page 36 Omega Broly and John vs The Conqueror

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However just when it seems Omega Broly will lose The Conqueror is hit with an Energy Cannon by John who says "I got him you fight those three" Omega Broly says "Thanks for the help" The Conqueror says "Doesn't matter I will defeat both of you all the same" John hits The Conqueror with an Energy Cannon. The Conqueror's Shadow goes for a punch so does the Conqueror's Spirit self Omega Broly catches both fists. The Conqueror's Skeleton goes for an all out Energy Cannon to Omega Broly's back he launches the attack. However Omega Broly lifts both The Conqueror's Shadow and the Conqueror's Spirit self up and turns around placeing them back on the ground he uses them as a sheild. The Conqueror's Skeleton can't believe what it just did. Omega Broly takes advantage of the shock to hit both The Conqueror's Shadow and The Conqueror's Spirit self with an Energy attack each. They scream out in pain as they are destroyred, The Conqueror yells out "NO YOU CAN'T!" Omega Broly hits The Conqueror's Skeleton with an Energy attack destroying it. The Conqueror yells out "YOU WILL PAY FOR TH HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LET GO!" John grabs The Conqueror from behind he yells out "DO IT NOW OMEGA BROLY!" Omega Broly gathers all of his energy into an Energy Cannon and aims it at The Conqueror who is being held in place by John. Omega Broly yells out "I AM READY JUST DON'T DIE!" John yells out "JUST DO IT ALREADY!" Omega Broly launches the Energy Cannon however before it can make contact. The Conqueror uses an abillity to blind John it works andJohn lets go of the Conqueror who gets out of the way and the Energy Cannon hits John full force.

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