Chapter 92

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Graces POV
Jace pulls the car into the plaza hotel and climbs out. I get out the car and follow him inside. He hands the keys to the valet who I assume goes and parks Jaces Rolls Royce. Jace walks to the front desk and waits to be seen
"Hi I have a reservation under Atlas." The lady nods and types on her computer.
"Here's the key to your suite do you have any luggage we can take for you?"
"No thanks." Jace takes the key and walks to the lift I follow behind him trailing behind slightly. I feel a bit awkward, I'm not sure if Jace said all these things because he wants us to split up. I decide I'll ask him when we get to our room. When the lift gets to the floor we follow signs for our room and Jace swipes the key in a grand double door he holds the door open for me and I walk in silently. I go and sit on the bed and look at Jace.
"If you want to leave me I'd rather you just say." I say boldly I surprise my self with this. Jace turns to me surprised and walks over to me.
"I never ever want to leave you. I just don't want to hurt you anymore." I can feel the tears bubbling beneath the surface.
"I want to be here with you I love you, I love our life and I love our baby. Please don't make me give them up don't make me leave." The tears escape my eyes betraying what I was hoping was strength. Jace wraps his arms around me and I lean into him. He smells like cigarettes again but I love it and won't complain.
"Grace I'll never make you leave, not if you don't want it. I love you. If I lost you I'd be lost. You don't have to worry about me doing it for you. I just worry that the shit I drag you through is too much." I shake my head.
"Not with you it's not. I don't want out Jace I want in as much as I can." I smile at him and he kisses me.
"Tonight's been a long night, we should sleep." He says and I smile.
"I'm not sure I can sleep right now. Are we okay? Are you?"
"We are fine, I just feel like I can't do right by you and it's killing me Grace. I just want to keep you safe, keep your life normal. Especially at the moment. No I'm not okay, I was put in a position tonight and I don't like it. I have to continue on like it doesn't bother me one of my oldest friends turned on me and that just doesn't sit right. Grace I love you more than words can say but I don't want to talk about this right now." I nod and smile. I lean into him and put my head on his beautiful chest and do my usual of tracing his tattoos.
"I love you. I will always love you Jace nothing will ever change that." He stays silent and I think he drifts off to sleep. I feel a bit wired after the events of tonight, it could also be the obscene amount of sugar I've eaten. I gently sit up from Jace and sit on the side of the bed. I'm literally just in a tshirt so I can hardly go anywhere. Unless I go in the car, I could put Jaces blazer on and look like I just have a shirt dress on. I really fancy doing something normal too. I pick my phone up and look for the nearest 24 hour store I find one not far from here. I go to Jaces trousers and fish through for his keys and his wallet, I have literally nothing on me. I roll my eyes when I see a packet of Marlboro gold but I'm not totally surprised he smelt very strongly of cigarettes tonight. I slip into his shirt which reaches down to my tight, this definitely looks like I could be wearing a shirt dress. I slide into my converse and throw his blazer over me. I lean over and kiss his cheek and leave the room. I'm fairly certain there is a gun in the glove box still, I'm sure Jace put one in there yesterday to replace the one he has. Although I don't want to be that person walking around locked and loaded it's just not me. I get the elevator to the concierge and request the car. I've never driven Jaces Rolls and it's huge but I'm sure it'll be fine. I climb in when they pull it around to the front of the hotel and put the satnav location in. I pull out and drive to the store. Something feels strangely normal about this and I'm enjoying myself. I put the radio on loud and sing along to my old work playlist. I pull into the Target parking lot and get out the car. I grab a trolley and walk in. No one's looking at me oddly, this is good.

I stroll down the clothes isle and grab myself some jeans and tops, there's something oddly satisfying about shopping here. I grab some underwear and cosy clothes. Despite it nearly being spring I'm still enjoying winter outfits as much as I can. I stroll down the food isle and grab some snacks I fancy. I get to the baby isle and can't help browsing the cute clothes and baby stuff. I smile to myself when I think about this. I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket and glance at it, Jace. I was sure he'd be asleep for the night now.
"Where are you?"
"Target why?"
"Why are you at target it's literally midnight."
"I was bored and fancied shopping."
"I'm on my way."
"I have your car:"
"Mmm yeah I figured you'd probably be asleep till morning, I also have your wallet because I didn't have anything on me."
"You couldn't have just taken a card?"
"I could have..but I didn't. I'll be home soon I just have a few more things I want to look at."
"Jace it's fine. It's Target." He hangs up and I'm genuinely surprised. I wonder if he's already on his come down. I continue browsing down some of the isles I look down and the trolly is almost full. I'm not sure what of because if just been piling stuff in but it's nice to do something more normal. I grab some skin care products and I get Jace a few bits I think he will like. I finally go to the checkout and check my phone, nothing from Jace and I've been here nearly an hour now. I pay the cashier who looks at me like I'm nuts with all the random stuff I've purchased. I thank them and return to the car. I'm checking my receipt while I walk to the car and look up and find Jace stood against the car. He's in his suit trousers with a black hoodie on. One of his Range Rovers is parked the other side of the car park watching us.
"Hey." I say and smile. I know Jace is not in a smiley mood. I walk around to the boot and start loading the shopping.
"Grace are you off your rocker?"
"Nope. I just wanted to do something normal, you were asleep so I decided to do it on my own. I was perfectly safe."
"How do you work that out?"
"Well if there was a problem there's a gun in the car."
"There isn't a gun in the car Grace. I have it." He waves it around and I look around horrified.
"Put it away." He rolls his eyes but does so. He nods in the direction of the Range Rover and it pulls away leaving us in the car park.
"Grace you can't just leave the hotel in the middle of the night, it's not safe. Even if you weren't married to me it's still not safe."
"Admittedly I don't normally shop at midnight but I just wanted to do something for myself okay? I enjoyed it and I'm not going to apologies for it. Now can you help with the bags they're heavy." He rolls his eyes and helps clearly begrudgingly. I go to return the trolley and he steps infront of me.
"Get in the car Grace." He takes the trolley from me and walks it to the trolley park. I'm feeling a bit defiant so I stand against the car by the back passenger door and wait for him to come back. He looks hot dressed like this, I'd never have thought it. He looks angry and runs his hand through his hair. He walks up to me and puts his arm on the car next to me and leans down.  He's just centimetres from my face. He looks so fucking hot. 
"Would you please get in the car now?" I pull my bottom lip in and look up at him.
"What if I say no?" He narrows his eyes at me and steadies his breath he whispers into my ear.
"Get in the fucking car Grace." I lean into his face and kiss him. He wraps his arm around me and puts his hand on my face. He kisses me back angrily. He opens the back door and notions for me to get in. I do as he tells me and climb in and shuffle back he gets in the back with me and shuts the door he lays me down and kneels down onto me and kisses me aggressively. His hand lifts his shirt up and he wastes no time finding my vagina. His fingers run along my clit and I wrap my hands through his hair and pull him closer to me. He inserts his finger into my vagina gently his control wavers quickly though and he begins thrusting aggressively I moan and loose myself in the moment.
"Do you want me to..?" He asks I nod we are past the risky period and I need him now.
"Yes..Jace." I'm desperate for him. He slides his trousers down and inserts himself into me gently he kisses me and goes slowly he thrusts into me gently I can tell he's trying to control himself not to hurt me.
"Grace..I can't I need."
"I want you." He kisses me aggressively and thrusts in harder and faster this was enough to confirm to him I want him. His fingers find my clit again and he runs his finger around it, he pulses into me and I loose myself I moan his name and it's glorious. Jace comes the same time as me and it's euphoric. I lie back and take a few breaths and smile.
"I missed that." I say and he lies over me holding his weight on his forearms.
"You have no idea." He wraps his hand around my cheek and kisses me. He starts laughing.
"I could have used a bit more space the back of the car didn't give much room to manoeuvre." I laugh.
"It was perfect." I run my hands though his hair and kiss him.
"I'm tired now." I smile and Jace rolls his eyes. He leans off me and sits on the seat by the window.
"Let's go back to the hotel. We have a lot of shopping to carry in don't forget." I laugh. I enjoyed my midnight excursion it went better than I thought it would. Jace climbs out the car and helps me out. He gets into the drivers seat and I walk to the passenger seat.
"Next time don't take my clothes and wallet though." I smile at him.
"You don't like them? I thought they looked better on me than you."
"They look exquisite on you. However it's not a good look for me having to walk through the lobby half naked. I had to get the boys to bring me a hoodie." I laugh at the thought.
"The girls definitely loved it."
"I don't care I only care about one girl loving it." He winks and pulls the car out the car park and heads back to the hotel.
"What did you even buy you spent a fortune in Target." He asks. I laugh and smile
"Snacks lots of snacks and some nice clothes, so bits for you and just this and that for the house."
"Nice clothes from target?" He raises a brow.
"Sometimes I just want to have lazy clothes that didn't cost the same as my old rent." He nods
"Okay then." I can tell he doesn't understand but it doesn't matter to me. He pulls into the hotel concierge and climbs out. He speaks to the bell boy, I assume about our mass of shopping and they bring a luggage cart out. I hop out the car and go to help.
"Don't worry about that, get inside it's cold." Jace says and grabs the bag out my hand and puts it on the cart. I walk inside  the hotel and head to the elevator. Jace runs in and joins me.
"They're going to bring it up for us." I nod.
"I'm going to be very fat once this baby is here." I joke and he kisses my forehead.
"Don't worry baby you'll be perfect no matter what." I smile. We make our room to and go in.
"I can't wait for my PJs."
"What?" I nod enthusiastically.
"Yeah I got myself some, they're cute. You're going to hate them though." I laugh and he rolls his eyes.
"My clothes not good enough for you anymore?" I raises a brow.
"They are perfect but I want some snuggly things to lie around in." He nods and opens the door for the bell boy.
"You can leave it here we will return the trolly tomorrow." He nods and leaves the room. I look through the bags for the new PJs I find them and hold them up. Jace laughs.
"They're awful." They are fluffy and patterned with butterflies they look bad but they'll be so comfy. I slide them on and smile.
"You look cute in them, but they are awful." Jace laughs and pulls me onto his lap.
"I hope to never see these again." He winks and kisses me.
"What are you talking about I got you a matching pair?"
"Burn them." He laughs and I wrap my arms around him and he lays back gently with me on him.
"Thank you." He says quietly.
"For what?"
"Just making things seem normal even when they're not." I smile.
"That was never my intention but sure I'll go buy loads of rubbish at Target again." He kisses me.
"Let's sleep?" He says and I nod and climb into bed in my new fluffy Pjs. He wraps his arms around me and we fall asleep.

Everything You Wanted Me To Be.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن