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Alice says "Come with me I have to see how strong you are so I know where to begin your training" Max follows Alice to a training room she sets up some robots and have them attack Max he says "I got this no problem" Max goes all out agaisnt the robots he bearly manages to defeat them all. Alice says "You made it to level two bearly so I guess we need to start with level one training and work our way up" Max says "How many levels are there?" Alice says "Honestly I don't know no ones ever made it that far before so lets begin your training" Max says "Thank you for decideing to train me" Alice says "No problem let's begin the real training" Back to John he arrives at his house and is making something to eat when he hears "What's for breakfast John?" John says "Pancakes want some Lucy?" Lucy says "Yes please John" John says "Right away" So John spends the month with Lucy Emily protecting Flare watching out for threats to the Earth and checking on Max's training from time to time. On the last day John goes to check up on Max to see how his training went. Max is battleing the robots with ease until he hits level one hundred and begins to struggle against the robots. However he is able to last until level one hundred forty one. Alice says "What an improvement don't you agree John?" John says "I fully agree Alice so Max now that you have imorived this much do you think you might want to train some more and get even stronger?" Max says "I would but I told Flare that I would be gone for a month if I stay any longer she will kill me so no!"

The Legacy of John book five The ConquerorWhere stories live. Discover now