Chit-Chat and Boats

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       "Lady Ayaka, there's visitor here to see you." Thoma said, knocking on Ayaka's door.

      "Oh? Who is it?" Ayaka asked.

         "Ugh," Thoma groaned, judging by the irritation  in this voice it was obvious who it was, "Yoimiya."

       "Please let her in!" Ayaka said cheerfully.

       Thoma reluctantly opened the door and Ayaka saw him wearing a grumpy face, Yoimiya quickly ran in with her usual energetic eyes.

       "Lady Ayaka!" Yoimiya exclaimed, "First, my complete condolences with Lady Kamisato-"

       "Thank you." Ayaka said.

        "-and second, did you get to see the fireworks?"

       "Yes, they looked absolutely beautiful." Ayaka smiled.

         "Young Lady, should I make some tea and serve you and Yoimiya some snacks?" Thoma asked through a forced smile.

      "Please do," Ayaka smiled but before Thoma leaves, Ayaka says, "Thoma, please do not make such a strained expression, it does not suit you."

         "If you say so Young Lady!" Thoma's face brightened immediately.

          Thoma ran out and Yoimiya said, "Thoma acts almost like a newborn puppy!"

          "Does he?" Ayaka giggled.

           "But Ayaka-" Yoimiya used her name once she saw that no one was around, "- how are things going after your mother..."

           "I think I'm fine," Ayaka smiled sadly, "It took a while but I have two great attendants and two amazing friends."

           "Why did Thoma appear two times on that list?" Yoimiya asked, "Wait, did Thoma officially get promoted to attendant yet?"

          "No," Ayaka shook her head, "Kazari still refuses to accept it but I feel as though Thoma is my attendant. He has done many things for me after all."

         "Grr, I'm going to get jealous real soon." Yoimiya pouted, "But then again, I'm just glad you're okay. "

         Thoma chose that very moment to knock on the door, then saying, "I've arrived with the teas and snacks Young Lady!"

          "Thank you Thoma! You may come in!" Ayaka called back.

           Upon opening the door, Thoma wore a smug smile on his face. He had definitely heard the last bit of the conversation.

             "Just a simple green tea with these little cakes that I decided to make." Thoma said, setting down the tray.

              "Thank you." Ayaka smiled.

               "No problem Young Lady! Oh, but one of the green teas is a bit more bitter than the other so be careful!" Thoma warned.

             By, 'be careful,' he meant, 'Yoimiya, you take it.'

               Yoimiya and Ayaka grabbed one of the cups and Ayaka drank it with no hesitation as she  was perfectly fine with getting bitter tea. Yoimiya on the other hand first sniffed the tea, pressed the warm cup on her cheek as if it would make any difference and then finally chugged it.

              The look on her face showed that she had gotten the bitter tea.

              "Bleh." Yoimiya looked as though she had just eaten a lemon.

With You | Thoma x Ayaka | Genshin ImpactNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ