page 29 The Conqueror vs John part 4

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The Conqueror looks at John and says "I remember you boy you humilated me I will destroy you!" John says "That was over sixteen years ago let it go already" John is hit in the gut he never saw it coming. John enters both Hyperactive mode and Ultra Hyperactive mode in his normal mode his Darkness mode and Light mode all at once reaching a level of power that surpassed anything he had previously he attacks. John hits the Conqueror but is hit by the Conqueror at the same time. They look at each other and John says "Looks like we are evenly matched Conqueror this should be very fun" The Conqueror says "Go down and obey your master you worthless human I am your new master I own you and the Earth now!" John says "Not going to happen you'll have to kill me first and I won't let that happen" The Conqueror says "You will just have to die than prepare for death" John says "You aren't strong enough to kill me" The Conqueror says "You don't stand a chance of surviveing not anymore!" The Conqueror hits John with an Energy attack and John hits him with an Energy attack as well. The two of them go crazy trying to win half of the city is destroyed as a result of their battle. John launches a full power Energy Cannon and the Conqueror also launches a Full power Energy cannon. Their Energy cannons become unstable and blow up making a massive creater. However John and The Conqueror continue to battle it out. The Conqueror grabs John by the face and slams him into the ground than launches a Full power Energy Cannon at John.

The Legacy of John book five The ConquerorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ