page 17 The Conqueror

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 Two seconds later the prison door is knocked down by the prisoner inside. The prisoner walks out of their prison cell with a grin on their face. The cop says "Give it up Conqueror you are surrounded!" The Conqueror grins and says "Make me officer" The cops attack the Conqueror who sends them all flying and releases an intense Fire an intense Ice Storm and an intense Lightning storm attack. Danny is back to full power Tiffany is back to full power Mr Freeze is back to full power as well. Most of the cops are knocked out the remaining cops call for back up but it's too late because The Conqueror knocks them out aswell. He than looks at Danny Manny God Mr Freeze and Tiffany and says "Are you coming or are you staying here instead make your choice now" Danny Tiffany Mr Freeze Manny and God look at each other than back at the Conqueror and says "Going" The Conqueror says "Good I just need to get my stuff first" Danny says "What stuff?" The Conqueror says "My hunting gear" The Conqueror gets his hunting gear defeating anyone that gets in his way. He puts on a necklace and straps a black box onto his back he burns a hole into the prison where he leads everyone through he takes something out of the black box a button which he pushes than returns it inside of the box. He leads them to the center of the planet and says "Wait here our ride's on it's way now" Danny says "What ride?" The Conqueror says "My ship is my ride and will take us to freedom" A group of cops run after them and try to take them back to the prison but they are all defeated with a Ball of Lightning by the Conqueror.

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