Chapter 83

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Jace introduces me to alot of people. I can't remember any of their names at this point only Terry and Emma. Terry has stood up now and taps his glass. The entire room goes silent.

"Good evening my friends,

Thank you all for coming to this most special occasion. One that happens rarely in our group. As you all know I recently felt that someone had risen to the position to take my place. He was in good company but I had been watching this individual for quite some time. Once he purchased TSC I knew he was within my grasp. He kept me wondering though. Today I was pleased to have his confirmation that tonight he will take my place. I will be sad to see the title of capomandemento leave me. However Jace, you are truly a worthy victor. Can we all raise a glass to Don Jace Hardin Atlas. The new Capomandemento.

Jace if your wife and yourself will be so kind as to follow me."

Jace nods at him and takes my hand. We follow Terry and Emma into what looks like a library. On a desk there is a scroll; it looks old.
"Jace, as I'm sure you know this society has been around for quite some time. It has seen 7 leaders in its 500 years of existence. Leaders normally die before their title is up. This is quite the exemption. Although it is the correct one. This scroll signifies the handover over leadership. It is bound by blood." Terry leans over the desk and retrieves a knife. He wraps his hand around it and pulls it through his hand. The blood drips onto the scroll.
"This signifies the handover to new blood." Terry hands Jace the knife and Jace follows his direction and spills his blood on his side of the script. Terry turns to me.
"It is the wife's responsibility to uphold the Capomandementos burden too." He leans over and grabs a small pin.
"Your ring finger my dear." I hold out my ring finger and he gently presses the pin into my finger till it bleeds. He guides it to the paper and marks it just under Jaces small pool of blood. He turns to Emma and does the same with her finger. He turns and smiles at Jace and holds his bloody hand out. Jace takes it with his own bloody hand out and Terry bows to Jace. It's oddly intense and I don't really know what to do. To my surprise Emma holds her hand out to me and I take it, she copies her husband in bowing to me. I look at Jace whose looking at me.
"Thank you, Terry, Emma. We will continue the legacy." Terry and Emma stand and smile leaving the room.

"What just happened?" I ask Jace and smile.
"I think we just did it Grace. I think we are them now."
"Do you feel burdened?"
"No I feel great." Jace grins.
"We should return to the party." Jace adds.
"What do we do with that?" I ask. Jace smiles and walks to a room joining the library he nods at a man who hurries out and tidies the scroll, knife and pins away.
"We get someone else to do it." He smiles. Taking my hand in his. We walk out into the room and it all goes silent.

"I just want to say thanks for you choosing me. I know many friends who wanted this. I will not let you down. I'll take no more time." Jace nods to the door and women carrying trays of cocaine come out I glance at Jace who squeezes my hand like it's suppose to comfort me. I knew he was going to do this, but so obviously and controlled by him surprises me. He sits where Terry did and motions for me to sit on his lap. I do as I'm told. I lean down and whisper into his ear.
"You control this entire situation now?" He nods.
"Are you going to do it?"
"You know I have to. I'd like it if you let me do it from you." My eyes go wide. He's talking about doing cocaine off my chest.
"Won't that look bad?"
"It'll show you're mine." I reluctantly nod and Jace waves a girl over who transfers a line onto my breast that's slightly exposed. Jace pulls out a 100 dollar bill and looks up at me, I know he's thanking me for this awful parade. Everyone is watching as he snorts the line off my breast. I feel humiliated and disgusted he just used me that way. I understand his burden though. He whispers into my ear.
"Thank you Grace, I'm so sorry." His hand squeezes my hip.
"You can make it up to me tomorrow." I whisper back and he smiles. Charles comes up to Jace and whispers something in his ear. Jace nods and raises his eyebrows. Is this a thing? Does Jace just have to hand gesture now.
"Grace I have some business to attend to. You can come if you wish but I warn you, I don't know what my intentions are right now."
"What is it?"
"My father has just arrived."
"I'll come." Jace nods and stands. He pulls me through the room and out the house. He walks into the garage. I'm well aware he might kill his father here. Hell I might ask if I can. When we walk into the dimly lit room something surprises me about the group of men stood in here. Charles loads a gun and passes Jace it. Michael is sat on the chair with a bag on his head. Jace walks over to him and removes it. Michael goes white as a sheet, he really didn't expect to see Jace again you can tell.
"Hello Father, did you miss me?" Jace says in a patronising tone. Michaels eyes meet mine and look surprised.
"Don't look at her. You don't get to look at my wife after you tried to take her child's father away. Your fucking son." Jace is deadly calm which surprised me, my blood is boiling seeing Michael. Jace waves his hands and one of the men bring Jace an envelope and frees Michaels hands.
"Sign this." Jace demands and
Michael laughs
"No your wife was stupid enough to sign it to me she can deal without it." Jacket e cocks the gun and pushes it to michaels head. He squats down infront of him.
"Sign it." Michael looks in my direction and smirks.
"She is naive Jace, a fool." Why is he taunting me like this?
"You know if you're trying to make me pull the trigger I don't care if I do or if I don't. You see Michael tonight we held a little party. It was a celebration you see. Tonight Terry passed his batton to me. So you know now, the police will do nothing." Jace smiles and stands up out of his squat. Michael has only just realised he's lost everything.
"You think being a gangster will save you from your crimes? You're wrong boy!" Jace laughs.
"I'm not a fucking gangster. I'm the boss." Jace walks over to me.
"I think you should leave baby."
"I want to do it."
"What?" I nod. What am I saying.
"Well maybe not it. But I want to talk to him Jace." Jace nods. I walk towards Michael. I bite my lip and let my anger to this man take over.
"Today you broke my soul. You broke my heart and you ruined me. Your malicious spiteful soul ruined me. Your threats have haunted me for months, you broke me time after time. So you sign my fucking company back to me or god help me Michael I will let you feel the pain you put me through today except yours will have no end." I bend down and pick up the documents and a pen and hold it out for him. He signs the documents and I pass them to the guy who gave them to Jace. I bend down next to him.
"Thank you. See now I've lost nothing. I have everything. You have nothing old man. I remember you said to us that the most dangerous people are those with nothing. You're wrong. The most dangerous people are the one with everything. Remember my face. It'll be one of the last you see Michael. Rot in hell you manipulative fuck." I walk away from him.
"YOU FUCKING BITCH. YOU RUINED ME, YOU RUINED HIM, and you're going to ruin that child." I stop and stare at Jace. Whose staring back at me. He holds the gun out for me incase I want it. I take it, I have no intention to kill Michael right now. I walk up to him. And squat down to him.
"What did you just say to me?"
"I called you a bitch."
"Yes you did, and you think I'll ruin my child no?"
"You will." I shake my head.
"That's where you're wrong, I'm a good person. I don't try kill my children." I raise the gun to his flank. I pull the trigger. Michael shouts in pain.
"Remember that time you put a hole in my flank? Your sons flank? It's not nice is it. Now see how you like being on a plane destined to crash." I turn to Jace to confirm and he nods.
"Have an excellent flight Michael." I walk away and give Jace the gun and leave the garage. I am almost certainly high on adrenaline I'll feel awful for that tomorrow but you don't ever question a women's ability to be a mother.
"GRACE, Grace wait!" Jace shouts running after me. I stop and turn to him.
"Are you okay?" I nod and smile
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You just shot someone, for like the first time?"
"It was a flesh wound, he won't die from it. He did the same to us. Infact he did worse. Are you going to kill him?" Jace nods.
"He won't say what evidence he has, I can't risk it falling into someone else's hands. I'm arranging a flight like you suggested, I enjoy the irony of that. It also keeps my hands clean, ish. The boys are seeing to it." I nod.
"I'm going to feel really shitty about it in the morning." Jace pulls me into him. Considering he's high he's acting pretty normal.
"Grace I'm really sorry."
"I chose to come out here, you didn't force me to."
"I should have told you to stay inside though. You're a good person. You're not designed to shoot people and come up with ideas to kill them."
"Jace, I grieved you today. I thought I'd have to put an empty casket into the ground. He held
a gun to my head and made me sign your company to him, he put you in jail for murders he set up. He said I'd ruin our baby. Fucking ruin our baby. No one says that. He deserves everything he gets." He wraps his arms around me and pulls me tightly to his chest.
"I'm sorry he did this to you."
"To us." I correct.

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