page 30 John vs The Conqueror part 5

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However John is able to launch another Full power Energy cannon causeing them to explode once again. The creater becomes bigger John and The Conqueror continue their fight and finally manage to defeat each other with an Energy attack. They land in the creater and are nearly powerless but John gets back to his feet and says "I guess this means that I win" The Conqueror yells out "NEVER I WILL NEVER LOSE TO YOU A SECOND TIME!" The Earth begins to shake as the Conqueror's power increases dramticly he enters Hyperactive mode than he enters Ultra Hyperactive mode along with Focussed Hyperactive Mode and his Mastered Hyperactive mode goes back to normal. He yells out in pain as his body goes into the four modes. John yells out "Stop you are going to destroy yourself and the Earth that is too much power for you!" The Conqueror says through the pain "I WILL END YOUR LIFE!" John calls out "Your insane!" John says to himself "I have to stop him before it's too late" John goes to full power once again and gathers his power into a full all out Energy Cannon he launches this at The Conqueror. Two seconds before the Energy Cannon reaches the Conqueror his power stops increaseing one second later his eyes open up and he spots the Energy Cannon coming at him. He lets it get closer and one nano second before it can make contact he evades it with ease. A twenty foot hole is made in the Earth from the Energy Cannon after the dust clears John sees The Conqueror and is surprised that he was able to endure that power. John goes for a second attack but is hit by The Conqueror.

The Legacy of John book five The ConquerorWhere stories live. Discover now