Chapter 22

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Jace returns quickly with a glass of water for me and climbs into bed next to me. He grabs the tv remote from the side and flicks the tv on at the foot of the bed. He returns to the F1 and pulls me into his chest. I look up at him through my lashes. "I wish everyday was as good, ish, as today." He smiles
"It won't be." I nod, back to asshole Jace I see.
He shrugs "sorry I just mean that not everyday is going to be good, I'm really trying here Grace, and I'm not going to lie I will slip up." "I know, thank you for trying."
"You know Christmas is in 8 weeks?" "Yes Jace I know how a calendar works." He raises a brow at my sass. "Well why don't we get married at Christmas." I didn't see that coming. "Can we talk about it tomorrow I'm tired?" "Sure we have the entire day at the spa so we can talk all about it." He winks knowing I was deferring the subject. "Good night Jace." "Night" he kisses my lips gently and resumes watching the F1. I drift off to sleep and sleep so well for the first time in weeks.

I wake up to the sound of Jace cooking bacon in the kitchen. The smell is glorious and it flows through the air. I question why he's making bacon as going to the spa surely meant we'd get brunch there? I walk into the kitchen and I'm surprised to see Lorenzo sat at the breakfast bar. He turns and smiles at me. "Hi Grace, so lovely to see you. Sorry to intrude on your day off." Jace turns to him and smiles. "It's not her day off, she's sick remember Lorenzo she has a concussion." " Ah yes Grace, how are you, how's your car, has it been replaced yet? I Hope Jace here is looking after you." "I'm hoping they won't need to replace the car I quite like it. Jace is looking after me he's taking me to the spa today actually" Lorenzo turns to look at Jace he raises a brow " so this is why you're taking today off, I see well. I hope you two have a lovely day." Lorenzo stops and pans around the room, his eyes setting on me and then and Jace and he looks between the two of us. "Oh and congratulations to the pair of you. I had no idea you two would become so close so quick." "Actually Lorenzo, we've been an item for quite some time. Grace came to Edinburgh for some time apart. Obviously my father had other ideas and I ended up joining her in Edinburgh We've just rekindled the spark."
"is that so well congratulations nonetheless"Lorenzo gives Jace a hard look Jace acknowledges it by nodding his head. This is like some silent language between the two of them, I know they're going to discuss this later, but what is it that they're going to discuss my mind fills with dread.
"What brings you here Lorenzo?" I ask cheerfully. "Jace asked me to come over to discuss some business he wants me to take care of it today whilst you guys are out. I also needed to have a chat with him about something his father sent me. Are you still thinking about coming back to work next week Grace?" I smile and nod.
"That's my intention and I'd quite like Jace to be my boss again. Sorry about the fuss I kicked up."Jace looks at me in shock and smiles. "Jace if you're happy with that then that seems the most sensible situation to myself?" Jace smiles. "Yeah I'd love to have Grace as my grad again." Lorenzo looks at the both of us and says ' I must stress to you both you must act professionally within the work environment. I'm sure I don't need to tell you this Jace. It is your company after all." Jaces eyes flare, his nostrils go wide and he shoots me a look.
"Your company?" I question Jace. I know his father owns Atlas, but why is Lorenzo saying that the company is Jace's. Jace hasn't said anything. "Yeah...yeah my company, Grace, my dad passed it over to me yesterday but he is fine though he just didn't want to work anymore." I pause to take in this information and look at him.
"But the CEO lives in New York Jace and you're in Edinburgh!?" Jace rubs his hands on his neck and nods Lorenzo jumps off the stool "so I can see you to have lots to discuss so I'm going to leave you to it. Enjoy your spa day, Jace, I'll see you back in the office tomorrow." with that he walks out the door and suddenly it was just me and Jase and the impending argument, I can see brewing. I go and sit on the sofa.
"Grace I was going to tell you, I wasn't gonna keep it from you. Obviously yesterday was a day for us. I needed to keep it separate. I wanted to talk to you today. I'm not gonna ask for you to come to New York and I'm also not gonna go without you. I'm going to trial being the CEO from Edinburgh and see how it goes. I didn't expect to get the company this soon and it doesn't change anything between the two of us work nor Personal life. I still want everything I promised yesterday, can we just go to the spa and enjoy today and talk about things there?" I have no reason to be mad. This is an amazing opportunity for him. I mean having your own company at his age is insane let alone a billion dollar company that is global. shit. I'm marrying the CEO of multibillion dollar company, that hasn't crossed my mind any point.
I walk back into the bedroom and throw on my yoga pants and a Hoodie. I got a bikini out of my top drawer and take a towel. I walk into the living area and Jace has a rucksack ready with his clothes. He motions for me to put mine in with his so I do as I'm told. He, I slide into the passenger seat I can't be bothered to fight drive. I need to process this I'm driving right now will it help. I also have no idea where I'm going. I'd left it up to Jace to plan the intimate details. Jace plugs in an address that's an hour and a half away into the satnav. That seems like a curiously long way. Considering we live in a city in there must be over 100 Spas here. Nevertheless I settle down and I asked Jace if we can stop to get coffee on the way he nods at me and before I know it, we quickly pulling into a Starbucks for my oat milk latte.

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