Chapter 56

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The last few days have gone quickly. Today is Christmas. I've been so excited. It's mine and Jaces first Christmas just the two of us. Whilst I'm sad it is just the two of us I'm really happy we are here. I wake up excited, im sure I've done well with Jaces Christmas present, all be it, he paid for it indirectly but still. I roll over and he's wide awake staring at the ceiling. He sees me awake and pulls me into him.
"Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas." I return and kiss him on the lips. I jump out of bed and run to the front pocket of the bag and run back to bed enthusiastically. Jace raises an eyebrow.
"What's that?"
"Your Christmas present." I grin.
"So, technically you paid for it, but I don't earn enough to cover it, I paid for like 60%."
"You don't ever have to spend your wages on me baby."
"I wanted to." I pass him the envelope. He raises a brow and chuckles he opens it and pulls out a single sheet of A4 paper. He laughs and smiles.
"Thank you, are you scared of our pilot by chance?" I laugh and shake my head.
"I just thought it would be a good gift for you seen as you can do basically everything else, why not get a pilots license." He laughs and pulls me in and kisses the top of my head.
"I love it, it's a good gift." I feel giddy at smashing it.
"Now it's my turn." He says. He leans off the bed and passes me a brown envelope.
"That's this?" He grins.
"Open it." I tug open the envelope, inside is a bound paper folder. I pull it out and it's a Columbia folder. I open the first page and read the print.
"Dear Mrs Atlas,

We are so pleased to welcome you to the spring graduate programme at Columbia on our English and Economy major. We look forward to welcoming you at orientation.

Best Wishes,

Lee C. Bollinger
Ivy League President"

"Oh my god Jace. How did you even?" His face is beaming almost as much as I am inside.
"You were so stressed about not getting in for this year. I knew your transcript was really good so I thought I'd just send your application in. I will confess I made some's why you're doing English and Econ but I also thought it would suit Atlas so we can fund it through work."
"Thank you so much. You really didn't have to do that."
"I wanted to."
"We're really doing this aren't we?" He looks at me confused.
"Everything. Like everything."
"If this is everything to you then I guess so." He rolls over and laughs. He stands up and walks over to the kitchen and makes us both a coffee. I pad over to the kitchen and take a seat at the table. He places the coffee behind me and bends down wrapping his arms around my head.
"I have one other thing." I turn to face him.
"What?" He grins a cheeky teasing smile.
"You're going to have to wait and see, now to get dressed." I look at him puzzled and do as I am told. As it's Christmas I make a slight effort and curl my hair. I put eyeliner on and some mascara. I slide into a black skater dress and pull on some skin colour tights. I walk into the lounge. Jace has also made an effort for today. He still sports his usual skinny jeans but he's got a white shirt on with black buttons. I've came to learn this is also his signature shirt.
"Ready?" I nod. I have no idea where we will be going to on Christmas Day. When we step outside the door the man who delivered us to the room is outside. We climb onto the snow buggy and begin our trip to..I assume the hotel?

My assumption was correct. We jump off and Jace leads me to the car, it's still beautiful it's already been defrosted and the seats are warm when I slide into the car. Jace puts the car in drive and we exit the car park.
"You're really not telling me where we are going?"
"Canmore." Canmore? I've never heard of it but Jace clearly knows where it is seen as he hasn't put the satnav on.
"And what is there?" He makes the zip and key motion and I roll my eyes.
"How long then?"
"About an hour and a half." I lean back in the seat. I guess I might as well get comfortable. Jace puts his usual hand on my thigh and squeezes.
"I thought we'd fly to New York tomorrow?" He asks although I'm not sure it's a question.
"Ok sure, you've already arranged it haven't you?" He rolls his eyes and smiles
"I might have." I glance over at him. His hair is still long but he's slicked it back. His tight fitted shirt shows his tattoos and his wedding ring reflects a vain of sunlight. He's so tall and muscular I don't think I'll ever get tired at looking at him. He's biting his lip and I don't think he has any idea what that does to me.

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