SPECIAL: Best of Us

455 10 12

"You can become someone amazing! "

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(Editor's Note: Thank you to ilikebread123456789 for suggesting to make this chapter!)

    "I'm so done! I'm leaving this place!" a woman shouted as she threw down the rag she was holding and startled the workers around her.

    "Darling! What are you saying?" the woman's husband was immediately at her side. These two were both cleaning staff members at the Kamisato estate and had practically worked there for an entirety of their lives, they also had a young son who lived in the estate with them and since their parents had basically grown up together, their son, Ayato, and Ayaka played together often.

    "I'm sick and tired of being worked to the bone!" the woman continued, "I'm done and I'm leaving!"

   "Calm down! Think about this!" the man tried calming his wife down.

   "Kakaro, you know you can't just leave!" a cleaning worker exclaimed, coming over and attempting to help the man calm down the woman.

  "I'm sick of this, I'm so sick with this." Kakaro repeated over and over again, she then turned to her husband and said, "You get it, right Hirata?"

  "I can get why you're tired but if that's the case, then why don't you just ask Lord and Lady Kamisato for some time off?" Hirata asked.

  "Those people are slave drivers, we're just tools for them. Can't you people see?" Kakaro began to run her hands through her dirty blonde hair.

   At this point, the cleaning workers began whispering amongst themselves.

   "Slave drivers? "

    "I've never thought of it that way..."

    "Still though..."

     "Yeah... we can't just leave..."

   "Kakaro, think about what you're saying! This is all for our son's future!" Hirata exclaimed.

   "Why do you think I've put up with it for this long?!" Kakaro snapped and began to bury her face into her hands. "I'm done, I'm done, I can't handle this anymore..."

   Outside the hallway where this commotion was happening, Kakaro and Hirata's son was standing outside with Ayato beside him, a temari ball was in the son's hand and he dropped it.

  "Mommy? Daddy? What's wrong?" the son asked, his voice was small and nervous.

  "A-Abdiel!" Hirata exclaimed, "N-nothing's wrong! Keep playing with Lord Ayato, alright?"

   "Are you fighting because of me?" young Abdiel sounded like he was about to cry.

  "What? No! What gave you that impression?" Hirata went over to his son and knelt down, brushing Abdiel's brown hair out of his face, "It'll all be fine, okay?"

   "Are you sure...?" Abdiel hiccuped.

   "Positive, now Daddy's got to look after Mommy for a bit, okay? Can you keep on playing with Lord Ayato?" Hirata asked.

   "Okay!" Abdiel nodded.

   Hirata smiled and ruffled his son's hair, messing it up again.

   "It'll all be fine." Hirata repeated to his son again.

With You | Thoma x Ayaka | Genshin ImpactHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin