"What is it?" Luke groans.

"I just feel like you want something with me so you have a careless hookup," I tell him. "You'd like to call it a relationship so it makes me feel better." He's looking for the right words which he isn't able to find.

"Jesus lady," he groans. "Isn't it clear that I like you?" With an easy move, I sit on his lap. "Because I do, and I'm not kidding."

"How can I possibly believe you when you're one call away from a hookup." I sigh. "You've done that before," a small smirk is appearing on his face, an annoying smirk.

"So, you like me as well?" He brings his hand to my hair and tucks a piece behind my ear. "I don't let people stay over and I definitely don't fuck people for a second time." He says softly. "Besides, no girl has ever seen this apartment more than once, but you." I smile slightly. "Just give me a chance, give us a chance."

"What happens if I say no?"

"I'll convince you better." He says shrugging.

"You want commitment?" I ask him. He groans annoyed and lets his head fall back. He apparently does want it, but he doesn't want to admit to that. "I can't hear you." He looks back at me, rolling his eyes dramatically. "Fine, if you're being childish, so will I." I get off of his lap and grab my bag from the table.

"Jesus, lady, come back." He says. I walk towards the door and grab the handle. "Eloise-Anne Hood." A shiver runs down my spine. I hate it when people say my full name, I've always hated it that Luke uses my full first name.

"What?" I ask whining, turning around.

"Come back here."

"Give me a good reason."

"I want you here with me." He says. "I want to be with my girlfriend." I feel my cheeks turn red. Did he really just say that? "Please," he says. I inhale deeply and walk back to him.

"I'm your girlfriend?" I ask him. He stands up from the couch and looks at me. He nods and brings his hands to my face. He leans in and kisses my lips shortly.

"I just want to keep this between us for now, okay?" I nod immediately. Everybody but Tammy would kill me. Suddenly the door jingles, it's getting unlocked. "Fuck, the guys were coming over, hide in my room." He hisses. I grab my bag and run into the bedroom. Once I'm in there I lock the door and let myself fall on the bed. My phone buzzes and I grab it.

From: troy bolton
you good in there?
you can take a nap if you want. if you wanna leave it's fine as well. i understand it's not ideal.

To: troy bolton
it smells like shit in here.

From: troy bolton
suffer <3

I chuckle and look around his room. What the fuck is that smell? I know I can't start the whole cleaning thing, because I'll definitely make noise doing that. Softly, I lay down on his bed and stare at the ceiling. I can hear the lower voices of the guys in the living room. My ex, my best friend, my brother and I suppose my boyfriend.

It's a small world.

I grab his laptop and see how it's still logged in. I go to internet and start Netflix up. Maybe I can catch up on some new shows. I open my bag as well to grab the earphones I brought with me. I plug it into the laptop and lay down on his bed, hugging the pillow. This time it smells nice. He has a really good cologne.

It has maybe been three hours later and I'm currently watching a third movie. I yawn and take off the bra I have on. It is just poking and not holding a damn thing right now. I bite my lip as I see a sweater on the chair. I pause the movie and grab the sweater. I put it on and lay back down. I opened a window and the smell is nearly gone, but it's just cold right now. As I lay down again, I continue the movie and plug my earphones back in.

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