The Boyfriend (?!)

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   "Ayaka? Where are you?" called out a ten-year old Ayato into the busy streets of Narukami Island.

   "Ayato Lord! Don't worry! Ayaka couldn't have gone far!" said four-year old Abdiel who was slightly shorter than Ayato.

   "She doesn't even have an attendant yet!" Ayato cried and Abdiel patted him on the shoulder.

   Ayato continued to cry as Abdiel pulled him past the citizens of the island, searching for Ayato's five-year old sister.

   "I might as well start hanging up missing posters!" Ayato sobbed, "I'm going to hire the best artist to capture Ayaka's cuteness!"

   "Ayato Lord! Don't jump to conclusions!" Abdiel shrieked as Ayato began fishing his pockets for Mora.

  "It feels like yesterday she was holding my hand and would never let go..." said Ayato wistfully.

  "That was a few hours ago Ayato Lord!" Abdiel reminded.

   It was the very first time Ayato and Ayaka were allowed into the streets of Narukami Island without their parents (under the condition that Abdiel accompanied them) and within an hour of being out of the estate, Ayaka got lost.

   "Hm? Are you two lost?" a young man questioned with his wife by his side, both seemed to look calm but both Ayato and Abdiel could tell that they looked frantic.

   "Have you seen my sister?!" Ayato exclaimed and clutched the man's shirt as tears came spilling out of his eyes.

   "Oh! No! I'm sorry!" the man apologized, "Is she lost?"

   "Yes. I don't know where Ayaka is!" Abdiel nodded and pulled the sobbing Ayato away, this was the first time Abdiel had to act more composed than Ayato and Abdiel didn't know how to feel about that.

   "Is Ayaka her name?" asked the woman and when Abdiel and Ayato nodded, she then asked, "What does she look like?"

   "She has an adorable face, adorable eyes, and adorable hair tied into an adorable ponytail!" Ayato exclaimed.

   "She has a round face, light gray-blue eyes, and pale white-blue hair tied into a ponytail." Abdiel translated.

  "How old is she?" the man inquired.

  "Adorable!" Ayato replied.

  "Four." Abdiel translated.

  "Oh? The same age as my boy." the man laughed.

  "You have a child?" Ayato asked through the tears.

  "Ahaha, yes but... he's a bit lost right now." the man lost his calm composure and he began to run his fingers through his hair.

  "This is why I didn't want to bring Thoma to Inazuma, Kenji!" the woman exclaimed, "It's easy for him to get lost!"

  "Isa, Mondstadt is just as busy." the man named Kenji reminded.

  "His... name is Thoma?" Ayato wiped his tears away.

  "Oh, yes, it's not a name native to Inazuma though." Kenji replied.

  "If he's lost, then we can help look for him and Ayaka." Abdiel pitched up.

  "Really? Thank you so much!" Kenji exclaimed.

  "What does he look like?" Ayato inquired, finally regaining his composure.

  "Orange hair and green eyes, he should be easy to spot." Kenji explained, "I just hope he isn't in any danger."

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