Chapter 91

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The cars pulls away and I look out the front. "William Blake once said it is easier to forgive an enemy than forgive a friend."
"I don't care for your shit poetry."
"I'm sure. A bit like I didn't care for your betrayal, friend."
"Where are you taking me?"
"I haven't quite decided that yet. I don't like to be a killer, it's not in my nature. I also don't believe you deserve pardon for what you did."
"Jesus Christ you're talking like I raped Grace." I clench my fist. She's definitely my soft spot.
"Don't talk about her." I say calmly.
"You betrayed your company, your brothers, for what? Because you were bitter that you didn't get a promotion to boss? News flash you proved tonight why you didn't." I am aware I don't have to be the one to pull the trigger, I could simply say do so and it'll get done. Fuck I don't know what to do. I lean over to the driver to go to the airport. I sit back and light a cigarette, I need to remember I have these and get rid of them or Grace will go mad. I decide to drop Grace a text.

How's the movie night? Did you save me that brownie.

I glance at my watch. It's 9pm so hopefully she's s awake. I smile when I see my phone light up.

It's missing you. Sorry ate them all! Hurry home x

I smile at my phone. I intend to do just that.
"Pull over in a second."
"Charles, im going to take you to the airport and put you on a plane that's going to Australia. If you so much as fight getting on that plane they will kill you. If you ever step foot in the USA again I will personally hunt you down and kill you." I nod at the driver to stop the car. The driver does that. I climb out the car and walk to the other car. The driver puts his window down.
"Charles is being put on a plane and off to Australia. I want you to put 500g of cocaine in a suit case and check it in as him. Skip baggage so they don't know it's there till he lands in Australia. Kill him if he fights getting on the plane." They nod. I walk back to the car and get back in.
"Let's hurry this along shall we. I have places to be." The cars speed to the airport

Just dropping Charles at the airport. Wait up?

I'm hoping she's still awake. After tonight I feel like I need Grace. I'm pissed my oldest friend did this. I'm hoping this doesn't make me look weak not killing him. I don't want to be ruthless like that saying that if he fights I will be. We pull into the airport and pull up to a passenger plane about to take off. I put my hand up to signal to wait while the other car puts a suitcase in the hold. I smile when I see it get locked under the plane. I step out the car and open the door. Charles gets out and I cock my gun and put it to his back.
"Are you going to make this easy?" He says nothing and walks to the plane. I'm surprised when he walks up the stairs. I nod at the pilot who shuts the door. I go back to the car and watch the plane take off. Atleast I know he's gone. He won't be getting far in Australia with that much in his suitcase though. I'll look forward to the news tomorrow morning.
"Take me home." I climb back into the front of the car and it pulls away. I lean back in the car and watch the city go by. I'm relieved when I see the house pull into view. I get dropped off at the garage elevator and push the button to go to our floor. I nod at the guard at the entrances and walk in when I walk in there is glass on the floor I walk out.
"Whose been here?"
"Mark said you asked him to check on Grace."
"What the fuck?" The guard looks alarmed and follows me into the house. I pull my gun out I go into the bedroom Grace is on her knees and Mark has his gun to her head she's crying hysterically. Why the fuck does this keep happening.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing coming into my house, threatening my wife?"
"Charles told me I had to." He's shaking he clearly doesn't want to.
"Put the gun down."
"He's going to kill my wife." I raise my brow.
"What did he say?"
"He said if I don't hear from him by 10 I'm to kill Grace." I look at my watch it's 9.55 and I've never been so relieved to be home.
"You won't hear from him. But he's not dead Let her go."
"But my family."
"She's pregnant Mark do you really want to make an enemy out of me and kill a pregnant woman."
"I have to!"
"Jesus Christ I will kill your wife myself and every person in your family if you lay one more finger on her." I can see Charles has got his hooks into him deep. I step closer to them and he doesn't move. Good to know.
"Let her go." He's crumbling if it shoot him he won't react fast enough. I look at Grace whose nodding. Why's she nodding?
"Mark I said I respected you earlier, remember? I'll kill Charles. I'll save your family okay?" He doesn't believe me I take another step closer.
"DONT OR ILL SHOOT HER." Oh fuck this. I raise my gun. His finger isn't even on the trigger.
"Last chance, let her go." He doesn't and I pull my trigger. I fall to the floor and scoop Grace. I look to the security. "Get word to kill Charles. The second he is off that plane. Or get that plane in the fucking water now." He nods and calls someone.
"Grace baby? Please talk to me. You're okay I promise."
"I was suppose to be able to trust him." She cries
"I know I know, Charles crossed me today." Actually fuck this.
"Elliot" I shout. He runs in.
"Get that plane grounded right now. I don't care where it is if it has to come back. Get that plane back here. Tell everyone to get to the fucking airport. If it's not landing in JFK tell me where it is and get my jet on the ground." He nods and calls someone. Who I don't know but fuck Charles he's a dead man. I hold Grace tightly.
"Are you okay?" She nods.
"He didn't hurt me." I look her over there is blood on her top. She shakes her head.
"I tried to run, I smashed the vase on his head and just split my tummy when I ran I'm okay though."
"Grace I'm so sorry I've done this again. Fuck. You deserve so much better." She shakes her head
"You didn't know, you tried to save him." Its true I did. Elliot runs in.
"It'll be wheels down in JFK in 20." I nod
"Get the cars, get everyone there."
"Jace no.. you don't have to do this." I glance to Mark. I shake my head.
"Mark was a nice guy Grace, Charles threatened his family and mine. He told him to kill you, Charles knows your pregnant. That is unforgivable.I hate to ask this but I'm not leaving you so you are coming with me." She pulls herself into me and cries. I smooth her hair. Fuck I should have killed him and Mark. I have no idea who I can trust now.
"Grace we have to go." She nods and stands I grab my hoodie out the cupboard and wrap it around her.
"Don't look don't turn around okay?" She nods but doesn't move.
"Elliot get someone to rectify this situation and book me a suite at the plaza tonight." He nods and leaves I pick Grace up and carry her to the car. I opt to take mine. I put Grace in the back and give her a blanket from the boot that she insists is essential.
"Grace I'm so sorry, I thought everything would be okay."
"Jace you didn't know and I'm fine, really. I was just scared he actually was going to kill me. When you got home I knew I'd be okay." I'm driving really fast to the airport, the car just hit 120 which is unheard of in New York. Shit I'm high let's slow down I do have Grace in the car. I drive at a more reasonable speed.
"Grace I don't know what to say to you. How long was he there?"
"He arrived just after you asked me to stay awake. He didn't know you were on your way home." I pull in to JFK I'm relieved when I see 8 range rovers parked up.
"Grace I need you to stay down. Okay?" I see her nod in the rear view mirror. A plane lands just as I stop the car and get out. I lock the car. I smile when I see it's the right plane. It taxis just infront of me. I nod at the boys to follow me to the plane I love this power there is a click of guns loading and it gives me an adrenaline boost. The stairs drop and I walk onto the plane. I search the seats for Charles and find him ducking down I nod for boys to grab him. The enter the plane and pull him out and off.
"Apologies everyone. The is a warrant out for this man's arrest." I step off the plane. I ask one of the men to take his bag out of the hold. And they do that. I watch as they lead Charles to a hanger. I'm going to get a lot of satisfaction from this. I walk into the hanger and close the door.
"Tonight, Charles crossed me, and I showed him mercy. I let him get in this flight and start a new life. Did I mention his suitcase had a load of cocaine? So maybe a nice one in prison but still. Then tonight I return home to my wife and find Charles had a little henchmen holding a gun to her head. I want to remind everyone not to fuck with me, or my wife. Or you die." Charles laughs.
"Did he kill your wife Jace? Are you mad I got to her?" He's laughing hysterically. I'm in no mood for this. I think of all the things I could do to Charles. I pull him up by his neck.
"You think If my wife was dead we'd be having a conversation?" I punch him in the face and slam his head onto the concrete. I punch him again and take all my anger out on him. I pick him back up. I'm fairly certain this is the adrenaline. He's still laughing and it's fucking me off. I nod to one of the men who walk to Charles and tie him to a chair. They put a cloth in his mouth and begin waterboarding him.
"Did Charles get under anyone else's skin? Has he threatened any of you? Be honest, it will redeem you if you're honest because if anyone else challenges me. You'll join him." They sit Charles up and I shoot him in the head.
"Do not question me. I do not take kindly to challenge. Someone clean this shit up." I walk out the hanger and tuck the gun into my back. I unlock the car and get in. I check on Grace who sits up when she sees me.
"You can get in the front if you want?" She nods and climbs through the centre console.
"You killed him didn't you?" She grabs my bloody knuckles and I nod.
"I did." I don't feel good about my choice, but I'm not okay with people threatening Grace, especially when I showed him mercy. I seem to have more respect from people outside my circle than in it. Fuck it's just sinking into my head, I'm a gangster why did I let this happen. How did I let this happen.
"I can't believe Charles turned on you."
"I can't either but I should have expected it. He was jealous when it was me and not him. Grace I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am this came home with me." She shakes her head and leans over to me.
"I hate the fact you killed someone, well two people. I know you'll always protect us though."
"Always." I reply and put the car in drive.
"I'm going to find Marks family, I'm going to give them enough money to start fresh."
"I think that's a very good thing to do. He wasn't a bad person, he just wasn't strong enough." She's right.
"Grace I didn't intend to kill anyone tonight, I tried to send Charles away."
"I know. It's because you're a good person and that's why you're struggling to justify your actions."
"Grace I can't help but think I keep dragging you into this shit, if you went back to England without me and were without me you'd be so much happier, safer." That absolutely broke my heart to say but it's true I know this now.
"Maybe, but I choose to be here with you. Don't use this as a way to push me away Jace not again. Bedsides unless you want your child across the other side of the world it's not possible." She's right of course she is, aside from the fact I cannot be without this girl she's carrying my child, and I want to be there for her and with her. I want us to be a family unit. I don't know how I keep fucking us up so badly.

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