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John says "I will take you there tommorow but today spend it with Flare and pack enough stuff to last you a month get some sleep and I will wake you in the morning" Max says "Ok I will" Max and John return to the group John says "Lucy Doctor Joy you ready to go?" They say "Yes let's go home" The three of them return to their house and afterwards John leaves to talk to Alice. He says "He agreed to train with you but only for a month I will bring him here tommorow thanks for doing this for me" Alice says "No need to thank me after all you avenged Garara so this is the least I can do for you this and giving you the ring used to let yourself ftay in our world I am greatful to you" John says "No I am greatful to you for giving me the ring training me and training Max I am not deserveing of such kindness so thank you Alice" Alice says "No you deserve more kindness after everything you did you are a hero I am just showing my appreaction for everything you did" John says "Thank you Alice I will return with Max tommorow take care" John leave Alice says "I will take good care of Max for you John see you tommorow" John returns home where he is hugged by Lucy. She says "Where do you keep going all the time? Are you hiding something from me John?" John says "Nice to see you to no I am not hiding anything from you I just went to speak with a friend of mine" Lucy says "Is it a girl? Are you cheating behind our backs John?"

The Legacy of John book five The ConquerorWhere stories live. Discover now