A Gentle Breeze

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      It was their last day in Mondstadt. After yesterday's little incident, Thoma and Ayaka decided to not move around too much and stayed very close to Angel's Share. But nevertheless, their last day in Mondstadt was still fun and enjoyable, especially with so may of Thoma's old friends stopping by.

    "Did you manage to get away from your mom?" Bennett had asked when he came over.

     "Um... yeah." Thoma lied and immediately, Bennett breathed a sigh of relief.

     "Whew! I was scared that my bad luck would've made it so your mom found you!" Bennett exclaimed, "Actually, I better go. I don't want to jinx you guys yet!"

    Bennett waved good bye and ran off, their next visitor was Amber who seemed completely frantic.

   "Oh thank archons you two are safe!" Amber shouted, "Isa has completely locked herself inside her house so I was scared that you guys were locked in!"

   "That's one big assumption." Thoma noted.

   "Thank you for your concern Amber," Ayaka smiled, "But we're fine. We are now."

    Ayaka moved closer to Thoma and the Outrider eyes them suspiciously. Then, her eyes widened and she started nodding her head.

    "Ooh! I see, I see," Amber bobbed her head up and down, "Haha, well, I should probably get going! Lisa told me that Jean has been working nonstop for two days and I think I'll help Lisa get Jean outside."

     Amber wore a cheeky grin and gave Thoma a thumbs-up as she slowly walked away, not taking her eyes off the two of them until they were out of view and even from far away, Ayaka could see the energetic Outrider wearing a grin from ear-to-ear.

     "Jean's been working for two days without rest?" Thoma asked.

     "She's the one who always talked to you when you were younger, right?" Ayaka asked.

     Thoma looked surprised.

     "Yes, she was," he replied, "How did you know Young Lady?"

     "Amb- someone told me." Ayaka admitted and fidgeted slightly. 

     Thoma's body posture relaxed slightly and he simply replied with, "Ah... I see. Well, yes, she did look after me as a child so I do feel indebted to her in some way."

    Ayaka nodded, she had never seen this 'Jean' person before but from what she has heard about her, Jean sounded like the kind of person who was kind and hardworking but worked herself too hard.

    "Then, do you want to see her?" Ayaka offered.

    "Eh? Really?" Thoma's face perked up, he looked as though he had been thinking about that idea or a while but never wanted to bring it up.


    "Are you sure Young Lady?" Thoma asked again, "I mean... we'll be straying away from Angel's Share."

    "Thoma, if that's what you're worried about then the question should be if you're going to truly be alright." Ayaka pointed out.

    "Oh! I suppose that's true," Thoma laughed, "Well, I'm fine with it."

    "Then... should we bring something over as a gift?" Ayaka suggested, "Was there something Miss Jean liked a lot?"

    "Hm..." Thoma thought about it for a while and then clapped his hands together in realization, "I think she liked the pizza at Cat's Tail!"

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