page 33 Omega Broly enters the fight

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However stops a few inches away from hitting John with an Energy Cannon causeing the Energy cannon to hit the creater instead. The Conqueror begins to scream out in pain as his power becomes unstable he is than left powerless and defenseless. However right before his power is gone he activates one of his abillites. John takes advantage of this and launches an Energy Cannon at The Conqueror. It is slapped away by the Conqueror's Skeleton. By using that abillity The Conqueror summoned a Skeleton version of himself to fight for him. John says "You are nothing to me!" The Conqueror's Skeletion enters Hyperactive Mode Ultra Hyperactive Mode Focussed Hyperactive mode and Mastered Hyperactive Mode than it attacks. John is turned into a human punching bag but than an Energy attack seperates John and the Conqueror's Skeleton. John looks to his right and is surprised by what he sees. John says "Omega Broly? What are you doing here?" Omega Broly says "I am here to battle The Conqueror now as for you stay out of my way" Omega Broly appears besides John and knocks him out and says "Get some rest I got this" Omega Broly turns towards The Conqueror's Skeleton and attacks. The Conqueror's Skeleton evades the attack like it is nothing and hits Omega Broly with an Energy attack to the gut. Omega Broly falls to his knees in pain he says "Now that was a good hit but I can do even better" Omega Broly jumps to his full power and goes for an Energy attack but is punched in the face. Omega Broly's power is gone but he smiles and says "That was nice but let me show you what death did for me!"

The Legacy of John book five The ConquerorWhere stories live. Discover now