Chapter 31

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We quickly arrive at Edinburgh airport and drive onto the private tarmacs. I can see a large black jet parked on the runway with the door open. "Is that for us?" I ask Jace and he nods. "It's the only one I can access right now. I had hoped to use something more..discrete." The plane is beautiful it's black with gold accents. A giant A covers the rear tale. Jace steps out and hands a large man his keys to his Porsche. He opens the door for me and lets me out. I thank him. Before I know it the man has sped off in our Porsche and Jace is pushing me onto the aircraft.

The door shuts as soon as Jace and I board. There are two petite ladies and four large men on board. They're security, they are wired up I can tell. Jace walks me to the back of the plane to a small well decorated bedroom. There are two seats and a bed. He motions to sit on the seat. I sit he leans over and clicks my belt. Given the keys seatbelts are fancier than coach, but I'd probably have been alright doing it my self. The intercom turns on "Jace we are heading for the runway." I relax into my chair for takeoff. I hate takeoff but no one would know. I just sit there still while the plane wooshes through the air.

We've been silent so far. I'd say we levelled off about 30 minutes ago now. Jace hasn't uttered a word he just keeps looking at me and rubbing his head. "Tell me." I press him and his eyes dart to my face. "I used her. I took her virginity, I promised her an internship at Atlas. When she came down for her first day of work I mocked her, told her she'd never work for a publishing house like Atlas, I caused a scene, told her I never loved her and it was all a game. The hunt, the catch and the kill. I never thought it would be literal."
"Jace you used that poor girl" he nods. "I know. I felt awful. I sent them money to apologies, they threw it in my face; I even offered to pay for her funeral when she killed herself." Jaces eyes meet mine. I'm disgusted in him. He sees that and stands up and neels in front of me, begging for his forgiveness. I shake my head "Jace, it doesn't changed anything. But you have to know you're responsible for this." He nods his head.

"Now back to us. What is your plan here?" He looks at me and at the floor. I'm going to hate this answer. "We have to go back to Chicago Grace. Everyone I need is there." "Everyone you need?" He nods and looks me in the eye. "You always hated my friends." I nod. "They protect our own you see. When you're as wealthy as I was growing up, you mutually gravitate toward one another, our parents pushing and pulling strings." I nod I don't pretend to understand his world. "Rich business is corrupt Grace. They lift their mates and pull down their enemies."
"Right. So why do we have to go back there?" He stands and grabs my hand pulling me off the chair to the bed. It's a weird sensation flying but laying on a bed.

"Grace if I thought selling Atlas would be enough to keep you safe I absolutely would, in a heart beat. It won't though. So I need the circle to close our gap for a bit. I can't watch both our backs all the time, neither can security. In Chicago we are safe." I nod fighting back the tears. What a fucked up situation. "You understand what I'm going to have to do Grace don't you?" I shake my head. No? Just let time pass I've assumed. He pulls his hands into mine. And he looks down at them "I have to end it. I have to remove him from our lives." I don't meet his face. "You mean you're going to kill him?" I don't need to look at his face to know the answer, the fuck under his breath is enough for me. I roll over and fall asleep. It's a sleep that comes because I'm so worried.

I jump awake and the sound of a gunshot. Jace jumps with me looking at me with concern "Grace? What's wrong?" I shake my head and lie down. "I thought I heard...never mind." He pulls me in. " I know I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." "Jace, I think there is one other option. I need you to be open minded though." "No, absolutely not Grace." "Jace, I think I can take it." He looks at me full of concern and lifts my chin to his face. "Regardless of if you can take it, no women should ever have to suffer at the hands of multiple men. Endure that pain. They won't just rape you Grace, you know that? You'll be scared for life." I shake my head.
"You don't know that. They had a sister they could be honourable." Jace moved his body into me and pins me down.

"Grace if you so much as go looking for Charles to offer the suggestion, I'll...kidnap you myself." A laugh escapes me. "I'm being serious Grace, you don't know what that would do to me if they did that, to you. It wouldn't be one man on my hit list for sure."
"I'm sorry." He leans in and hugs me tightly. "No I am, things were so good, so normal, ish then this happens!" I put my hand on his cheek.
"You know, I'm just an ordinary poor girl right? I went to normal school, got a job, got in college in America, I met opened my eyes to so many things, both good and bad I'll be honest. You showed me love Jace, but you also showed me pain. Now I'm here, slightly more fucked up than before, but madly in love with you. I want to get back to our life. Please can we just do that?" He pulls me to his chest. "Yes baby, I promise, I want us to do such amazing things. Have amazing things. Have our children." He paused before saying that he was treading carefully. I lie onto his chest and I fall back asleep. I feel safe wrapped up in him.
I feel Jace pick me up and strap me into my chair for takeoff and landing. I'm tired so I don't try to help and stay as sleep for most of the landing. I wake up to his eyes intensely on me.
"Hi" I peep. He smiles "Hey" he walks over to be and unclips my belt. Are you ready? I shake my head. He smiles. "I know baby I know." He takes my hand and pulls me down the plane. Outside the plane is 4 cars two giant BMW SUVs sit at the front, the middle is a grey range rover, the back is a black Mercedes. Jace guides me to the Range Rover he opens the door for me and shuts it, he walks over to a group of men huddled by the cars. They nod and look stern, I'm not sure if these guys are hired help or friends? Jace quickly hops next to me into the drivers seat. "That's my dads security team up there. They're going to follow us Grace, keep us safe." I nod and motion to behind. Jace smiles "that's Carter, he's my oldest friend, and he's very good in these situations." I raise a brow. "This happens a lot?" Jace flashes a toothy grin, showing his perfectly white teeth. "When you're rich and in love your..vulnerable. So..yes." He smirks, planting a kiss on my cheek and pulling out his cigarettes placing them on the centre console. We pull away fast, Carter quickly overtakes us and shows us the way. The two BMWs follow us closely.

Carter takes us down roads I've never even seen in Chicago. Carter brings us to a dock full of huge ships. There's a black one that matches the plane and I can only assume that's ours. It's huge, easily the biggest on the bay. I look at Jaces who looks back at me. He nods before I have to open my mouth. "Wow" he smiles and turns to me. "It's called the Gracious, because of you." I blush. "You bought a super yatch and named it after me?" He laughs "no, the yatch I've had a while, I renamed it a few years back when I fell in love with you." He grabs my hand and leads me to the dock. That's when I hear the loudest bang I've ever heard. Jace whips around and pulls a Glock out his groin. "What the fuck Jace?" He doesn't look at me, he pans around and glances at the security. "Get on the fucking boat now" they shout. Jace grabs my hand and runs pulling me along, the boat is just 50 meters away when Charles steps out in-front of us.

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