The Harsh Winds

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     'In the end, the treasure of life is missed by those who hold on and gained by those who let go.'

- Lao Tzu


   "Mom?" Thoma asked, his voice was breathless and both Thoma's eyes and mouth were wide. All memories of him spending all of his days outside on the streets on Mondstadt came back to Thoma and he started to vibrate.

    "Thoma?" his mother repeated in a weathered voice.

    Ayaka looked back and forth between Thoma and his mother, he had gotten his green eyes from her but other than that, they looked nothing alike.

   "You are...?" Thoma's mother looked at Ayaka with those hazel green eyes.

    "Ayaka, Ayaka Kamisato," respectfully, Ayaka bowed her head. "What should I call you?"

    "...Isa," the woman seemed hesitant to just give out her name.

    "Then Mrs. Isa, here, let me pick up your things." Ayaka bent down and picked up Mrs. Isa's dropped bag of groceries. Inside were various things like seagrass, carrots and then two things that Ayaka couldn't believe were in Mondstadt, tofu and miso.

    "... Thoma, where have you been?" Isa demanded, her frail voice grew louder and drew attention to people were who passing by, all of which began whispering.

    "Thoma? "

    "He's back? "

   "Poor boy... Isa never got better..."

    Those were the repeated whispers that Ayaka kept on hearing. Even in hushed voices, Ayaka could hear the concern for Thoma and wary tones about Isa.

   "Alright, alright! I know some bards play really good music but this is a whole lotta traffic!" Amber's voice could be heard from the back of the crowd, "Come on! At least move off to the sides!"

   Everyone split off and when Amber saw Thoma and Isa, she covered her mouth in both shock and pity. Amber had to take a few steps back and had to quickly find her voice.

   "I-Isa! Are you doing your daily grocery trips?" Amber asked in what seemed to be a trying-to-be-friendly voice.

    Amber shot a look to Thoma and then gave a pleading face to Ayaka.

   "Thoma... come on, come on home!" Isa said in a cracking voice, "I promise to be b-better, I-I won't lock your room door an-anymore!"

    Ayaka's eyes widened and she then thought back to all of the times that Thoma had slept over in her room. Every night, Thoma made sure to leave the window open before going to bed and always kept the door slightly opened. Up until now, it had never made sense.

    "Y-you don't ne-need to sneak out of your wi-window anymore." Isa seemed like she was trying to make a promise but her entire body was shaking she lost her grip on her bag, dropping it again.

    "Isa!" Amber exclaimed and quickly scooped up the bag.

    "Y-Young Lady," Thoma reached for Ayaka's hand, "W-we should leave."

    Thoma immediately pushed through the crowd and took off in the direction of Angel's Share.  Even though they were still a reasonable distance away from where the two of them had ran off, Ayaka could still hear Isa crying.

    "C-come back! Thoma!" Ayaka closed her eyes and tried to block the noise, Isa's cries were something she would never forget.


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