Chapter 71

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Graces POV at the same time as Jaces.

My taxi drops me off at home and im relieved to see Charles sat on the step to our home.
"Im so glad to see you." I smile and unlock the door.
"Hi Grace, you okay?" I shake my head and feel the tears well. He pulls me into a hug. He smells similar to Jace and it's a bit comforting I'll be honest. I step back and give him a smile. I shut the door and walk to Jaces private office. I put the code in and open the door.
"Im not sure Jace knows you know about this room."
"Neither do us but us women have our ways." I smile. He sits on one of the leather chairs and I pour him a whiskey.
"So I need you to tell me everything you know Grace?" I bite my lip and nod.
"I think Chris, the guy that was there that night, who I think actually killed two of them is the witness. There was no one else and they know about why I think."
"Other than a witness what else do they have?"
"They said they have Jaces Glock but im sure that was in our house still so someone has to have got it from here. They also have a bullet which has my blood on it and one of the guys that was shot."
"Why your blood?"
"He was slitting my throat. Jace only had one shot and the bullet grazed me." Charles stands up and walks to where I am stood he grazes his finger over my cheek where the scar is.
"That's how you go this?" I nod. If Charles wasn't Jaces friend I'd find it really inappropriate but I'm she's he's just trying to be nice."
"So they have a bullet, a gun and a witness but no bodies?" I shake my head.
"Chris and Jace threw them into the sea where there were sharks pooling. I saw it myself."
"Do you think Chris is being blackmailed?" I nod.
"Chris saved us twice, he stopped them tracking our locations I don't believe he'd do this."
"You're certain he's the witness."
"No but he's the only one who saw so unless someone is lying?"
"Possibly. Let me call Pete." Pete is the crime commissioner. He grabs his phone out and dials the number.
"Pete sorry to call at this time, I've got a situation. Mmm yeah. I think Jace is being framed for a crime I know he didn't commit. Yeah exactly. I'm not sure I'm with his wife I'll ask her.
"Whose the lead detective on the case?"
"I think he said his name was Detective Williams or something."
"Williams? Oh good well that's a relief. Yeah. Shit that's not good. Can you do anything? Yeah. Yeah. He's going to arrange one any recommendations? Really that's interesting okay sure I'll let him know. Thanks sir. Will keep you in the loop." I look at Charles hopefully.

"He's going to make some calls. He thinks Jace will be okay. He knew they were trying to build a case apparently Williams is rogue though, he's not known for following process and a lot of his cases in New York get dismissed.Grace Pete made it very clear though Williams likes transferring cases to states with the death penalty. It's not legal but he makes it happen some how."
"What? What do you mean?"
"I mean he's going to try provoke Jace, if Jace reacts and is deemed as violent it builds the case."
"I told him to behave and he said he would."
"Let's hope Williams doesn't get to him. Pete's going to talk to them see what they have. He's going to try get the charges dropped." I nod.
"I should call Jaces attorney, and find him a lawyer."
"Grace go lie down go sleep go do something for you. I'll sort it. Jace literally pays me millions to help like this." I smile at him. I had him so wrong. He pulls me into another hug and I sob.
"Do you think, honestly, it'll be okay?"
"I wouldn't want to say. If he stays in New York yes absolutely. Williams is rogue so I'd be concerned about that. Go lie down. I'll wake you if I hear anything." I nod and leave the room. I hope we can trust Charles.

I go into the living room and pull a blanket over myself. I'm led there for a few minutes and I think about the gun. I'm sure it's in his safe. I run up to our bedroom and peer behind Jaces suits. The safe is open. Why would Jace leave the safe open? He wouldnt.
"Charles!!" I shout.
"Grace? Everything okay?" He replies I can hear him running up the stairs.
"I'm in here." He walks in and looks around.
"His safe his open. He'd never leave it open. The gun was in this safe."
"You're absolutely sure?" I nod.
"I'm certain. The safe had some of my Jewellery in it to, a few stacks of cash. It's all gone." He nods.
"So someone's been in here?" I nod suddenly feeling incredibly unsafe.
"What do we do?"
"I mean it supports what I said about Jace being framed, even if we know that's not true."
"Does Pete know? Like the truth."
"Grace the way our society works is that it doesn't matter what the truth is. If Pete gets Jace out Jace will owe a debt. It's a cycle and it works. Things with Jace and I are a bit different, he's my old friend so I'll help as much as I can. He knew what he was getting into. I'm going to call Pete. I'm nearly done arranging an attorney, I make it clear here Grace they'll be good." I nod and Charles leaves me alone. I walk back down stairs and curl up on the sofa. I can't help but worry about if Jace is behaving himself.

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