Should I Fall

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       Ayaka, Kazari, and Thoma were all visiting Lady Kamisato, they had brought more food and more changes of clothing with them. It had now been a wekk since Lady Kamisato was hospitalized and she was looking noticeably better.

        Now, Lady Kamisato was sitting upright and she was able to hold longer conversations. In fact, even Lord Kamisato was looking much better compared to before. Ayaka's father now looked well-rested and his hair was once again tidy.

         "Thank you all for visiting me." Lady Kamisato thanked.

           "Mother, I am just glad that you are alright." Ayaka assured.

         "I am glad to see that you are feeling much better Lady Kamisato." Thoma said.

          "The entire household is looking much calmer now that they know you are feeling better," Kazari added, "Many send you their prayers for your good health to continue."

          "Kaho, do you feel thirsty?" Lord Kamisato asked.

           "Yes... now that you mention it." Lady Kamisato admitted, "When I come back, I will have to make sure to thank everyone and apologize for worrying them."

             Kazari grabbed a Dango Milk from the basket of food that the kitchen staff gave them and poured some out into a glass, handing it over to Ayaka's mother.

            "Thank you Kazari, I am glad Ayaka has someone like you by her side." Lady Kamisato smiled.

          "It is my utmost pleasure to serve the Young Lady." Kazari bowed, flustered at the compliment.

           "Thoma, has working at the household been as you had hoped it would be?"

           "Yes, it goes far beyond my expectations." Thoma replied, bowing his head.

            "I see, hearing that allows me to rest a little easier," Ayaka's mother breathed a small sigh of relief, "Please continue looking after my daughter, she can be a bit of a handful sometimes."

            "Not at all, working for the Young Lady has been a great experience."

            "Ayaka, you have surrounded yourself with great and kind people, I am truly happy for you." Lady Kamisato said, directing her attention towards her daughter.

            "Thank you Mother, I am glad that you are among those people," Ayaka replied, "Mother, do you feel tired at all?"

            "A bit, however, it is much better than before." Lady Kamisato had leaned back, her eyes were getting droopy and it was clear that she was slowly getting more tired.

            "If you wish to rest Mother, we can leave." Ayaka offered.

            "No, no, I still have much to say." Ayaka's mother said.

            "Kaho, I can leave the room with Ayaka's attendants and allow you to speak with Ayaka in private." Lord Kamisato said and left the room, having Kazari and Thoma follow. It was clear that Kazari was doing everything she could to point out that Thoma was an assistant, not an attendant.

             Ayaka was left alone with her mother. For some reason, Ayaka was fearing what her mother would say.

            "Mother," Ayaka started, "A festival is approaching in two weeks, would you like to go?"

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