Before the Festival

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        Ayaka was feeling quite happy today. Lady Kamisato was to be discharged on that very day. Even Ayato could be seen smiling whenever she passed by him in the hallways. Ayaka felt as though she had been blessed as the festival was two days away. Tomorrow, her mother could enjoy her time around the house and then go off to her very first festival the day after.

         "Lady Ayaka, regarding this issue..." a servant who was in charge of reviewing all paperwork regarding the festivals before giving it to Ayaka.

        "Oh? The vendors aren't able to secure good locations?" Ayaka asked, skimming over the few paragraphs.

          "Yes, the one who in in charge of the plaques is especially annoyed as he does not have enough space to create a hanging area." the servant explained.

        "In that case, we can expand the festival area a bit more. You can tell them to expand as far as the village boundaries." Ayaka said.

         "As you wish, Lady Ayaka." the servant said and walked away.

           It was only a matter of minutes before another servant came running up to her.

         "I'm terribly sorry to disturb you Lady Ayaka but the person in charge of the lanterns would like to know which color palette would best suit the festival." the servant explained, they held up a sheet of paper where multiple lanterns were drawn and colored in with different shades of red, orange, and yellow.

          "I believe this one would best suit the atmosphere," Ayala replied, she pointed at a lantern that was colored with with a light shade of red, yellow, and orange. "However, maybe it would be best to talk to Yoimiya about that as she is also centring the fireworks color around the festival's theme."

         "Understood." the servant bowed and quickly ran off.

          "Lady Ayaka!" another servant ran up to her.

          "Yes? How may I help?"

          "Someone is wondering how long the festival will be running for."

            "For that matter, we are planning for it to last for two hours. Of course this is only a rough idea."

          "Thank you Lady Ayaka!"

            "Thank you for working so hard."

          Ayaka was never able to catch a break, servants continued running up to her and asking for either advice or for her to sign some forms. Ayaka soon decided to just sit in her office (which she hardly ever used) and stay in there.

           "Lady Ayaka," someone knocked on the door, "Yoimiya is here to see you."

            "Yoimiya? Please let her in." Ayaka replied, the door opened and Yoimiya happily ran in.

             "Lady Ayaka! The festival is right around the corner!" Yoimiya said excitedly.

             "Yes, I am looking forward to it," Ayaka smiled, "Please, take a seat."

              Yoimiya sat down in the zaisu, Ayaka looked over to the servant who let Yoimiya in and made the gesture that said, 'please bring tea and some snacks.' The servant quickly ran off, fetching what Ayaka had requested for.

             "I've always loved this room," Yoimiya said, "I've always talked to Lady Kamisto in here about the plans for the fireworks."

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