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Max takes advantage of this opening to beat the crap out of Danny than defeating him with a finishing right hook. Danny is taken to jail. The mysterious person watched the entire fight and watches Danny get taken away by the police. They leave unnoticed. A few weeks later a diffrent scientist has built a machine capable of allowing someone to control fire at will amd become immune to fire and heat. They test the machine on a girl named Tiffany it is going perfectly until the scientist is stabbed in the back with a Dark Energy Blade and murdered. The killer sets the machine to full power and enjoys the show. Tiffany screams begs the doctor to turn the machine off but it stays on until the machine's power runs out. Tiffany melts through the walls and escapes to the outside she is in Los Angeles and gets assulted by gangsters. However she melts them wuth Lava she walks away until she is hit with Lightning by Lucy who says "Stop what you are doing now and come with me I can get you the help you need" Tiffany throws a Fireball at Lucy who evades it and hits her with a ball of Lightning. Tiffany is angry now and her body's heat goes up and the ground begins to melt under her feet. She charges at Lucy who goes to her full power and battles Tiffany before beating her with an all out Lightning Energy attack. The police take Tiffany to jail. The murderor leaves unnoticed and satsified with Tiffany's battle with Lucy. One week later a man tests out his newest invention which is supposed to give someone power over ice they test it on a young man with nothing special about them.

The Legacy of John book five The ConquerorWhere stories live. Discover now