Chapter 50

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Graces POV

I can feel Jaces eyes on me. I don't know what to say. I'm trying to process the information but I can't. My mind is swimming. I don't even know what I'm supposed to be processing. Jaces family company some how killed my parents, my biological ones, which I didn't even know existed. I know I'm not mad at Jace. There's no way he's responsible for this situation, I bet he was just a child too. The plane is lining up to go down the run way and I grip the seat tight as it launches into the air. Jace sees my fear and unclips himself and almost falls down the plane but he steadies and sits by my feet. He takes my hand. I know he loves me, I love him.

"Explain it to me." He looks up to me surprised I spoke. He's really pleased I did though I can tell.
"I don't know everything. I was tiny when it happened."
"Tell me what you do know. Please." He nods and faces me.
"So, Acorp is a construction and demolition company. It partners with loads of huge companies to get jobs done. It's how my father made friends in high places, city officials, lawyers  everyone has a say. They were working on a block of flats for demolition and construction. I understand it was they day of demolition and someone said they did a sweep of the building. It was a lie Grace. The building went down. Your parents were inside. They had a third floor flat. They died. I'm so sorry."
"Where was I?"
"I really don't know I'm sorry."
"Then what?"
"They didn't know there was anyone in the building, it wasn't till the rubble was being moved they found them. It was over a week and a half later. When the crew realised what had happened they looked for someone to blame. There was a demolition rig handler that got the blame for signing off the sweep. When it came to publicly apologising it came out that the method of demolition was illegal, it had been banned days before and the contractors never noticed it was because of the asbestos or something. There were a lot of people in trouble, the city officials with the contractors agreed to not speak about anything publicly. Claim it was a standard demolition and nothing happened. The companies all tried to trace who your parents were to pay their families off. They had no luck. The only person their search found was you."
I don't know how to digest this. It all seems so odd. I knew that big corporations were dodgy, I never knew I'd be married into it.
"Jace I don't think it's true."
"What? It is I remember how stressed my dad was it definitely happened."
"I don't think I'm her. What made you think I was?"
"I didn't till my dad said you were. I'm not sure why he'd be so eager to split us apart if you weren't?"
"I don't know either but I'm fairly certain I am not that abandoned child. Even if I am it doesn't matter anymore."
"They died. My parents. The month I came back."
Jace twists and grabs my hands.
"You spoke about said they lived in England?" I nod.
"I did say that. I'm not quite use to living in past tense, they doesn't sit right."
"Why didnt you say?"
"Telling someone. It makes it feel so real. When you said about their house being empty when you tried to get them to come to the wedding" My eyes well up. He nods and gives a sympathetic look.
"I had no idea, I wasn't trying to be..well insensitive I had no idea. It was just you in Edinburgh that entire time?" I nod.

I feel my eyes swelling with tears again. I never allowed my self to grieve the loss of my parents, adoptive or not. I lost them in a flash and that was it. When I got the call I'd arrived just days after Jace and i had split and my head was a mess. I got the train to Hamble, a place near Southampton. It's where they lived. They had a boating accident or something. I couldn't bare to hear the rest. Long story short they both drowned in rough seas, just 15 miles from their home. I arrange their funerals, packed the house up and left it. I couldnt bare to profit from their death. So I pay their bills to keep the house warm. Jace would think I'm nuts.

"Grace you should have called."
"It was days after."
"I'd still have came and you know it." I did know it. At the time I didn't but I do now.
"What are you going to do?"
"They didn't really have anything. Their life insurance covered the house and the funeral. I can't bare to part with it. It wasn't where I grew up but I know they loved it." He smiles.
"When you're ready we will do it together." I nod.
"Are you tired?" I shake my head and he gasps mockingly.
"That's very unlike you. Regardless, would you like to come to bed for a bit?" I nod, I like just lying in bed. At home I'd be reading my kindle but I'm not sure I'll see that anytime soon. I unstrap myself and walk to the rear of the cabin. Jace follows. I climb into bed and Jace joins me wrapping his arm around me.
"Do you have any more questions?" He asks. I shake my head.
"I don't care to know more. My parents who loved me very much, are dead, if the two in the apartment were parents they are also dead. I see no point chasing ghosts."
"Grace I hate to ask this of you, especially right now."
"Your Fathers secret is safe Jace. It's a burden you now have to have." He looks at me. "You heard?" I nod. "It didn't take a genius once I heard what your mum said the day Lorenzo was over he was very illusive. I put the parts together. I don't think you should bankrupt your mum though, she seems genuinely nice."
"What did she say?"
"She spoke about when you were young. Your ambitions. How you were sweet but essentially a lamb being led for slaughter." Jace nods.
"I won't bankrupt her. Once she's divorced from him." I nod.
"You should probably hope your dad had no secret children." I laugh jokingly. Jace also laughs and stops pretty quickly.
"I think it would still stand. He personally signed it over before death. Because of you actually. He thought the burden would be enough to cause our split."
"Burden of what? Me keeping your secrets?" He nods.
"Just don't cross me and you'll be fine." I wink and laugh. He laughs to and he pulls me in closer.
"I thought I'd loose you today." I look up at him.
"You're never going to loose me, I'm surprised you haven't figured that out yet." He kisses the top of my head, it feels like the last few days have been alot of fuss about nothing. I can't get my head around how much people have been over reacting.

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