Chapter 90

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I gently wake Grace up from her nap. Helen has gone and taken her cannula up.
"Grace Baby? I got us some food?" She wakes up slowly and smiles.
"What did you get?" I chuckle, I love this girl.
"Your favourite."
"Wagamamas?!" She says enthusiastically and I laugh and nod. She sits up and smiles a big toothy grin and I love it. She gets up and stretches. I walk around to the door and open it and go to the kitchen. She sits on the breakfast bar and starts eating her curry. I sit next to her and eat my Yaki Soba. I'm not such a lover of Wagamama's but I love how happy she is with it. I kiss her hand. She gives me a smile.
"What are you planning on doing tonight?" I ask.
"I'm going to have a movie night with a giant bowl of popcorn and Ben and jerrys." I smile.
"I'd love to join you." I say honestly. She smiles back at me.
"Me too. Will you be back late?"
"Yeah, I think you'll be in bed."
"Are you going to be a pain in the ass tomorrow?" She asks and raises her brow. In other words am I getting high or drunk tonight.
"Probably?" I give her a cheesy grin and she laughs.
"At least your honest."
"Always for you." I kiss her.
"I love you." I say and she rolls her eyes. I lean over and whisper into her ear.
"Every time you role your eyes all I want to do is fuck you so hard you scream my name." She bites her lip and runs her tongue over it.
"I'll remember that next week." She grins I love how her cheeks have flushed. She's incredible. I finish my food and put my plate in the dishwasher and pour myself a whiskey. I'm going to need a lot of these tonight. I pour Grace a lemonade and pass it to her. I think this must be a craving or something because she drinks so much of it at the moment.
"I need to go get ready." I kiss her cheek and take my whiskey to the bedroom. I already know what I'm wearing. I take off my navy suit and put on a black one with a black shirt. I decide to put a black tie on to. I retrieve my gun from the bedroom safe and tuck that down my back. I spray Versace over myself liberally and put on my black dress shoes. I don't bother with my hair. I'm going to run my hands through them so many times it'll be ruined anyway. I drop Charles confirming I want cars this evening. He replies with a thumbs up. I roll my eyes I don't think he appreciated my dressing down earlier. I glance at my watch it's 7 I should go. It looks bad if I turn up, shout and leave. I walk to the kitchen where grace is...baking?
"What are you doing?"
"Making brownies."
"Fancied them." I nod and laugh she looks up and raises her brows.
"I don't think I'd like to be in that meeting." She giggles
" look..well very hot, but I'd kind of expect you to kill me dressed like that." I laugh and walk over to her and dip my finger in the batter and taste it.
"I'd only have to do that if you cheated on me." She spins around.
"You'd kill me if I cheated on you?"
"Yeah...only I get to have you." I kiss her neck and she giggles.
"You're very cheery today." I note and she smiles
"I'm just happy. I feel like I have everything I could want." I smile and kiss her lips.
"Me too...I love you. I have to go now but I'll see you later..if you're awake. If not I'll see you in two days time seen as you probably won't want to be around me tomorrow." I wink and she grins and wraps her arms around me. I pull her in tightly.
"Goodnight Grace. Someone will be on the door all night so you'll be safe."
"I think if anyone should be safe it's you."
"You're probably right." I walk out the door and head to the cars. As promised there are three I climb into the middle one and it pulls away. I grab my phone and text Grace

Save me a brownie :)

She replies quickly

Never ;)

She drives me crazy. It doesn't take long to get to the club I stretch my neck. Grace not being here does give me the opportunity to play Mafia properly and I do intend to. I climb out the car and walk past the line. I head up the stairs and stand on the balcony looking over the club. It's early but it's busy. This is good. I'm surprised when one of the guys comes over to me I turn to him
"Sir one of the gentlemen in the booth has requested an audience with you." I glance over to them and don't recognise them.
"Who are they?"
"They're Alejandro's contacts." I nod and ask the waitress for a whiskey. I walk over to the booth.
"Gentlemen, are you being taken care of?"
"Yes, your waitresses are very assertive." I smirk and sit down.
"What can I do for you?"
"Alejandro was impressed by you. He wishes to extend the invite to your wife and yourself to join him in Italy. He wishes to discuss trade with you."
"Trade of what?"
"Legitimate oil." This seems odd I don't think they have any oil rights.
"My wife and I cannot travel, she has just had surgery but I am happy to host Alejandro here. Alternatively we will be able to travel in a month or so. I do make it clear though gentleman I will not be travelling alone."
"He wishes to be ally's sir. There was a time the links to the Italian Mafia and the New York mafia were strong. He wishes to reinforce this."
"I'm happy to accept the invite. As per my previous statement." They nod.
"We will be in touch."
"I look forward to it." They stand and leave I make a mental note to look into them more because something doesn't seem right there. I stand back up and the waitress hands me my whiskey I take a sip. I stand on the balcony and look over the place. Up here is gradually getting busier. Charles comes over to me
"Charles." He looks down at the crowd and over to the girls dancing on poles in our private area. Considering he's with Isla he's the least faithful person I've ever met. I'm convinced he's try and fuck Grace if he got the chance.
"Is everyone here."
"Yes." I nod im impressed they're all nearly an hour early.
"Gather them." A girl walks past and offers me some cocaine I shake my head. I'd really like some right now for a boost of confidence. I signal the waitress for another whiskey. I go into the office where they had the drugs this morning. One by one they fill the room all nodding as they enter. Charles nods when they're all here. I put my whiskey down and lick my lips.

"I want to be very clear. The supply chain that has been maintained for years continues. There is no change to them." I walk around the room.
"Today I walked in on over 7 kilos of cocaine in this room. I know for a fact we don't use 7kg a night so why the fuck was it here?" I look around and no one says anything. I bite my lip and shake my head and raise a brow.
"No one knows? Or no one's brave enough to admit to it? That's great just great I have a group of cowards."
"It was me, I brought it here." I look at the man, he's young barely my age.
"Why the fuck did you think running around with that much coke was okay?"
"It was my first time."
"Your first time?" He nods
"Who told you to run it like that?" He points to Charles. I knew this already.
"Do any of you know what happens if you get caught with that coke?" No one says anything. Shock.
"You die. Because you'll get arrested and I cannot have that coming back here. So unless you want to die you run it how it was meant to be which means at night, without audience and fucking together. That was for the locals so you give it to spike you understand? You never bring coke that's not for the club here."
"Get the fuck out my sight. Charles not you." I sit on the desk and pull my gun out my back. I run my hand over my mouth.
"Shut the door." I point at one of the girls carrying coke. "Leave that here." I notion to the desk. She drops it to the desk and shuts the door behind her. I notion to the coke for Charles. He nods and snorts it with a 50 dollar bill. I laugh.
"Why would you try that? Why would you deliberately go away from process"He sits opposite me.
"You don't deserve it."
"You fucking know what, Jace it was for me, king pin and you're going to fuck it up." I nod and so it comes out. I knew he was someone who wanted this seat but I also thought he'd be happy for me.
"You were my friend Charles. My right hand man. You try to fuck everything up a week into my job? You think I'm going to let that slide!"
"You don't have the minerals to kill me. Look at you." I smile and nod my head. I stand and walk to the office door and motion to bring Isla in. Charles face drops.
"You wouldn't, imagine if I killed Grace!!" I smile and nod. I look at Isla and smile.
"Isla, did you know he was going to undermine my business today?" She nods, she's crying and I feel a bit cruel for doing this to Graces friend.
"Did you tell Grace about it?" She nods again. Grace didn't realise she'd told me about it earlier. Hell I don't think she realised Isla had told her. I knew though.
"You fucking bitch!!!" Charles shouts at her.
"You can go. You're safe Isla. Go with Isaac." I walk around to the desk and slide a piece of paper out in front of me.
"What is this?"
"It's the sale of your 20% of TSC back to me."
"Why would I sign that?"
"Because if not I'm taking Morgenstern. You fucking used me. You hung me out to dry. You're lucky you aren't dead Charles. By the way what are you going to do with Isla now?"
"Why do you want her? Take her she's shit anyway." I nod. I wave some of the people who work for me. They force his hand onto the paper and he signs.
"See this is where I'm left with an issue. I can't trust you, I think you'll go after Grace and you know how I feel about that. If you can toss your own partner to the side god knows what you'd do to others." I nod at the men. Who pull Charles away.
"Let it be known I don't tolerate disobedience. Good bye Charles. Enjoy hell." I snort a line of cocaine in-front of me and lean back on my chair and light a cigarette from my desk draw.
"Send the new guy in." I say to Elijah whose stood on the door.
"Take a seat." I take a drag out of my cigarette he looks really worried.
"Help yourself." I nod to the cocaine. He shakes his head.
"I'd rather not unless you want me to?" I smile and shake my head.
"Can I ask you a question." I ask him I sound like bloody grace. He nods.
"Did you know what you were doing when you brought the drugs here?"
"No I'd never have done it if it wasn't right."
"Even if Charles told you to do it but you knew it was wrong?"
"I'd have tried not to. Or I'd have asked you."
"You'd have came to me if you thought they were wrong?" He nods.
"I have a lot of respect for that. I respect your honesty and bravery for owning up."
"Thank you." I like him. I think he will do well.
"What's your background?"
"I don't really have one. My family are poor, I'm just trying to feed my family."
"But how did you end up here?"
"Terry, he felt bad for me I think."
"Well you're honest so I'm sure that went along way with him like it does me. What's your name?"
"Mark. Mark reed."
"Well Mark reed I think you're a good person. Thank you for your honesty. You can go." I smile and lean back on my chair. He leaves the room and I finish my cigarette. I stand up and tuck the sale document into my blazer and the gun into my back. I walk out into the main area and stop by Elijah.
"In the car as per your direction." I nod and walk to the entrance of the club and climb into the front of the car.

Everything You Wanted Me To Be.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora