page 32 John vs The Conqueror part 7

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John returned to his other power to normal and gets lucky for he does it right before The Conqueror even attacks. However that only reduced the impact John is sent through a house and all of his bones are broken. This was a fatal attack but John says "I guess I have to do it" John enters Focussed Hyperactive Mode in his normal mode than he does this for both his Light and Dark sides power. After doing this John charges at The Conqueror and launches an Energy attack at him. The Conqueror evades it without having to try John goes insane with his attack launching Energy Attacks nonstop in rapid fire. However the Conqueror doesn't even need to try to evade them because they are far too slow. The Conqueror hits John in the gut defeating him. The Conqueror says "You are a fool why fight me knowing you could never land a single hit on me?" John grabs the Conqueror's fist and says "Got you now!" From behind John launches a fully powered Energy Cannon at The Conqueror who says "I will let you have this one hit" The Conqueror takes the attack's full damage and after the dust clears John sees that his attack did nothing to The Conqueror. John is speechless he enters One Man Army mode and gathers all of his body's power and unleashes it than he activates his Never Give Up mode and attacks The Conqueror head on. The Conqueror evades every last one of John's attacks and than grabs John by the face and smashes his face into the ground and than launches an Energy attack at him. John is nearly killed. The Conqueror goes for the kill shot. 

The Legacy of John book five The ConquerorWhere stories live. Discover now