Chapter 29

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I slip my Filofax back into my bag and pack a water bottle. I stare in the mirror for a bit longer, since Marrying Jace my wardrobe has become, expensive, not from me buying clothes but from the stylist Jace hired for the house. They filled my wardrobe with many designer goods. Today I'm wearing one of them. It's a Channel blouse, leather look trousers and heeled boots. I feel like I look good. Even if the clothes are hanging of my slightly too skinny figure. I leave the bedroom and head to the kitchen, it takes me an entire minute to get there in this giant house. Jace is already in there deep in his laptop. He's in a full three piece suit, with black leather shoes. His Rolex on full display. His long her still falling into his eyes. I love his long waves. I smile to myself and pour a coffee into a takeaway cup. "Ready?" I ask him. He looks up at me and bites his lip. "You look, incredible." He smirks and walks over to me pulling me into his chest. His finger finds my chin and tilts it up. "You don't have to come back to work so soon." I smile. "I want to, it is our company now after all." I chuckle, my pathetic graduate salary seems meaningless to Jaces billion pound one. He smiles "I love that, it is our company." He smiles and kisses my forehead. He returns to his laptop and slides it in his bag. "I want to take my new car today, are you coming with me?" I love the idea of commuting with Jace, but worry about colleagues gossiping. I shake my doubt. "Id love too." He grabs my hand and pulls me into the garage. I can see parked at the end of the garage by the door is a beautiful matte black Porsche GT3. Jace grins "I'll be honest, I expected a lambo" I jest. "They're all on the way from America, they should be here soon enough." I roll my eyes and walk to the car, I slide into the passenger seat. It's so nice in here. Another 72 plate. "You've been busy the last few weeks haven't you?" "I was bored with the Aston, once I got the keys to the kingdom there was no stopping me." I roll my eyes as Jace pulls out the garage and down the gravel drive slowly. He reaches his hand over to my thigh and squeezes. The car is purring. It's beautiful. He pulls onto the main road, not moving his hand from my leg. We live closer to work now, I guess that was a necessity for Jace. We pull into work just 10 minutes after leaving and into the space closest to the door. "You didn't want to keep your old one then?" I laugh and he winks and points to the slot now. "I think you'll find its now yours." I gasp. "Jace I'm a graduate, no one will appreciate that." He rolls his eyes and leans over to me. "You're the wife of the CEO nothing except me trumps you on that." I blush. I love it when he says that or anything about me being his pretty much. He gets out the car and smoothes his suite, I also jump and ant he takes my hand, we walk to the elevator he presses 13 and I go to press my number but he swats my hand away. I raise a brow at him "I moved your office." He says matter of fact. "What, why?" "Because you work for me, and your my wife so I want to see you. So I've put you in one of the smaller offices on my floor. Don't worry you'll still get your privacy." He smirks, I know I will not be getting any privacy. I roll my eyes and he pulls me into him as the door shuts on the elevator. "Aren't you happy to be working with me?" He pouts playfully, I kiss him, he smells like smoke and Dior and I love it. He kisses me back grazing his tongue on my lips, he tastes amazing. "I fucking love you." He whispers against my lips. I nod in acknowledgement and return to the kiss. I stop and drop my head to his chest and just smell his beautiful masculine smell. He wraps his hands around me. The elevator door pings and we break apart as it we weren't just in our world for two. He does however retake my hand and leads me down the big familiar room. He guides me to an office, it's beautiful, pink and white, with touches of softness from cushions and plants. I turn and spin "you did this, for me?" But he's not there, I huff and walk over the the Mac, I put in the vaguely familiar password I jotted into my Filofax. I open up my emails and browse through them. I hear a knock at my door. It's Jace, I beam and my heart picks up. "Firstly, yes I did. Secondly," he puts a pile of manuscripts on my desk. "These are this week's manuscripts. I look forward to reading them." He smiles and goes to leave. "Wait, you're still going to read them?" He turns and raises a brow. "If you want me to be your direct boss yes. Grace this is a business baby. It's now our business so we've got to do things properly." He smiles at me then comes over. "Sorry, I trust you I do, but until you've been here a while and me too, we have to play by the rules." He kisses my forehead and stalks out my office. I roll my eyes and flip the first manuscript onto my lap. I read the monologue, it sounds good. I go grab a coffee from the machine down the hall. I bump into George there. "Hey" I say cheerfully. "Omg Grace, hey how are you doing?" I smile. He's such a nice guy. "I'm good thanks, how are you?" He nods and passes me the oat milk. Which I tip into my mug. "What brings you up here?" "I am taking some notes for a meeting with the new CEO and Lorenzo. They're old family friends I hear" he smiles at me. Clearly it's not public news that I am with Jace. "Um yeah George I actually know Jace quite well." He smiles intrigued "You do? He seems like a bit of a jerk and all he smells of is smoke and Dior recently, I have no clue what that's about." I scoff and hold back a laugh. And that's when my face drops " I smell like Dior and Smoke because I recently started smoking again, when my wife decided to try and accidentally unalive herself the night of our wedding." I go bright red and blush but not as red as George is "I'm so sorry Mr Atlas, I had no idea, I hope your wife is well now?" He's desperate to redeem himself. It's coming now I can feel it. Jace leans in and over me wrapping his arms around me. "I think she just assured you she was good.." he kisses my forehead, grabs a protein bar off the counter and stalks out to his office. George looks at me, his cheeks are flushed red. "I had no idea you were, Married? Or Engaged for that matter? To..him? Shit does this make you my boss?" I laugh at his struggle. " no don't be silly, it happened fast, we've known each other years and were together before in Chicago." He nods taking this all in. "Don't worry. He's harmless" I smile reassuringly and grab a cookie out the jar. "I'll see you at lunch George." I wave bye and return to my office, I pass Jaces he looks stressed in a call. He's chewing gum rapidly. I blow him a kiss, he winks back. I smile. This is a good first day back. I snuggle up on the sofa Jace put in my office and wrap a blanket around me. I start reading the manuscript making notes as I go sipping my coffee till it runs empty. I hear a knock at my door, to my surprise it's George. "Hey! Come in."
"Hi Grace, I saw you skipped lunch so thought I'd bring you a sandwich." He hands me a chicken club.
"This looks amazing, thanks George." I glance at the clock. It 3pm already.
"Wow today is flying by." He smiles and waves as he leaves my office. I didn't mean to skip lunch, I'm almost certain if George didn't bring me this Jace would go mad at my neglect of myself. He's one to talk. I munch on the sandwich and dig through this manuscript. Jace strides in and sits on the sofa. "Hello again." I smile at him. "Hey beautiful, how's your day?" I nod "good" I return to my book. " I'm going for a walk to stretch my legs, you're coming to." Typical demanding Jace is back.

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