Chapter 49

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Jaces POV

I know she's angry right now. I didn't tell her they'd be here. I don't really know what to say about the situation myself. I look at my father whose staring at Grace. My temper immediately frays.
"Why are we here then?" I ask aiming it at him. I'm surprised when my mother speaks.
"How are you both?" I snigger, like she cares.
"Fine all things considered.Whose blackmailing you?" I burst. Grace looks at me. And mouths what?
"Jace, it's not like that."
"No? Trying to kill my wife and I is just for sport then is it?" My father stands up.
"Can we talk son? Just you and I?"
"I'm not leaving her." His eyes finds Grace again and return to me.
"Why doesn't your mother take her out?"
"You think I'd trust her? You both sold us out."
"I'll go." Grace whispers and I glare at her.
"You'll do no such thing." Why does she always chose to be brave when I need to protect her. Why does she always fucking do this. I look around. There's a small room to the side.
"I'll go in there."
"Very well." My father nods and walks out the room. I bend down to Grace and whisper
"Please don't do anything, don't drink the coffee, don't listen to her. Please Grace." She nods. I follow my father into the room.
"Go on then what is it?"
"It was a good decision you know?"
"What was?"
"You. It was time. You are a great CEO. You've turned a billion in just 6 weeks." I nod. I know I'm good I don't need his flattery.
"Jace, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I sold you out."
" You did and you're a piece of shit for doing it. I have blood on my hands because of you.Why did you do it? What the fuck is your motivation to fuck your child's life up so much? To try kill his bride, to torture her. To make him sacrifice himself for her?!"
"We didn't believe you'd do that."
"We didn't think you'd go to the lengths you would."
"I love her."
"You can't."
"Why the fuck not?"
"Jace...that is Grace."
"I know she's Grace, she's my wife." I'm going to hit him.
"She's Gareth and Natalias daughter!!" The blood drains from my face.
"She can't be." He just nods.
"She is Jace" the pressure of protecting myself and my family, my empire suddenly is placed on my shoulders. It's a burden I thought I'd never have to hold. I love her more than anything though and I know I can trust her.
"She won't do anything, she doesn't know."
"How can you know that?"
"She's vulnerable, she was willing to give everything for me. She was willing to let those vile men you sent after her have their way."
"You think you can hide the fact we killed her parents Jace? That is your wife. If she talks we all go down. If she talks you loose everything."
"There's no evidence."
"Because we paid for it to go away. It doesn't mean there isn't something there."
"She has no idea."
"You can't be with her. Let us help. Let us remove her from your life. It's the only way to ensure the Atlas name continues."
"Fuck the Atlas name. I love her. She'd never jeopardise me. It's why you made me CEO isn't it? You knew I'd have to protect the fucking family! You knew you could manipulate the situation. It's why you sent fucking Charles. You thought it would scare her, scare us! You fucking piece of shit." I go to walk out the room when he grabs my arm and pins me against the wall. He's nearly as big as me, he's just alot older.
"You fucking listen to me you fucking bastard! You want the CEO position, you fucking protect the family that adopted you. It's not just ours and you know it. If the scandal comes out it's going to take us all down. All it takes is one journalist to look into who she is and they'll find out."
"Even she doesn't know who she is!!"
"Can you really keep this from her?" He's fucking right. She's my wife, I owe it to her to tell him the truth. Fuck she's going to hate me after.
"Don't say a fucking word to her Jace. You just divorce her." I shake my head.
"I can trust her. She wouldn't sign the papers."
"I tried to hand Atlas to her, all of it, including the sub branches. Everything. The only thing I'd have left would have been her ring and one embryo."
"Why the fuck would you do that you stupid little boy." I smirk. My fathers temper is about to hit the roof.
"Because I trust her. She didn't sign the papers. Her ass doesn't fucking own you old man. She could have though." I feel the darkness creeping in and I stand tall and push him off me.
"It's my job to protect the family now. Not yours old man. I trust her and I'm going to tell her. What happens to you will be on you. I am not responsible for what happened to her" He hits me square in the nose. I smile at him and pout.
"Someone needs to spend some more time at the gym old man" He hits me again this time across the Jaw. I feel the blood coming from my nose and I laugh.
"Do you know what's fucking pathetic?" I walk to my father and grab him by the collar of his shirt. I press him to the wall.
"You have nothing old man. I paid off your Solicitor you know? Your money comes from me. When I signed the CEO job I made Lorenzo ensure it came with everything. Every branch, every single company. Not just Atlas. It's how I'm so lucrative. You didn't even notice you just signed the fucking contract! The money you've been moving around with and using, comes from me. You fucking manipulated me my entire life! It was my turn to repay the favour father." I'm really mad now, I know what I did was shit but I wasn't risking him changing his mind. He laughs.
"You're a bastard Jace. Do you know that! You're a fucking bastard! You own the company that killed her parents though and you can live with that guilt. Like your whore of a mother" He claps and pushes me off him. He's laughing. Why did he bring my mother into that? He continues his assault.
"You didn't even cover your own back, hey let's get her in, if it's your problem then let's make it so." He wouldn't do that he's bluffing. He's walking out the door I grab him.
"Don't tell her like this."
"Why not. I have nothing to loose. Here I am protecting a dynasty that my own fucking bastard son stole!! Let's tell your fucking wife you own the company that killed her parents." He walks out. Shit I chase him into the hallway and push him against the wall Grace is staring wide eyed. She jumps up and runs out.
"Jace! Don't not here." He turns to her and grins.
"Don't worry about him sweet pea."
"Shut the fuck up." I yell.
"Not only did he off five people, who I paid by the way, to try get you two to split up. I thought Jace here would leave you high and dry when it risked his life but he didn't. He fucking stuck by your fucked up ass."
"Shut it." I shout and he laughs.
"Ask him who owns Acorp grace!" Grace looks at me confused. "What is Acorp?"
"It's a business your darling husband owns. It's the business that killed your parents. One we paid off the police to hide the evidence"
"What? They live in England." Grace returns. I sigh I wish could do something but it's out I can't do anything right now. She has no idea of the pain I'm about to cause to her. If I could stop this I would. My dads laughing.
"Ring them, ask if they birthed you. I bet they didn't." He's evil. I'm fucked off now. I smash my dads head against the glass wall. It cracks the wall and he stops laughing and slides down the wall he laughs and delivers his final blow
"You're a bastard Jace. Your mother is a whore and you don't and will never deserve my legacy. It'll be the death of you." His eyes flutter closed and he passes out. He's not seriously injured just hurt. My mother runs out.
"Jace, you need to leave." My mother says.
"Oh as if, you expect me to believe you fucking care?" She shakes her head and her eyes fill with tears.
"You're my boy Jace. I'm sorry he has done this to you." I shake my head. Shit she's being sincere.
"I've bankrupt you mum. Because of him." She smiles at me and places her hand on my cheek.
"I'm in love with Lorenzo, Jace. It's why he agreed. I knew. I'm going to leave him Jace. You can trust him." I nod I always like Lorenzo, even if he is a bit young for my mum.
"You need to go now, you need to explain to her. Make her understand." I nod and look at Grace whose staring at me both confused and horrified.
"Bye mum." She nods and smiles at me.
"Grace?" I hold my hand out to her and she looks at it. She's terrified. She doesn't move. I don't know what to do. She falls to her knees. Shit this is all such a mess. I get down with her and cup her face. Her eyes are welling up with tears.
"Grace I'm going to take you away from here. We will talk, when you're ready. I promise." She lifts her eyes and looks at mine. She nods, barely but she nods. I pick her up into my arms.
"Grace I love you so much. I'm so sorry about all of this. I'm going to try fix it ok?" She's staring vacantly at me. I get to the car and put her into it. I grab my phone out and call the pilot of the jet. "I need you. Now. Where's the plane? I see. Anything in Cincinnati? Yeah I'll get there now. Yeah Banff. Make sure a car is ready." I drive to the airport. Grace just sits there crying the entire time. I don't even know what to say. There's so much unsaid.

It doesn't take long for us to arrive at the airport. I drive straight onto the airfield I see the plans the doors are down ready. I pull up next to them.
"Do you want me to carry you or can you walk?" I'm not sure why Grace looses the power of her legs when she's emotional. It just happens, but I love it. She just nods. What the fuck does that mean? I walk around to her and open the door. She doesn't move so I scoop her up. I guess thats what it means. I climb the steps to the plane and I put her on a seat and  lean down and strap her in. I kiss her forehead and walk to the seat next to her across the way. My eyes don't leave her as we take off.

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