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John says "That's fine do what you must" Alice says "Like we talked about yesterday Max you have amazing power inside you but it lies dormant if you let me I can help you awaken that power what do you say?" Max says "I would but I can't" John says "Just remember to train every now and then so you don't get weak again ok?" Max says "Ok I will so how do I get home?" John opens a portal and says "Go through this and you wll be back home" Max says "Thank you for everything Alice I hope we meet again someday" Max goes through the portal. John says "Thanks for training him Alice" She says "Come with me yor training starts now" John says "Training? What training?" Alice says "You need to get stronger as well lets begin shall we?" John says "I can't train I have to watch over everyone and watch out for threats" Alice says "No you don't now that I trained Max for a little you can continue your training don't worry about a thing Max Lucy and Jackson can handle just about anything so you can train" John says "Fine let's continue my training" Two months later a scientist has created a machine that gives a normal man power over Lightning and electricty they test the machine on a normal man. It works the scientist is about to stop the machine but is stabbed in the back with a Dark Energy balde instead than their head is chopped off by a Light Energy Blade by the same person. After killing the scientist the killer goes to the controls of the machine and set it to full power and walk into another room.

The Legacy of John book five The ConquerorWhere stories live. Discover now