Chapter 80

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When I wake up the sun is beaming through the window. Jace isn't in the bed anymore, he's sat with his laptop on his knee on the sofa.
"Morning." I say
"Afternoon more like." Jace says and smiles.
"What? What do you mean?"
"It's like half 1, you missed breakfast and lunch, I can go grab you something if you're hungry though?" I shake my head.
"I'm okay for now." Jace raises his brows and looks at me.
"I will eat I'm just not hungry, do you have any water?" He walks to his rucksack and grabs a bottle of water out of it. He comes and sits on the bed handing me it. I take a sip and immediately feel sick. I look for a paper bucket but can't find one.
"I'm going to be sick." He stands up quickly and looks around. He finds a paper bowl and passes it to me. I wait to be sick but it doesn't come. I take another sip of water.
"This morning sickness thing is not great."
"I think it's a good thing." He's right it is a good sign. Suddenly my stomach churns and I'm sick. I knew I would be it was just when. I have nothing in my system so it's really hurting. When I feel the need pass I lie back down. I press the button on the bed to sit me up slightly. Not to much though as my tummy still hurts.
"Are you going to make me stay here for the next few days?" Jace looks at me confused.
"You don't think that's for the best?"
"Im asking you?" He bites his lip.
"I think you should stay, I want you to." I nod that's all he had to say.
"What are you doing over there?" I nod to his laptop.
"Working, it's financial year end for Atlas in a month and I need to see our position."
"What about TSC?"
"TSC made a lot of money since I bought it. Im not worried about it. Since I said I was the owner the share prices rocketed. Oil is also getting cheaper but demand betting higher so we will be turning alot of profit this year." I nod like I understand.

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