Chapter 51

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The plane lands in Calgary a few hours later. We jump into the car that's waiting on the tarmac for us and go. I look out the window and the views are breathtaking.
"Shall we go get some stuff first?" I nod. Since we came here in a hurry we have no suitable clothes and I have once again put my phone down somewhere. It's a good job Jace is flush with it.
"Can we go to the CORE shopping centre please?" The driver nods.
"Have you been here before?" He nods.
"I came not that long ago on business actually. During our time apart."
"What did you do while we were apart?" He glances over clearly surprised at my questioning of it.
"I worked mainly. I tried to reduce my alchol intake. I went out with the boys left. I worked a lot of places on business." He chuckles and puts his hand behind his neck.
"I saw you a few times." He's not serious, how could he have seen me I was in England between Edinburgh and my parents I wasn't ever out really. I caught up with some old friends in London, I went out in Manchester with some others.
"Where?" He bites his bottom lip and smirks.
"I'll give you a clue, you were in a beautiful blue slip dress. You were staring at Coldplay and I was staring at you."
"You were there?!" He nods
"In my defence I had no idea you would be. I went with friends. It was then I knew I had to get you back Grace. The next few times were quite deliberate. I almost asked you to go home with me once, you were so drunk I was scared you were going to do something stupid. You didn't though you returned home with your friends"
"Creep much." I laugh.
"You could say that. I just wanted to keep you safe." I smile at this. The car pulls outside the shopping centre and we get out. Jace tells them he will call when we are ready.
"Why don't we just get a car?" He raises a brow.
"What like just buy one for here?" I nod. "It might be cool to have a car...maybe even like a holiday home here." He wraps his arms around me.
"Are you trying to extort me for a house and a car Mrs Atlas?" I shake my head and flush laughing.
"I just think it'll be nice."
"Okay fine. Shall we do that first?" I nod. Then shake my head.
"I'm kind of cold, and hungry. Can we shop then go?" He laughs and nods. We walk into the shopping centre and I see a North Face. I drag Jace into this shop and kit myself up with a full snow suit and other clothes, leggings, T-shirts, less heavy coats. I convince Jace into buying himself a few items to. He buys a large travel bag and stuffs all the clothes bar the coats we are wearing in. His bill is nearly 7000. I shudder at how much he just spent but he doesn't even bat an eyelid.
"Do you regularly spend that much?" He looks down at me.
"Is this a trap?" I shake my head and smile.
"Just curious." He bends down and whispers.
"That lovely agent provocateur underwear you have over 2000 dollars baby. I think 7000 is reasonable for a bag full of clothes." My eyes go wide and look down myself. I look at him.
"Your suit?"
"25" my mouth gapes open.
"Jace that is ridiculous!!" He chuckes.
"You're going to have to get use to this baby." He pulls me in and squeezes.
"Shall we get food? What do you fancy?"
"Mmmm it's been ages since I've been in America, well...Canada..let's go for a Taco Bell?" He laughs and rolls his eyes.
"Your normal I presume?" I nod. I go grab a seat and Jace goes to order. Jace returns after a few minutes with a burrito for each of us, a drink and my favourite Cinnabons. I tuck in.
"Mmm this is so good. I really miss Taco Bell in Scotland."
"We're you still thinking about New York?" I nod.
"Yeah absolutely! I think I could do with a fresh start. I could transfer to NYU in the spring...if that's ok obviously."
"Or Columbia?"
"You think I could get into an Ivy?" Jace nods.
"I can get you in. One of my board is on their admission board."
"Jace I don't want to cheat my way into a prestigious college. I already feel like I've cheated my way to this Grad programme."
"You did. You are however excellent Grace. I think even without help they'd take you."
"I'll think about it." I love this. Just a normal discussion.
"I'm a guest this year at Columbia, they asked me to come talk in their econ seminar."
"You never said."
"It's not till next April before spring break." I nod. I often forget Jace was successful even without his dad helping. He was a Grad when I had just started, he was the valedictorian. I smile to myself. How I bagged this man is beyond me, twice too. I finish my food.
"Shall we go?" He nods.
"What car do you want?" I look at him shocked I can't believe he's actually asking my opinion.
"A fast SUV...that's good in snow." I laugh.
"I think I know the place." We walk outside and to the taxi rank. We hop in one. Jace tells them to go to a place on Glendee Circle. I don't pretend to know.
"This car is going to be yours. I already know the exact one." I laugh.
"You're not going to tell me?" He shakes his head.
"I'll let you test drive it first." He laughs. It only takes 20 minutes and the taxi pulls up outside a Bentley garage.
"You can't be serious?" I ask Jace and he smiles.
"You deserve it and more." He pays the taxi driver and grabs my hand.
"Let's go Wifey." I smile and climb out. We walk into the dealership and I cast my eye over all the beautiful cars.
"Good afternoon, do you have an appointment."
Jace steps forward.
"We don't, I'm looking for Don."
"Of course all call him down. He is with a customer though so you might be waiting." Jace just nods. Only 30 seconds later a man whose clearly in his early 30s steps out the office with a older lady and man.
"As I said I'm so sorry we have to reschedule, an emergency has cropped up. I'll see you tomorrow guys." He follows them to the door and locks it behind him. He turns and grins.
"My man!! How have you been it's been far too long!" "I'm good Don I'm good, how are you?" He grins "I'm great Jace. Kylie, this is Jace. He's royalty around here." The receptionist nods. Don notices me behind Jace. "And who is this lovely lady Jace?" Jace grabs my hand and pulls me forward infront of him. "This is my wife, Grace." Dons eyes go wide. "The Grace?! It's so great to meet you, I had no idea you guys were back together let alone married!" Jace laughs. "What brings you guys here then?" "Grace wants a car, we are going to Banff and she wants a house and a car." He winks at me and rolls his eyes to Don. I step on his foot and he laughs.
"Do you have anything in mind?" Don asks.
"We want the custom matte black Bentayga." Jace replies. Don nods. "Jace, you know that car isn't for sale."
"Name the price." Don holds his hands up.
"Let me ring the boss man, how high you going?"
"Skies the limit." He nods and rolls his eyes and looks at me.
"He loves to flex doesn't he." They both laugh.
"I'll be back. Kylie get these guys the Limited edition Bentayga out the back keys and show them around." She nods and turns to a safe behind her and pulls two keys out. "Follow me." Jace grabs my hand and follows her to the back room. Inside is the most stunning Bentley SUV. I gasp. Kylie unlocks the car and motions for us to sit in it. Jace opens the driver door for me. The car has beautiful black leather with Tiffany blue stitching and features. I climb into the drivers seat and the seat automatically moves me to the perfect position.
"What do you think?" Jace asks. I nod and grin.
"It's amazing." We see don enter the room.
"Congratulations, it's a car!" Don laughs and shakes Jaces car. "Go on then what the damage." Don waves his hand. "Boss man says thanks for helping with his little issue. The cars yours consider it a wedding present." "I can't just take this car man." "Sure you can. Now off you guys go. Here's your shopping. You left it in the lobby." Jade grabs it and stands behind the boot which opens automatically. He puts our shopping in. Kylie hands Jace both the keys and he climbs into the passenger seat. Don comes to my window. "The car suits you Mrs A! The doors will open when you drive towards them. Thanks for popping by guys! Enjoy!" He steps back. Jace nods at me. I push the start button and the car purrs to life I turn to Jace and grin.
"Thank you."
"You just heard it's a gift."
"Thank you though." I put the car in drive and pull out the rear of the garage. The car is fast it's perfect. A perfect family car but I keep that to myself.
"Can you put where we are going into the satnav?" Jace nods and searches. I drive towards our home for the next few days. After an hour I'm getting tired.
"Can we swap?" Jace looks up concerned.
"You okay?" I nod.
"I'm not use to driving in the snow, it's taking me out of it."
"No problem baby, pull over at the next stop." I nod and when I get to the next lay-by I pull in and we switch seats.

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