace, there's something you need to know." I raise my brow.
"Jace is now really the time, if you're going to break my heart can you do it when I'm feeling better?" His eyes flash across mine, he pulls me in tighter. "I will never break your heart baby, I promise." He rubs his hands across mine led on my tummy. He's eyes linger there too long and I look at him.
"What is it Jace? What did they find?" My mind is spinning, fear is absorbing me. He brings my chin up and he kisses my lips gently.
"Grace...I'm so sorry, I know it's terrible and it's only going to get worse. When we had our health check the day before the wedding; your bloods did come back anaemic, but also in iron deficiency." I nod, I assume this is why I'm hooked to an IV.
"I see"
"No grace, you don't see." His eyes look at me in a somber way. "Remember our two times? And the morning after pill. Well you never took it. I was so fucking stupid and forgot to tell them. Then last week your bloods came back. You're pregnant Grace, well we are pregnant." My eyes go wide and I'm filled with joy, which is short lived when Jaces eyes fill with tears seeing me so happy and he shakes his head at me. "What's so bad about being pregnant?" He looks at me his eyes so dark.
"You're never going to carry this baby to term Grace, they've scanned you every few days, they're growing well for now. But your body isn't making enough iron and your failing. You will miscarry this child again Baby, I'm so sorry"

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