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       "Father, you wished to talk to me?" Ayaka asked.

       "Correct, I hear you have chosen the heir to the Tenryou Commission?" Lord Kamisato asked.

        "Yes, I believed that marrying him would've been a good chance to make a bond with them." Ayaka nodded, she felt sick to her stomach every time she gave that reason, it made her sound heartless and manipulating. As if she didn't care for Akio himself... but it was true, Ayaka didn't like nor care for him at all.

       "Indeed... the Tenryou Commission... While I would've preferred that you had chosen the man from the Kujou Clan, he works just fine." Lord Kamisato noted.

      Ayaka nodded and shifted slightly. Suddenly, Lord Kamisato started to cough violently. Each one getting louder.

      "F-Father!" Ayaka exclaimed, rushing over to her father's side.

      "S-st-stay there!" Lord Kamisato ordered through his vicious coughs, Liya poured Lord Kamisato some warm tea while Azazel prepared his lord's medicine.

      "How long as this been going on for?" Ayaka demanded, looking at her father's two attendants.

      Azazel looked at Liya who preoccupied herself by hitting Lord Kamisato's back lightly to help the coughs come out.

      "For two months Lady Ayaka." Azazel informed.

     "Two months?! Was Mother aware of this?" Ayaka questioned and no one answered.

      "Please understand Lady Ayaka," Liya said, "He didn't want to worry Lady Kamisato."

       Ayaka couldn't believe it, her father started to hack out blood and his voice became more and more hoarse, each cough seemed to take a toll on his throat. Not being able to handle it anymore. Ayaka quickly ran out of her father's office, scared of seeing the Lord Kamisato in such a state.

      Continuing to run through the halls, Ayaka bumped into Thoma, both blushed upon seeing the other.

     "Y-Young Lady? What's wrong?" Thoma asked upon seeing Ayaka's sad and beaten expression.

     "My fa-father," Ayaka managed to say, "He just started coughing all of a sudden, blood started to come out!"

      "What? Is he okay?" Thoma questioned.

     "I-I don't know," Ayaka shook her head, "Will he die Thoma? Do you think he will?"

     "You're jumping to conclusions Young Lady, I'm sure he'll be fine! Tons of people cough... and spit out blood! He might've just done something that upset his throat." Thoma assured.

      "Mr. Azazel told me that he's been like that for two months!" Ayaka replied.

      "Surely he's gone to see a doctor!"

       "I'm not sure, he could've..." Ayaka slowly calmed down.

       "Yeah, don't worry Young Lady, everything will be fine." Thoma reassured.

       "Well, whatever the case... if his time is truly up, then there's no way this arranged marriage can wait. I will ask for him to go to a doctor, depending on the doctor's answer... I may need to get married even earlier." Ayaka said, this seemed to be the real bad news.

      "But Young Lady-" Thoma stopped, he realized something. Despite everything that happened, Ayaka still cared about her father. It didn't matter that he had slapped her or forced her into this arranged marriage. Ayaka still cared and was worried.

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