Chapter 16: The World and a parental visit

Start from the beginning

Eos: Mother!

Rias: "Mother"?!

I instantly took her in my arms.

Eos: What are you doing here mother?

Aria: Well, I heard that your school was having a parent and child day, so I came. Your father is not here I am sorry but-

Eos: Mother, I am a teacher in this school.

Aria: Oh...

She laughed it off.

As I lead her into the ORC the first thing I saw was Rias jumping over her desk and rushed to my mother's arms.

Rias: Madam Infernus!

She hugged her back and I softly smiled. Having a mom that likes your fiancé is great, really.

Aria: My Rias, it's been so long! How is it going with my son?

Rias blushed a little.

Rias: Oh well, he's okay I guess.

She smirked towards me.

Aria: My~ my~, didn't I teach you how to treat a woman, Eos?

Akeno: I promise you my Lady, he is treating everyone here with utter respect.

Now that I thought about it. Mother and Akeno really look like each other. My mother's eye are gold and is taller but tthat's the only difference. Also the fact that she dresses like a noble.

Aria: Oh and who is this beautiful and very polite young woman?

Rias: This is Akeno, my Queen... and Eos... second.

Aria: Is everyone here one of my son's lover?

Ingvild and Xenovia blushed.

Eos: No! Of course not! Only... only Rias and Akeno...

Aria: I see...

We then presented everyone to my mother, she seemed to appreciate everyone, even Issei, a little less than the others, but he still had his charm.

Aria: I did not expect you to ever have a peerage, Eos. Especially with two beautiful girls like them. Miss Akeno, this tea is delicious.

Akeno: Thank you very much, madam.

Eos: So, how is everything going on in Hell?

Aria: *sigh* The old Satan Faction is still making damages. That's why your father could not come here. He has to deal with those on the teritory.

Eos: I see...

Xenovia: The old Satan Faction?

Aria: Oh I guess you would not know. Hell is directed by four Great Satans, they are elected. Originally, they were just the oldest child of the previous Satan, but when...

Eos: They know.

Aria: When God and the four originals died, it left a vacuum on the power. A civil war between the old Satan Faction and the new Satan Faction began. And the rest is history. The old Satan Faction doesn't like that we give titles of the original rulers to the new ones.

Issei: What?

Kiba: Like Lucifer. Rias' brother was a Gremory but became Lucifer once he took the throne.

Rias: And that's why I'm the heiress of the clan even though my brother is older.

Ingvild: Well, I am a Leviathan by birth but I think that Lady Serafall is doing a fantastic job.

Aria: You are so sweet. But yeah. They just don't like the way the power is in place. But recently, they allied themselves with this Khaos Faction and... well they decided to bomb cities and all those kind of things...

Xenovia: Couldn't the Great Satans just kill them?

Aria: That's not how politics work, dear. Anyway, Rias, Eos, when is your wedding planned?

Eos: Huh...

Rias: Well...

Koneko: You're marrying?

Eos: We didn't tell you?

Issei: No you didn't!

Rias: Oh well...

Eos: Mother... is it really a good idea to... reveal me?

She cupped my face with her hands.

Aria: Honey, you gave them the best Rating Game in ages. You stopped a war before it even began. They will love you.

Eos: Will they? What if they discover about God's death?

Aria: Then we'll deal with it. Your plan, it still holds up?

Eos: Yeah of course!

Aria: And marrying Rias would make you happy?

I looked at my fiancé and blushed.

Eos: Absolutely.

Aria: Honey, your objective is hapiness, it's never ending love, you said it yourself when you came up with it. Go on marry her, and if people don't accept you...

Eos: Then we'll be happy in my perfect world.

She kissed my forehead.

Ingvild: Your perfect world?

Eos: It's... a long story. I'll explain it to you.

Aria: Oh by the way Rias, honey, did you heard about your brother?

Rias: No?

Aria: He and Grayfia divorced.


Rias: What?! Why?!

Aria: They are still friends don't worry, but Grayfia said that he was always at work and that they didn't have any 'them' time anymore. It is truly sad that your brother must work this much...

Rias: He could have told me.

Issei: So even Devil divorce... I thought...

I sensed his glare on me. I didn't lie, they still have a good relationship. It's just that... well you still need to give your loved ones love...


I'm almost at chapter 100! When I first started to write this, I never thought I'd still have the motivation after all this time... but I still do.

The next chapter is very short and slice of life so I'll give you two tomorrow.


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