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Chapter 23: 
"We're pretty vanilla"


I must admit that after the beach day, I've been very lost in my own thoughts. Luke always has his criticism of me, that's nothing new. Even about the relationship I'm in, even that's normal. But the fact that Tammy also started about it, did make me question things. I don't even know what they meant by vanilla. Vanilla is just a flavor, right? 

Besides that, all the guys, apart from my brother, looked very good. They looked like they actually had fun and I'm happy Michael is bonding with guys for once. I can remember when he was younger he didn't get quite accepted for who he was. I was always there for him and I will always be. People didn't accept him, because according to them, Michael was too different. 

Those dumb fuckers.

Michael has never been different. He has always been special and people are just dickheads to not see it, to not appreciate it. I'm happy Tammy and the guys can see it. 

"El, are you okay?" I look up to see Michael. "You were a little zoned out there." I shrug my shoulders. He sits down next to me on my bed and looks at me, ordering me to tell him what's bothering me. 

"Just questioning things with Ashton," I mumble. "He's very sweet and caring and-"

"You miss a bit of spark, don't you?" 

"I think so," I sigh. "I love Ash, but how do I know what I truly want if he's the first person I've been with? I've also talked about it with Tammy and I just, I don't know what to do, Mike." I seem hopeless for an answer, desperate even. I really don't know if it is what I'm missing, but even Michael is saying it right now. I groan and let myself fall back on my bed. 

"El, this shouldn't be as complicated as you make it seem." He says. "Are you still happy with him?" I nod. "Do you still love him?" 

"Of course I do," I say, almost offended by the question. "It's just - I don't miss anything, but everybody is pointing out that I'm missing something." Michael hums in response, also a bit lost for words on what to tell me. "I wonder if Ashton misses something." 

"He is not," Michael tells me. "Yeah, he's been ranting about you a lot, how amazing you are." I chuckle and sit back up again. "You really got that man head over heels for you." 

"I really don't know why he is though." 

"Eloise, you know that damn well and I won't be explaining it to you," Michael says. "Don't let this get to your head so badly." He lays down on my bed and grabs my laptop. He opens his arm and I crawl in it immediately. "Let's just watch Stranger Things, we haven't done that since the fourth season aired. I really need to catch up." 

"Yeah, I need this." I smile at him and feel his hand running through my hair. The series starts playing on the screen and my gaze follows everything that happens on the screen. 


"El, can you bring this to table four? They've been waiting for ages." I grab the plate full of drinks and serve it to table four while I apologize for their long wait. It suddenly is crazy busy and I don't know why. This was a very calm spot and no one quite knew it existed, until now. I walk back to the counter and notice the long queue. I tie my hair up and Tamara instantly gives me a nudge, telling me not to do it. 

I walk up to the other cash register and take their orders. After the queue is finally gone, Tamara and I both start making drinks. Felicity walks up to us and hands everybody their drinks. 

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