page 10 Max vs Danny

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The man says "Doctor I had enough please turn the machine off Doctor Doctor! Please turn it off Doctor!!" The machine runs out of power the man's brain is damaged causeing him to go insane. He gets away and finds his way to New York city he is in a area that has a massive amount of electricty a man says "Hey asshole what's your fucking deal? You crazy?" The man says "No I like to think of myself as the chosoen one and I choose you to die first" The man says "What the fuck did you just say to me?" The man is hit with Lightning and dies The chosen one says "You die first" The Chosen one goes and grabs the power cable to New York and begins to take the electricty from New York until he is sent flying by Max who says "Not going to happen New York is not an all you cat power source I will have to put you in your place" The Chosen one says "I am Danny I will not lose to anyone!" Danny attacks Max who evades the attacks and sends Danny flying with a punch. Max smiles and says in an arrogant tone "Is that all you got because I am not even trying to win? That's how weak you are to me" New York goes dark as Danny slowly walks over to Max stealing all of New York's power. Max goes for another attack but Danny evades it and backhands Max and says "You are the one that looks weak!" Max gets angry and goes all out and attacks Danny. He uses the power of New York to make himself stronger it works. Danny and Max are evenly matched until Danny is hit in the neck with a tranquilzer dart by the police.  

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