page 31 The Conqueror vs John part 6

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John is fatally wounded he was only punched in the arm lightly but the damage is fatal. John cries out in pain as he falls to his knees The Conqueror says "You don't stand a chance against me anymore just give up and you will stay alive" John says "Never I will never give up I will fight till the end" John activates the One Man army mode increaseing his power dramticly he launches an Energy attack at The Conqueror a few inches away. The Conqueror evades this attack without much of a challenge and smiles at John who goes for a second Energy attack a third one Energy attack after Energy attack. The Conqueror evades all of them without a single one ever touching him. John goes for a punch with his good arm his fist is caught by The Conqueror who says "Not going to be that easy for you to hit me" John goes for a round house kick but it doesnt connect. The Conqueror breaks John's arm with a poke to the arm with his free hand. This was fatal damage  thanks to the Conqueror being in all four Hyperactive modes. The Conqueror lets go of John's hand John screams out in pain he is defeated but won't give up. He gathers all of his power and puts everything into his speed and attacks The Conqueror he tries to hit him but even with all of his speed John doesn't even come close to hitting him. The Conqueror wasen't even trying to evade the attacks for they were far from fast enough to hit him they were basiclly slow motion to him. The Conqueror gets bored with John and hits him with his glare.

The Legacy of John book five The ConquerorWhere stories live. Discover now