Chapter 49 - Could we avoid it?

Start from the beginning

- It's impossible...

The soldier was heading towards headquarters, killing titans here and there along the way. When he got close enough to the guys...

- «This is... THIS IS Y/N! BUT HOW?! SHE... WAS ONE OF BLACK ARMBAND ONES!» Mikasa said as she prepared to go after the girl.

- She... she's dead, it's someone...

- «Armin, it's her. Only her ODM didn't look like everyone else's. And it's her style to do something out of the ordinary... And she's the only one smart enough to avoid death... from that», Jean interrupted him, also heading for Y/N.

This whole situation was so confusing for everyone. They were all glad that Y/N... was it Y/N... survived? But how... How could she survive what hundreds of soldiers didn't survive...

Y/N dealt with one titan after another, heading towards the headquarters. She didn't even think about what she was doing, dealing with them instinctively, as Levi had taught her. «If you think too long while fighting a pure titan, then you might make a mistake... your time is limited», her thoughts were preoccupied with another question - why is she still alive?

In a second, she went from «one of the suicide bombers» to «the only survivor», and she didn't understand - why? What was wrong with her? She didn't do anything... «The serum didn't work. Everything remains as it was. What am I missing...» She flew and thought until a crazy thought struck her that made her legs buckle. She just didn't reach the headquarters a little and collapsed onto one of the roofs. There were no more titans in the area. She was alone. She was shaking with realization... «How could I have been such a... idiot! I kept telling myself that I had taken everything into account... But... the answer was right under my nose... There were always three components... and... every week I looked at what I lacked to solve... I'm still an idiot...»

She didn't notice how someone landed behind her, she didn't hear footsteps, she didn't hear how they addressed her. She pulled the mask off her face and hung it around her neck. She lowered the carabiners and looked down at her palm and... «Nail cuts... No, I couldn't... Not that... Am I...»

- «Y/N! YOU'RE ALIVE!», Mikasa was about to rush to her friend, but Jean stopped her.

- Wait... Something's wrong... She's... strange...

They all stood and watched Y/N, who didn't notice them and was staring at her hand like crazy. And then... she took her knife, which was holstered on her thigh as usual, and...


But she cut her hand. She winced, leaving a deep gash in her palm. Now both Armin and Mikasa rushed to the girl, but Jean understood that they shouldn't need to touch her... Something was happening to her and... he thought that she herself didn't fully understand what... or did she understand?

And... then the cut on her hand began to exude steam and... healed, as if nothing had happened. Y/N looked at her hand as if spellbound. She did it. She... found a solution. She raised her head, looking at the guys who were shocked by what they saw.

- «Y/N... how is it...?», Jean began to say, but...

The shelling began in their direction. They all flew to the air.

- «We need to find Eren! We can't let him and Zeke meet!» Armin yelled.

They all exchanged nods, and, splitting into two groups, they headed towards the wall where Zeke was. As they approached, they spotted an Armored Titan on the ground, stuck in Founding Titan's crystal form. Y/N headed towards Mikasa and Armin, but didn't make it in time. Everything around shook. She landed on the nearest rooftop, seeking her balance. She leaned on the chimney, trying to focus. There was only dust around. Dust from broken walls. And this dust... something towered. Hundreds... thousands of Titans... were free. And...

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