Chapter 30

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We walk down the main road by Atlas hand in hand, Jace is smoking with his free hand.
"Bad day?" I ask him looking up at him. He draws his breath in loudly.
"Not great, it's better having you in with me though. Even if you did skip lunch." I roll my eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes at me. You almost died just weeks ago, you have hardly gained any weight back. I'm worried. You have to eat." "I did, George brought me up a sandwich." He raised a brow. "George did? Why didn't you ask me?" I stop and walking and look at him. "Jace you are literally everyone's boss. I'm not gonna ask you to run around getting me sandwiches and snacks every time I forget to eat. Besides, I didn't even ask George. It just happened." He raises a brow. "What do you think of George?" "I like him, he tries hard and notices things others don't." Jace nods and looks at his Rolex. "We should get back baby. When do you want to finish tonight?" I shrug "whenever works for you I guess." He nods. "I'll let you know then. It'll be around 6 I think."
"That's fine, I'll finish a manuscript by then." He smiled sheepishly.

He takes my hand back and we walk back to the office. He runs his hand though his hair. "Do I really just smell of Dior and smoke?" I laugh. " you do, but I love it. so don't change anytime soon." He raises his brow. "You want me to quit smoking though right?" I nod. " yeah of course Jace; but life's mad right now so let's take a beat and we will come back to it." "You're amazing you know that?" He returns.
"Thanks" I blush. We walk into the building and into the elevator. "I wanna take you somewhere tonight." "Okay?" "We will go straight from work." "Okay sounds good." The elevator pings. "See you in a bit."

I walk off down the corridor and into my office. When I get there a man is stood inside. "Um Hello?" He spins and grins "Ah Grace!" I nod and extend my hand, he shakes it back "Yeah I am." "Im Charles, I'm one of the.... COOs for Atlas, I'm based in Washington." Im even more confused why he's in here I recognise this man but I'm sure it's not from Atlas. He's maybe my age, or Jaces, somewhere in between. So it seems unlikely a random guy is COO "I am here to meet the new CEO." I smile " Yeah his office is down the hall let me take you." "Great thanks so much, Grace." He smiles.

Im so confused but walk him to Jaces office anyway, I knock on the door he smiles when he sees me and waves me in. "Hey um..J..Mr Atlas, this guy was lost in my office, he says he's here to meet you? His name is Charles." Jace is confused at first then goes tense as soon as he sees Charles. He pans back between us and stands. "What the fuck?" Im shocked and step back into Charles. "Im sorry?" I squeak and glare at Jace who has came over to check I'm okay. "Charles take a seat I'll be with you in a minute." Charles walks past me too closely. "It was a pleasure..Grace" he smiles.

Jace grabs my arm and pulls me into the hallway shutting the door behind him. "Do you know who that is Grace?" I shake my head "he said he was the COO of Washington. I recognise him though Jase." He shakes his head "He isnt, he doesn't work for this company. Grace he.." Jace stops and looks at my face, panic steps in on his.

"Grace, that time in Chicago when we went to the Frat party and someone spiked your drink with a date rape drug. It was him." I stare at Charles.  "You never said it was him?" My eyes go back to Jace whose eyes are black with rage "I watched it happen, I took your drink and you ran off sulking thinking I was scolding you for being drunk, I beat him so hard. I was blind with rage thinking all the awful things he was going to you." He looks pained but angry. "What happened then Jace?" He shakes his head. "What happened Jace?" I repeat loudly.
He looks at me with disappointed eyes " it was the night I didn't come home Grace, the night I was out all night, you came looking for me early in the morning and had no luck. When I got home you accused me of sleeping around and being jealous. I'd literally just spent the night in a jail cell for beating him."
My eyes widen, I didn't know any of this part. "What were you charged with?" He looks at the floor "I was charged with GBH but my dad paid the cops off, they dropped the charges." I nod. "What are you gonna do?" "Find out why the fuck he's in my office Grace, obviously." He's angry at me. "Sorry." I mumble. "No, sorry you didn't do anything. You can stay if you want? You might keep me calm enough to talk to him." I nod and plop onto his sofa in his office. Charles is sat in the chair opposite Jaces. Jace walks in and closes the blind and the door. "Charles what the fuck do you want?" Charles smirks from his seat his eyes run around the room before settling on me "I want her, Jace. I'm owed her."
"You sick fuck." Jace slams his hard on the glass table infront of me. He walks over to Charles, Jace is massive compared to him, why's he even thought about starting this? There's got to be something more to it.
"You cannot just walk around my fucking building and demand my wife." Charles eyes widen at the world wide
" married that whore?" "What" I pipe up. I've never been called a whore. "You became a whore the second you started sleeping with the infamous Jace Atlas. Did you know he fucked my sister, he ripped her heart right out her chest, he had no remorse for the damage he'd done. Then he decided to beat me to a fucking pulp, it's a shame, I only planned to rip his heart out. I'm sure he'd of loved seeing you being railed by my brothers and I." My eyes widen, before I can choke out a response. Jace launches himself at Charles, I step in between and shout "Jace no!! Not here you can't."
Jace pushes against me but makes eye contact and stops fighting me. He looks down at me "Grace he was going to rape you that night you realise that don't you? Him and his fucked up brothers were going to gang rape you, just for me sleeping with his sister and playing with her feelings." "Jace, he didn't, you saved me." I feel Jace wrap his arms around me and pull me behind his back, I can see I'm dangerously close to Charles.

"Charles, what exactly do you want? With me?" I cringe at my own words and Jace gives me a warning glare. "It's simple really, I want to do to you what I intended that night, you can choose to be willing; helll you might even enjoy it." I look at Jace whose face is consumed in anger " or, you can pay off my sister, give her the life she fucking deserved." He aims this at Jace." "No fucking way." Jace shakes his head and gives me a glare telling me not to challenge him. Charles stands up and inches closer to us both. Jace really is towering over him, Jace is solid. "Well then, I'll be seeing you soon...Grace." He smirks and winks at me. "You won't be." I retort to which he turns around. "That's where you're wrong sweet girl. When your big strong man isn't around I'll be there. Waiting. Hell maybe the jail time might be worth it with you, you're quite the specimen. It's his choice though, he's choosing your fate by not giving me his legacy."

Jace has had enough and grabs him and throws him against the glass window "You fucking touch her and I will end you. I will do life for her, don't fucking doubt me." He punches Charles square on the jaw. His head bounces off the glass window. Jace slams him onto the floor and kicks him with his perfect shoes. "JACE!!" I shout before he kills this vile man. I tug at his arm. He stops and looks at me.

"Get out." He shouts at Charles, Charles scurries up and runs out the office. Jace looks at me concerned and cups my face in his hand for a few seconds . "We have to go Grace. Right now." I nod. He pulls my arm down towards the lift. He grabs his phone and dials a number "James, it's Jace, I need the Gulf Stream, fuck where is it? Shit what about the challenger? Yeah, thanks man, wheels up in half an hour yeah? No flight plan please."

He hangs up and looks at me "everything will be fine baby." We climb into the car. "Who was that? Where are we going?" He punches the steering wheel and shouts fuck. "Grace, he isn't going to stop, he's going to come for you. His brothers and him. We have to leave, temporarily."
"Surely he wouldn't threaten me in broad daylight and mean it?" I ask and Jace shakes his head "Listen to me; he isn't going to fucking stop Grace, not until he has you." "What about giving him money ?" "It's not like that, he wants me to pay HIM off. He'd bankrupt us, then he'd still take you for sport. Or worse.." I shudder at this. When did this all become so fucked up? "Jace I need you to tell me about his sister?" He nods he's driving really fast, 120...130...135...140... "Jace, you're going really quick." He nods and glares into the rear view. "We have to get out of here first, then I'll tell you everything. I just need you safe."

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