Chapter 52

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I watch as the scenery goes past. Jace squeezes my legs.
"Can you believe this is our life?" I beam at him.
"Are you happy?" "How could I not be? Are you?"
"I am with us, with you." He shifts awkwardly in his chair.
"What's wrong?" He glances over and adjusts his position so his arm rests on the window.
"I just feel like there are a lot of uncertainties. I'm worried about you, I didn't know how much you'd been through these last few months, I just walked into your life again and messed it up horribly. There's the company. I have to do what's best for it, whilst trying to be what's best for you. I'm also struggling with myself a bit Grace, you know this." I nod and I take his hand in mine.
"Well, you don't have to worry about me, I don't view it this way. I don't see it as you came back in and messed it up. I view it as two people came back together because they're meant to be. The last few months have been my happiest and worse. Happiest because I have you. Worse because of know. Jace you'll always do what's best for the company, and I will too. It's our legacy now. I'll always support your business decisions. Jace you're doing great. We will go through all the shit together. This week away will be just what we both need." He nods and smiles.
"I'm sorry I keep changing my mind."
"When we are ready we will both know. I agree it's not the time....but atleast we have a car big enough when it is." He laughs.
"I thought the same thing baby."
"Tomorrow we should go to the doctor. I'm thinking the shot is a good option for us right now?" Jace nods.
"I think so too. I'll arrange for the doctor to come tomorrow."
"Or I could just go there?"
"Grace, you never have to go anywhere if you don't want to anymore. What's mine is yours. I'll ring for the doctor tomorrow okay?" I nod. I'd kind of already got use to that but it was nice to hear him say it.
"We are nearly there, also, I changed the booking to tonight as I knew you'd forget."
"Shit! You're totally right I forgot!" He laughs and squeezes my leg. He turns up the hotel drive. It's beautiful the ground is covered in slow and the way is lit by fairy lights.
"This looks beautiful."
"So do you." I blush. His compliments always catch me off guard. Jace pulls our new car into a slot near the entrance and goes to the boot, he grabs our large north face bag and a few others we collected around the mall. We walk in.
"Mr & Mrs Atlas checking in please." Jace says.
"Certainly one moment while I find your booking. Ah an excellent choice. The glass snow lodges. It's our best stay. Allow me to get one of the team to get you to your accommodations." A small man wrapped up comes over.
"I'm here to take you to your lodge." He walks outside and points to a snow buggy type thing. He takes the luggage off Jace and secures it to a sled off the back. Jace helps me into the sledge at the front and the man starts the buggy pushing us along. I laugh. It's exhilarating, the snow splashing at me, the darkness just being lit by the fairy lights and snow. This is magical. I'm smiling ear to ear. I look over at Jace whose eyes are on Me. He leans over into my ear.
"I love seeing you this way." I lean into him and we continue our journey up the mountain. A glass building with a fire lit inside and the most amazing decor comes into view. It's significantly bigger than I anticipated. The driver slows down and turns into a short driveway. Our cabin for the next few days. Jace helps me up and the man unloads our luggage and takes it to the door. He passed Jace the room key.
"Enjoy your evening."
"Thank you." I say waving him off. Jace unlocks the door and we are hit with the most fantastic smell and wall of heat. It smells of cookies and chocolate. The fire is lit. As we walk in a small lady approaches us.
"Good evening. I'm Alice. I'm your host here. I'll be here between 7-7 if you need anything. I've made you some supper. It's just some cake, cookies and hot chocolate. There's also some meatloaf in the oven if you want it. You can eat up here for every meal or your welcome to go to the main resort. Just let me know in the mornings if you'd like me to arrange food for here. Breakfast isn't an issue either way so just let me know when you're up. I hope you enjoy your stay. I'll be leaving now. I'll see you in the morning"
"Thanks Alice. See you tomorrow." I smile and she gives a wave as she leaves. I look around. There's a small Christmas tree and a table in the kitchen with food she promised. I walk around the fire which is in the centre and the bed is there. It's huge. Easily bigger than a super king and it looks over the mountains down to the town. It's beautiful. I turn to Jace whose already I'm the kitchen grabbing a plate of food from the oven. I smile. If this was my married life every day I'd die very happy.

"Do you want some?" Jace asks. I nod.
"Yeah it smells amazing." Jace serves me a portion and sets it on the table next to his own. He moves to the fridge and finds a bottle of wine. He holds it up a bottle of rosé for my approval. I nod and walk to the table. Jace sets the wine down next to my dinner. He disappears off to the lounge. He returns with a small glass of amber liquid I can only assume to be whiskey. As much as I want to stop him, I'm not going to. It's been a long few days for us both. I gaze off into the distance watching the snow fall and pick at my tea.
"Not hungry?" Jace asks.
"Not really, it's really good though."
"You should eat some more though you've hardly touched it." He leans over and squeezes my hand.
"We could..order in?" He continues and I shake my head and smile.
"I'm still full from lunch. It's not a thing." He nods and smiles. He finishes his whiskey and his plate.
"What do you want to do this evening?" Jace asks. I look around.
"I'm not sure what there is to do?" Jace laughs.
"Well I'm sure we can find a bar? I hear the Apres Ski lifestyle is all in." I nod.
"Ok sure. I'm going to change should too. I'm not sure full dress suit with a splattering of blood is quite the style here." He laughs and looks down at his shirt. He nods and rolls his eyes. He takes both our plates and puts them on the side and disappears into the bathroom. I walk over to our bags and unpack some new jeans and a jumper. I slide on a north face coat over the top. Jace joins me a few minutes later in his signature black Jeans and black top. He's put an over the head hoodie over it.
"Aren't you wearing a coat? It's freezing!" He laughs and shakes his head wrapping a scarf around himself.
"I'll wear my denim jacket if that suits?" I laugh and nod he grabs his new black denim Levi jacket and puts it on. He looks incredible. I slide on my snow boots and he slides his normal boots that we argued for over 20 minutes about their practicality on. He opens the door and I step into the cold. Before I turn around Jace shoves a beanie onto my head. It's like he can read my mind. He takes my hand and locks the door. We trudge down the snow covered lane. When we meet the road I slip and fall onto my bum.
"Jesus Grace are you okay?!" He rushes over to me in concern. I can't help but laugh. Hysterically. Aside from the fact I just slipped comically onto my bum there's a crowd of people opposite and my embarrassment takes over. Jace sees I'm not hurt and laughs too.
"It was very funny." He adds and helps me up. He dusts the snow off me.
"I don't even need a drink to fall over god help us on the way home." He laughs and agrees. We make it to the bar in the centre of town. When we walk in I'm really surprised to see it's more of a nightclub come pub? Everyone is dancing and the DJ is shouting. The bar is full of people. We find a table out the way.
"I'm going to get a drink, what do you want?" When I was younger and my parents took me skiing we'd always drink peach schnapps.
"Pink schnapps and lemonade." He nods and disappears into the huge crowd. He's not hard to spot though. When he returns with the drinks he has a whiskey on ice, a large one at that and he's got me a schnapps as promised.
"To our honeymoon." He raises his whiskey sarcastically I raise my glass to his and we both drink our drinks. To my surprise Jace drinks his entire whiskey in one.
"Everything okay?" He nods.
"I just have wanted one for a while." I nod. I'm not going to push it but I never like it when Jace turns to liquor.
"Want to dance?" I ask enthusiastically and Jace looks at me with a brow raised.
"No." I pout.
"Well I'm going to." I stand up and put my coat and layers onto the chair I'm sat at and walk over to where the DJ is playing. I love the song that's playing, the wine and the schnapps have gave me a small boost of confidence I would need to even think about dancing in a crowd of strangers. The DJ turns the music up stating the song is for all the broken hearted girls out there. While that doesn't exactly apply to me I love the song. I find a group of drunk girls who welcome me into their gang, the way they every group of highly intoxicated groups do.
"I'm Alex. I'm here for Christmas with my friends, who are you?" I laugh at this drunk girl she's around my age and so nice.
"I'm Grace. I'm with my husband on our honeymoon." I smile I point at Jace, whose sinking yet another whiskey.
"He's hot girrrlll." She slurs and wraps her arms around me.
"We are going to be friends." I laugh she won't remember me tomorrow. Her friend runs over with a tray of shots.
"SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS." She laughs handing everyone one, including myself. Who am I to turn it down. I sink it. Shit it's vodka and it really burns. I shake my head.
"Let's fucking danceeee!" One of the girls shouts and we all dance like we are professionals. I'm grinning and sliding my hand around my body. I feel high from these vibes. It's been so long. I continue to consume shots with this group of girls and dance for what feels like hours. The lights are dimming and the strobe lights getting brighter. I am absolutely trashed at this point. I'm dancing wild when my friend Alex comes over.
"Let's dance on the bar!!" I shake my head. I am not doing that.
"No way, Jace would kill me!" Shit Jace I haven't seen him all night. I turn around to find him and walk through the bar.

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