Some clarifications, if you, the reader, are interested

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There are many points about my fanfic that diverges from the main story.

1. It takes after the Temna war

2. Story based on the light novel (not the wn)

3. Rimuru is about as strong as Guy. Guy can win if Rimuru gets his guard down

4. The survivors from the moderate troupe are Yuuki, Laplace, Kagali and Tear. They still operate the Freedom Guild.

5. Dino was rescued and is living again in the laberynth.

6. There are no ships shipped for Rimuru. No lemons.

7. No Veldanava's reincarnation. Maybe resurrection, but no one will be his reincarnation

8. Only Veldora has a soul corridor with Rimuru. Only Veldora knows about Ciel. 

9. Chloe and Chronoa are still two entities. She never fused with her manas.

This is a hobby, so I won't be uploading regularly. But I hate cliffhangers, so no story will have no ending.

I hope you enjoy the stories.

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