Chapter 42

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Graces POV

Lisa is chatty, she's nice. She's asked me to put a gown on and sit on he examinations table. She's really nice. "So Grace, I'm not entirely sure why you guys are here but Jace hinted you both probably need some rest and recoup. How can I help today?" I nod. I'm not sure what Jace wants me to say? "Um well." I hear a knock at the door. "Lisa?" It's Jace. My face floods with relief and she sees it too. "Do you want him here?" I nod "please" "Come in Jace." He steps in , he's wearing a similar gown as me, I see his leg it's purple and so bruised.
"Jace your leg." gasps Lisa. "Yeah Geoffs going to sort me out shortly." He turns to me. "How are you baby?" PDA like that is never good. He's obviously been given bad news and expects me to hear the same. I nod.
"I was just asking Grace to go over her symptoms." Jace nods and sits on the chair next to the table. "Go on, you can tell them everything you want." I nod. I guess he doesn't care, he knows I won't mention his act. "Um so, I was shot? Like a few days ago, maybe a week?" It occurs to me I have no idea when I was shot, what day it is or anything. Lisa is raising a brow. "Right; where?" "My flank." I lift up my gown to show her; it's a lot more purple and bruised and the wound doesn't look good at all. Jace stares at it and makes eye contact with me. He had no idea it had gotten that bad either. Lisa walks over to me and grabs some gloves. "Grace can you lie back for me?" I nod and lie back, she beds the examination light around to see my flank. Jace takes my hand. "I'd been on IV antibiotics for..." I don't know "3 days." Jace pipes up. "Today is her first day without." "And your neck?" She looks briefly at Jace I laugh "no no it wasn' wasn't him I promise. Umm..someone was trying to. Well I guess they were trying to rape me? Jace stopped them that's how I got the cut on my cheek." Lisa raises an eyebrow again. "I'm going to call Geoff, is that okay with you both?" We nod.

Geoff walks into the room cheerfully. "I knew you were gonna call, I was waiting." He chirps. "You realise how bad these injuries are don't you?" Lisa asks Geoff then looks at us. "I'm amazed you aren't dead Grace." Geoff pipes up "she's not, because Jace hooked himself up to a purifier and acted as a live donor." He grins at Jace who returns the cheeky smile. Lisa holds her hand up. "Grace I'm sorry you're going to need surgery as a minimum. You're going to have to go on dialysis to clean the blood you have properly. I'd also like to start you on antibiotics, like now, you too Jace.  I'll ask plastics to come look at your face and neck but they seem pretty superficial." Jace and I nod along with her. I get the feeling Jace knew this which is why he's came to sit with me. He knows I'll be panicking.

Lisa looks at us both "Jace, you can take her upstairs. I'll be up with Geoff and some nurses to get you both situated comfortably. Is there anything else?" I glare at Jace. I want him to atleast ask them about testing me to see if I can conceive and carry. He knows this. "Can you test her?" Lisa looks confused "see if she can carry a baby to term?" Lisa looks at me now. "Are you pregnant Grace?" I shake my head.. "I don't think so?" "Is there any chance you could be." I look at Jace whose eyes are on the floor. "I guess there's a chance, we have unprotected sex. But.. I miss carried about, a month ago maybe?" Lisa nods "we will run some blood work and do some tests. We will find out either way for you both." Lisa's smile is comforting. Despite the rest of the bad information I smile. I jump off the table. "Can you wait out there a sec please?" Jace asks. I nod and close the door behind me. I go to sit on the table to the side of the door. I can vaguely hear them talking. Jace pops out the door quickly. "Let's go!" He grabs my hand and leads me to the lift with our clear bags of clothes in our hands. The elevator dings and Jace presses the "Atlas Suite" I look up at him. "I'm not sure I'd have needed directions. He smiles and laughs.

"You never said you sponsored a hospital?" Jace shrugs. "Geoff, I've know him since I was little. The hospital was struggling but he did great things. So we privatised it. It makes huge profits now. It's really successful. It makes me good money, and I put a lot into investing into new treatments." I nod "That's amazing." The elevator dings and we walk into possibly the grandest set of hospital rooms there is. Jace pulls me to the 'Jace' labelled room. Inside is a big desk. A huge bed, clearly a surgical bed but it's dressed nicely. A huge bathroom and bath all covered by distorted glass. I walk in and glance around. You'd never know it was a hospital. Jace climbs into bed and lays down, he lets out a big sigh. I climb in next to him. "I think you really needed this didn't you?" He nods "yeah I don't feel that great to be honest." "Your leg?" He nods.

Lisa and Geoff walked in followed by two nurses. "Hi guys, sorry we can't let you settle in more. Jace I'm going to hook your IV up now. I'm a bit worried about you spiking a fever." "I think I've already beaten you to that" Jace jokes. Geoff nods and walks over to Jace. I turn to Lisa. "Grace we are going to take you both to surgery soon, I can either put your cannula in now, or when you need put to sleep, I can begin pushing some pain relief and fluids for you now if you want it. Jace turns around "do it now." He tells Lisa, I look at Jace, I'm worried, I know it'll hurt and he nods "it's for the best." Jace is now hooked up to his antibiotics via his cannula, it looks different to the one Lisa is holding. Jace slides over to me carefully. He takes my hand "do it now Lisa" I nod. "We can give you some gas while I do it?" I nod "that would be amazing." Jace laughs and whispers into my ear "And you worried about me getting high?" He smiles. He holds my spare hand in his and holds the gas and air for me. I suck in deeply. Wow I feel great, like the cloud, ouch hand, I such deeper again, and again and the pain is going again, I suck again to make sure it doesn't come back. "Grace I'm going to just take some blood off for testing okay." I nod and Jace laughs. I suck in again and again. "All done, Grace" Lisa is laughing. "What?!" They're all looking at me. Lisa laughs and shakes her head "nothing you did great, I'll take that from you now. I need you with a clear head." She smiles. They both leave just the nurses with us. They work together to do Jaces pre op assessment. I sit watching as he is asked to do various things, various questions. I admire his beauty. He catches me staring and squeezes my hand.

It's my turn then. They do the same checks I watched with Jace and they float out before saying "We have to submit these to the team for review. Once they review a porter will come get you both." We both nod. Jace rolls to his side and looks at me. "Okay?" I nod. I have no words. My head is buzzing I'm so scared. For Jace, for me. It's probably a good job he's going in the same time or I'd be a real mess. "Grace it's all going to be fine. It's all really simple stuff." I raise a brow. "Yeah removing a bullet from your leg..simple." I know he hadn't thought about the fact he could loose it. He shakes his head. "It'll be fine baby. Come here." I shuffle over to him and he pulls me in tighter than normal. "I love you so much. Thank you." He whispers into my hair. "For what?" "Staying" he squeezes.

It feels like no time has passed when Geoff and Lisa walk in with some porters. "Ready?" Jace nods. I smile. I climb out the bed and grab the IV walker. Jace does the same and smiles at me. He takes my hand and we follow Lisa and Geoff. I hear Geoff joking with Jace. "Jace I'm not allowed to be your surgeon. So either Lisa can and I can operate on Grace, or I'll get Mike and sit out." Jace glances at me and I nod. "I'll take Lisa." Geoff comes over to me and takes my IV walker. "You got lucky, I'm better anyway." Lisa laughs. "Jace we are in this theatre ok?" He nods. "I'll be there in a second." "Grace we are in the next room down on the left. I'll wait for you just inside the door." I nod and Lisa and Geoff walk away. Jace pulls me in for a huge bear hug and the tears I'd been fighting roll down my face. "Do you want me to come in with you? I'll walk you." "No no it's okay." "I insist." He pulls my chin up and kisses my lips. He takes my free hand and walks me too the theatre. Geoff is standing where he promised. "I'll wait? I'll stay with you." Geoff smiles. "That's totally fine Grace if that's what you want. It'll only be a few minutes from now." I nod and laugh "I'm such a child." Jace smiles Geoff opens the door to theatre, the team all introduce themselves. "I'm going to scrub in. Andy is the man whose going to be putting you under." I nod. Jace helps me onto the bed. It's a weird gurney; like you see on death row. Jace kisses my forehead as Andy puts a milky solution into my IV. "I love you." Jace whispers and I smile and start to say it back. Everything is dark. I'm asleep.

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