Chapter 40

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I gasp. Jace has an insane amount of money to his name. I had no idea it was this much. It's billions. I look at him. He's inches away from me. I can smell him.
"No." Is all I manage to squeak out. I turn away from him and walk towards the car he grabs my wrist. My tears are streaming now. He's caught off guard by this.
"Why do you think you'd ever need an NDA...from me Jace?!" I'm furious but I'm more heartbroken he'd give up everything so easily.
"Why do you think I'd give you up so effortlessly? Why would I take your company. I've never asked you for anything Jace."
"Your scared of me. You don't trust me."
"I do trust you, I'm not scared of you I'm scared of loosing you" he looks genuinely surprised.
"I keep dragging you in to all my shit, over and over again!" His voice is raised.
" Jace, we aren't the same people from Chicago we both grew, the time was good. This shit isn't new shit from our new decisions. It's old shit coming back up!"
"It's not fair on you."
"I want to be here. Do you love me? Do you really love me Jace? Or do you want me to sign those papers and be done and leave you with nothing, not even a company to your name?"
"I already have nothing."
"You have me!!" I yell at him.
He returns to the car and sits in the passenger seat again. He brings his hands to his lips and plays with them. I walk to the passenger side door, which he's left open.
"Don't walk away from me you fucking coward."
He sniggers and he looks at me. He rakes his eyes over me. I'm in a new one of his T-shirts and some new blue skinny jeans with some simple Nike trainers.
"Why do you always wear my stuff?" I don't hesitate with my response. "It makes me feel close to you." He raises a brow then dismisses whatever thought he had.
"I asked you a question"
"Of course I fucking love you, how could you even ask that?"
"Then why are you trying to push me away?"
He pauses to think for second his eyes don't leave mine for a second.
"I'm trying to protect you, it's really fucking dark up here Grace. You don't deserve my shit." He's pointing to his head. I climb into the car.
"Grace what are you doing?" He wiggles. I climbed onto his lap. He winces when I put pressure onto his bullet wound and I go to leave but he pulls me back onto him. He pushes the seat button down, it reclines and increases the space. I throw the divorce papers into the footwell and shut the door.
"I always want to be there for you. You're never going to be able to pay me off, force me out or make me leave. Do you have that in your head?" He nods. His hands find my face and cup it.
"I fucking love you." He whispers and he kisses me hard, like he's been waiting to kiss me like this for years. I reciprocate his advances. I missed him. Even if he did only check out for a day. I run my hands down to his crotch and enter his boxers. He pulls away. "Grace, we are...oh fuck it" he grabs my hips and pulls me higher on him he sits the seat up slightly and kisses me aggressively. All I can taste is his tobacco and mint but it's lovely, it's him. His fingers enter my pants and I shake my head. He pulls back and I slide my pants down and his. He's already hard. I gently sit on him. He gasps "Fuck, baby this is going to really hurt are you...Fuck!" He shouts as I move down him deeper. It hurts, it really fucking hurts but I love it and I love him. I pulse on him gently until the pain goes. Once it's gone I fuck him im bouncing on him so hard. I'm moaning so much, he's eyes are glowing, this is different, this is fucking out of love and hatred. It's a perfect blend. He pulls my face to his while I continue to fuck him. "Grace...Grace I'm" he finishes inside me, I smirk at him and he licks his plump lips I don't stop, I have no intention to and he can see that. "Fuck this." He sits up and opens the door he pulls me onto him and walks outside. Some how maintaining our connection. He slams me onto the bonnet of the car. I smirk. He opens my legs wider and pulls me closer to his shaft. He has an evil look in his eye and he takes over, he's thrusting into me so hard, harder than ever before. I moan loudly I wrap my hands around his neck and his hair. He kisses down my body. My body is electrified by his touch. I feel my back trying to Buck off the car and he grins he knows I'm near. He runs his hand along my clit and thrusts in hard and round. His hips rotate how I love. He looks beautiful. His hood still up, his dark clothes sticking to his skin. I come and I come a lot. Jaces lips find mine and his hands join him on my face. "I love you Grace Atlas." "I love you." I reply.

He jumps off me, he gives me a smirk and I smile at him. I stand off the car and pull my jeans closed. He grabs my hand and looks at my rings and at my eyes. "I'm sorry for what I said. To ahmid." I nod. "I understand." Jaces hand reaches into my back pocket and retrieves his keys out. He kisses my cheek and walks past me into the drivers seat. I climb into the passenger seat pulling it upright and closer to the dash, my legs are no where near as long as his. I bend down and pick up the divorce paper he drafted while he pulls out onto the main road.
"When did you do this?" He looks at the papers and back to me.
"Yesterday when we were at the main boat. I called my attorney and told him to write it. When we got to the mainland the driver had it in his car." I nod. I'm surprised that he actioned it so quick. "That was the first thing you thought?" He laughs "no, on the boat you pissed me off. You pushed me and I acted badly towards you. I knew then I had to set you free."
"I'm not a bird, you can't just choose when to let me go."
"I know, I'm sorry. I thought I was doing what was for the best. I thought you'd resent me, hate me. I thought that was the least I could do."
I nod I continue reading. The list is so long of everything Jace was relinquishing to me. All his Cars, our house, The entirely to Atlas publishing, his life savings, my penthouse. Shit I knew he got it for me but I never for second thought he'd have bought it, I figured atlas maybe added it to his portfolio, but it's listed here as a personal asset. My god it was a lot of money. I get to the last items on the list. This is the list of the items I had to relinquish to him. It was made of two items. One - my engagement ring. Two - One embryo.
"Jace? Why do you ask for an embryo?" He shrugs. "I wanted the opportunity to have you in my life again if I needed it." "That's a real bad reason to have a child." "I'd never have made you do it Grace." I believe him. "Why give me everything?" He smiles. "You are everything, so you deserve everything." I raise a brow. "The real reason." He smirks "you're too good." "I know, now tell me." He pauses and sighs. "If you chose to sign those papers, I'd have assumed it's because you saw me different. Or didn't love me because of what I did. I intended to hand myself in." I look at him. He's full of regret. "Do you still want to do that?" He shakes his head. "Why?" "Because you loving me despite what I did, is enough for me Grace." I nod. He puts his hand on my leg and squeezes.
"Where are we going?" "We were going to put me in jail." He laughs. "Now we are going somewhere else entirely. You'll have to wait and see." The satnav is off and Jace is driving by memory here. I wonder where.

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