Chapter 18: The Dragon of Rage

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Rias: Koneko, where is Gasper?

Koneko: In... his room...

She fell uncouncious in my arms.

Rias: Issei.

Issei: Y-yes Prez?

Rias: I want no survivors.

Maybe I asked too much of him. He never killed anyone after all. But I was angered to the point of no return. I would find the one that did that to my cute little servants and kill them myself.

We went to Gasper room, only to see more wizard. They attacked us and Issei promoted to Rook to protect Koneko and I from the attack.

Issei: Dragon Shot!

I finished the ones that didn't die on impact and finally saw Gasper, being held down.

Rias: What do you want from him?!

Wizard: His Sacred Gear will be useful.

Issei: Gasper, if you take my blood, you will be able to control your power.

Wizard: Shut up!

Issei: They need you alive, you don't need to be afraid.

Gasper: But I don't like blood.

Rias: You don't have to Gasper.

Issei: It's alright, we'll find another way.

Wizard: Shut up or we'll kill you!

We once again ignored them.

Gasper: I'll do it!

Issei: Alright!

Issei summoned Ascalon and made a cut on his hand. I took care of the wizards and Gasper drank the blood, liberating everyone.

Gasper: Peuh! It tastes terrible!

Issei: You'll get used to it buddy... I mean, maybe... I don't know I never drank blood.

We then gopuout to join the others.


Most of the leaders helped me to fight the wizards. I don't know how do they find so much though. Azazel was apparently fighting an ancestor of Ingvild who wanted power back, so this is what this is all about. Valianah was also able to get out of Ingvild's trap.

Suddenly, time restarted. I saw behind everyone starting to move again.

Eos: You did it, Rias. Ouch!

I took a hit in the back by a wizard. Speaking of Rias, she was running with Issei and Gasper and Koneko in her arms.

Eos: I'd recommend going somewhere safe! It's gonna hurt a lot!

Issei: What?!

Eos: Kiba, you remembered when you ask me of I had a familiar? Seems like it'tomime to show you rage.

Sirzech: Rage?

I landed on a roof and summoned a giant magic circle above me.

Azazel: The Hell's that?!

Eos: Everyone! Land!

They don't listen huh? Oh whatever.

Eos: Dragon of dual colored eyes! Resurrect from the deep darkness.

A Dragon-like creature started to come out of the magic circle, starting from it's feet.

Eos: With the flame of rage, incinerate everything on the earth! Come forth! The blazing dragon called by calamity! Supreme King Violent Dragon - Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon!

The man that created heaven (A Highshcool DxD Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz