Chapter 94

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I feel really shit for how things went down with Jace. Part of me wants to drive after him and find him but I think we probably both need our space today. I glance at the time and I still have 40 minutes before I'm supposed to meet Linc and Lily. I decide to gather myself and go grab some lunch. I use to enjoy eating on my own in Edinburgh. I walk into the mall and find a diner that looks pretty empty I order a salad bowl and a lemonade and sit at a table near the counter. I pull my phone out and decide to text Jace.

'I'm so sorry for how I behaved. Thank you for helping with the cops. I love you I'll be careful x'

I decide that's probably enough in there. I do want to speak to Jace but right now isn't the time given what happened yesterday. I love him too much for both our good and I need us to be okay. I'm relieved when I see his name flash up

'Sorry you resent me. We will talk later - if I'm sober, wouldn't want any false expectations set.'

My relief is quickly washed away by anger at his sarcastic message. I finish my salad and decide to start shopping around for a dress for tonight. My weight hasn't changed at all, I use to be curvy but after all the disasters the last 6 months I'm quite thin now. I'm not sure Jace loves it and I certainly don't but I'm sure carrying a baby will fix that. It's nice to be in some normal shops for a change although I question if these are the sort of clothes I should wear now. I Google nearby designer shops and decide to suggest we go there after. I notice a few men in black suits around the shopping centre. I immediately notice one of their faces and roll my eyes and text Jace.

'Are you really having me followed?'

It takes only seconds for his reply


I look around and count nearly 6 of them around at varying places of the mall.

'Pleased to see I'm worth 6 of your men's time, it's a shame I'm clearly not worth yours.'

I hit send maybe he'll see I don't care for them. I walk over to one who I recognise to be Elijah.
"Hello Elijah."
"Mrs Atlas."
"What's his orders then Elijah?"
"Just to keep an eye on you to make sure you're safe."
"Not that im behaving?"
"No. Just to ensure your ultimate safety."
"Where is he?"
"He's working at TSC." I nod.
"Thank you. Do any of you want a drink or anything?"
"No thank you Mrs Atlas."
"Let me know if you do." He smiles and nods at me. I walk through the centre and smile when I see Linc and Lily
"Hey Grace!"
"Hey guys how have you been?"
"Great thanks, how are you? No Jace?"
"No he's working unfortunately. But im super excited to take you to his club tonight! It's really nice."
"Us too we can't wait!"
"I hope you don't mind but I had a browse of the stores here and I can't really find anything I want. Is there anywhere you guys want to look?"
"I'd love to have a peak at H&M!" Lily says and I smile
"Yeah sure! I could do with some casual clothes!" We walk over to H&M and I check my phone. Im surprised to see a text from Jace I thought he'd ignore my message.

'You know that isn't true Grace.'

I get whiplash from his back and forth. I know he loves me and I know I've been a dick the last few days. Sometimes I wish he'd just shout at me and tell me everything he's thinking. I decide not to bother replying I'm sure he's getting a play by play from Elijah. I walk into H&M with Lily and Linc and we browse the clothes for what feels like ages although I do pick a lot out for myself that's more me than Ivy. We head to the checkout and I pay for Lilys stuff with mine she only has a few items I have about 20 I walk to Elijah with my bags.
"Can you put these in a car for me?"
"Of course. Anything else?"
"No are you sure none of you want anything yet?"
He smiles and shakes his head
"We are fine don't worry. I'll run and put these in a Range Rover and ensure they're in your hotel room on your return."
"Thank you Elijah, we are going to leave the mall and go to bergdorf okay?" He nods.

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