Chapter 89

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Grace pops her head into the office and I smile. She comes in and shuts the door behind her.
"How bad?" She asks
"So bad." I reply. She comes over and sits on the desk infront of me.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"She knows everything..."
"Everything everything?" I nod.
"I trust her though. She genuinely seemed a bit torn up for us." Grace smiles
"It would be nice for our child to have one Grandparent." Shit I'd never even thought about the fact our child has literally no one else.
"They will. I'm going to work on my relationship with my mum. Our child deserves a grandparent." Grace leans down and kisses me.
"So boss man, are you going to show me what to do?" I laugh and smile. I stand up and walk over to the table to the side of my desk and grab a chair and bring it to my desk.
"Do you have your laptop?"
"No I'll go grab it." Grace walks out the office and leaves the door open she returns very quickly with her laptop.
"How comes I didn't get a laptop before?"
"I think it encourages people to work in their own time? I have no objection to them working from home, but I think if people have their own laptop they're more likely to check emails and things and night."
"Oh but it's fine for me to work all day every day?"
"Yes exactly; you won't sue for workplace stress." She laughs and I laugh with her. I grab her chin and pull her in for a kiss. She kisses me back and pulls away.
"I want to do this job properly so please show me how." I smile and fire up my laptop. I run Grace through our finances at Atlas, our targets and why I've set them, what she's got to ensure is being delivered. Initiatives I want to promote. She takes it all in well and suggests ways to improve that I am impressed by. I knew she was the right choice. The morning goes quickly and I enjoy sharing work with her. I turn to her at lunch.
"Right, shall we go home. I really want to get you on some antibiotics I am stressed about that." She nods. She puts her laptop and phone in my bag and I put mine with hers. We walk out of the office and I walk to Ivys desk.
"Grace has a medical appointment this afternoon which I'll be going with her for. I've forwarded calls to my mobile. If anything urgent comes up let me know."
"Sure Jace. Hope you feel better soon Grace."
Grace smiles and we leave.
"That was weird, she assumed I was poorly?" I look at her and think about it for a second.
"You did run out the office to be sick?"
"I suppose I didn't think she'd be that observant though"
"Well I'm glad she is, that makes a very good assistant don't you think?" She nods and we wait for the elevator. It pings and Harvey comes out.
"Hey guys. Grace huge congratulations on your promotion you deserve it, and not just because Jace is your other half!" She smiles at Harvey. I get a bit of jealousy, Harvey is a good looking guy I've been to the gym with him a few times and he's absolutely ripped. He's so nice too nothing like me I can be an ass. Grace thanks Harvey and says we best be going.
"What's wrong?" She asks me.
"Nothing why?"
"You just seem moody" I roll my eyes.
"I'm always moody." I reply and she nods.
"That is true." She giggles. We get to the car and I get in the drivers seat.
"Do you mind if I stop off at the club for a second? I need to sort something out."
"No that's fine." She replies. I don't intend to tell her that I need to check some of our shipments left today. I knew Charles was sorting it but I want to check everything went smoothly. I know Charles is desperate to be my right hand man so I don't think he will let me down. I pull onto the road where the club is and park out the back.
"Do you want to come in or stay here?"
"I'll stay here." She replies. I lean over and kiss her cheek.
"I'll try not to be long baby." I climb out and realise I haven't got a gun on me. Do I really need one? Probably. I roll my eyes and go back to the car.
"Do not read into this." I say to Grace and lean into the glove box infront of her and grab my gun.
"I'm getting use to not reading into things at the moment." She smiles. I kiss her again and walk into the club through the back. This place is huge when it's empty.
"Good afternoon Sir." The bar lady says. I nod at her and continue upstairs. I go into the private room and see Charles and a few others gathered around the table, on the table are keys of drugs and I look around.
"What the fuck are they doing here?"
"The shipment left chill."
"Don't tell me to fucking chill. Why are they in my club?"
"They're getting distributed tonight."
"I don't give a fuck, I said don't hold them here. Who are they for?"
"The locals." I raise a brow Charles can see I'm about to loose my shit.
"Then you need to give them to Spike. Fuck don't bring them into my club unless it's for the club. There are ways we hold things for a reason. I can't free your ass if you get arrested with 7kg of class A drugs you fucking morons even the commissioner won't be able to let you off with that. Get them out my site. Charles stay." They put the drugs into a bag and leave. I roll my eyes and shake my head.
"What was that?" I ask.
"I thought it would be fine."
"It's not. We don't carry that much at one time ever. There's a reason there's a supply chain and god help me Charles I'm not going to fuck it up."
"Sorry." He says. I bite my lip I'm furious that they did that.
"Right, gather everyone. Clearly I am not making myself fucking clear enough. I want everyone here tonight. 10pm no dates."
"Will Grace come." I stand up tall and look at him and raise my eyebrows.
"Does it fucking matter? She took the same burden I did. Get it done Charles." Charles walks past me.
"Oh and Charles, we are old friends and I can see you wanting to be my right hand man..but don't challenge me on this. I'm trying to protect us all." I hate this part of things. If I could stop the drugs I definitely would. Maybe I can do one day. I'm not about drug pushing fortunately normally I never have to see that shit. I walk out the door and back down to the nightclub dance floor and out the back. I climb into the car and slam the door shut.
"What happened?" Grace asks and I shake my head. I don't want to tell her, if she doesn't know she can't ever have it held against her.
"They just fucked up." I put the car in drive and leave this night club.
"I have to go out tonight I'm sorry. They were sloppy today and I can't have that. I can't fuck this entire thing up not even a week into it."
"Okay, do you want me to come?"I shake my head.
"No I don't want you to see me like this."
"Like what?"
"I'm going to loose my shit at them Grace." She nods.
"Anyway, this is about you now I'll deal with them all later. Let's go home. Shall we grab some lunch on the way home?" She shakes her head
"No I'm not hungry."
"Okay we will be ordering in though because you need to eat. Helen should be there when we get home." She nods. I reach my hand across to her thigh and squeeze it.
"I'm sorry"
"It's fine. Don't worry I might go do some shopping tonight while you're out."
"I'm going out at like 10pm you're normally in bed by then."
"Then we will both be going shopping." I roll my eyes. She's right though we do need some things.
"Fine." I pull into the apartment car park and park in our slot. I climb out the car and feel my gun dig into my back. I'll have to keep it there for now and put it in the penthouse. Grace walks over to me and smiles. We walk to the elevator and I'm relieved when we get to our floor to find bens replacement at the door.
"Helen is in there sir."
"Thanks James." I reply and we walk in. Grace gives me a nervous look and I smile.
"It's fine, this is for the best."
"Hello Grace, Jace how are you doing today?" I nod and Grace seems to go shy.
"We are good thanks. Helen as I mentioned on the phone Graces morning sickness means her taking the antibiotics isn't going to great."
"That's no problem we can do some IVs in the evenings for you?"
"I don't really like IVs they hurt." I look at Grace who looks like she'd like to run a mile. I roll my eyes.
"You'll be fine, you need to so your well for our baby."
"Grace today I was going to take a bit of blood to if that's okay? I just want to see how you're doing." I can tell Grace is thinking her day is going down hill. I pull her into me.
"Grace you're fine it'll be okay. These things need to happen for the baby." She nods and gives me a small smile.
"Where shall we do this all?"
"Can we do it in the bedroom?"
"Of course I'll let you lead the way. This is the last of your 72 hours so we will have a quick check of baby okay?" I smile and Grace nods. I walk into the bedroom and lie on the bed. Grace comes and leans into me and I wrap my arm around her.
"Okay Grace it makes sense for me to put a cannula in first and I'll draw blood then I'll hook you up to some antibiotics then swap it to some vitamins for the baby and you okay?" Grace nods and holds her arm out. I kiss her forehead.
"You're fine baby." I whisper. Helen puts the cannula in surprisingly quickly and draws graces blood. Grace looks up from my chest
"Is it done yet?" I can't help but laugh.
"Grace Helen has taken your blood she's literally hooking you to a bag now."
"Grace just going to flush saline okay?" Grace moans and burys herself back into my chest. I can't help but chuckle at her. She looks up at me and pouts at me. Helen connects her up to her antibiotics and I flick the TV onto a film and snuggle her in.
"Grace if you lie flat we will take a really quick look at baby again." She shuffled over and lies down. Helen squeezes a small amount of Gel and brings the wand to Graces tummy. I always get worried at this point that we won't see a baby. The wand moves and to my relief and Graces our tiny baby is there with a strong heart beat again.
"All is looking good with baby guys. I'd say that's you in the clear now until 12 weeks. Based on the size of baby I'd say that's only 3 weeks away, I know you thought you were 7 weeks but I think baby is slightly bigger than that. Obviously it could just be growing really well so don't worry about dates to much." I nod and smile either way Grace and I were having a lot of sex those weeks so I'm not worried about the dates. I kiss her cheek and she smiles.

I climb out of bed and go to the living area and grab my laptop. I return to bed and lie back next to Grace. I turn my laptop on and answer some emails and do some work for Atlas. Out of all my companies Atlas is by far my favourite one so I need to put more time into it. Grace is led on my chest. I'm pretty certain she's asleep as she didn't move when Helen rinsed out her cannula and swapped it over to a new IV bag. I look at Atlas stock prices, I'm surprised with how good they are doing I don't think they've ever been this high. People obviously like Grace as COO. I check our personal accounts while I'm at it. Despite paying out for a house this week they still look incredible. I decide to treat Grace and scroll through some nice Jewellery, I settle on some emerald earrings and order them. She's definitely asleep she would have had something to say about that. I glance at the time and I'm surprised that it's 5pm already. I decide to order a takeaway for Grace and I. I opt for her favourite from Edinburgh, Wagamamas. She'll love me for it.

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