Ending the Dream

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       "Love your own life and the people will be uplifted."

        - Lao Tzu


     Kazari's morning starts early, she wakes up at 5:30 AM along with the rest of the other housekeepers and then gets changed into the Kamisato housekeeper kimono. There were only a few housekeepers who actually wore this and many just wore whatever they were comfortable cleaning and doing household chores in, the Kamisato clan wasn't too lenient with having to wear the kimono.

     After getting changed, Kazari first went out into the back garden where a stone tombstone for both Lady and Lord Kamisato was placed and if the flowers were wilted, Kazari would have to tell someone to go out and buy some more. Then, Kazari would just sit down, clap her hands together and just pray.

     "Please keep your daughter and son happy," Kazari mumbled, it was the same thing that she had been praying to them ever since both parents passed away, "Please make sure Young Lady stays safe and wears a smile even when I'm gone."

     Once that was done, Kazari's first chore was to clean the inside of the Kamisato estate which would then get a thorough inspection from the head of housekeepers. That usually took up most of Kazari's morning. What typically happened after that would be that she would then meet up with Thoma and go to wake Ayaka up at 7:00 AM. 

    While Kazari got Ayaka changed, Thoma would read aloud her schedule (a new addition after Ayaka said that Thoma didn't need to be locked out of the room anymore) and then they would get on with their day. Ayaka would go work in her office for an hour and then eat breakfast in the dining room, ever since Ayato became the head of the clan, Ayaka had been eating by herself.

     But that morning, Kazari had found Thoma and Ayaka fast asleep right next to each other in Ayaka's office and decided to leave them be as both looked happy and didn't try to embarrass either of them by waking both up.

    Then, the housekeepers would eat their breakfast, they would all be given a sandwich to eat (a gift from the kitchen) while working. During the late morning, Kazari's chores consisted of sweeping outside and doing another quick clean up of the house which would then be followed with having to clean the Kamisato clan's baths while housekeepers cleaned their baths, only attendants were allowed to clean the baths that the Kamisato siblings used so that meant Kazari and Sharar always cleaned Ayaka's bath together while Abdiel and Thoma washed up Ayato's.

     When that was finished, Kazari would go outside to trim the garden bushes and hedges while others watered the flowers, and then used the broom to sweep everything away. By now, it was noon and she would be given something like an Onigiri to eat for lunch.

     On a normal schedule, she would then go to the laundry room and wash or dry the clothes but due to Ella leaving, Kazari now had her break to catch up on any sleep. When she woke up, it would be around two hours after lunch and she now had to help dry the washed clothes and either hand them off to someone to hang them out to dry or go outside to hang them up herself.

   Today, Kazari did both, she handed Abdiel Ayato's washed clothes while she took Ayaka's and Sharar took all of the dirty towels and housekeeper's dirty clothing.

   "So... when are you going to be leaving?" Sharar asked.

   "I don't know yet," Kazari replied, "But I think I'm going to be leaving very soon."

    Sharar stayed quiet for a while, she was hanging a towel while Kazari was drying one of Ayaka's skirts.

   "Everyone's going to miss you," said Sharar, "I know you promised your dad and all but..."

With You | Thoma x Ayaka | Genshin ImpactNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ